(SMALL SIZE.) This also does for a boy from 12 to 14. Pins, No. 15. Grey or brown best Scotch fingering-yarn, as bought at Haig & Vince’s, 209 Oxford Street, 6s. per lb. 1 lb. makes 4 pairs, leaving some over; 2 lbs. make 9 pairs of socks. Cast on 80. One plain round; make the first stitch the seam-stitch. Knit in ribs of 1 plain, 1 pearl, for 2½ inches. This is for the top part. Now begin to rib in threes; 3 plain stitches, 1 pearl. Continue thus for 8 inches, and then divide for the heel by taking 20 stitches on each side of the seam-stitch. Knit these 21 backwards and forwards, remembering to keep the seam-stitch and ribs even: you must, in coming back, of course pearl 3 and knit 1. When 3 inches or 34 rows are done you discontinue ribbing, and turn the heel as on page 11. Pick up 18 stitches from the side, and knit the sole plain, but continue the 10 ribs on the 2 front pins. When 2 rounds are done, decrease every round until you have only 70 stitches; then knit until the foot is 7½ inches long. You now discontinue ribbing. Do 8 rounds plain, and then decrease for the toe as on page 12. This takes up 2 more inches, and your sock ought now to be 10 inches long. Cast off and sew up. |