Gentleman's Muffatee.


1 oz. brown best Scotch fingering-yarn, price 5½d.

Cast on 70 stitches, 1 row plain; 2nd row, 2 plain, 2 pearl. Repeat for about an inch. Then 4½ inches of plain knitting. Another inch to match the bottom part, of 2 plain and 2 pearl alternately; remembering, of course, to make the plain stitches in one row, the pearled ones in the next. Cast off, and take care not to cast off too tightly, as this part goes over the hand. Sew up, leaving about four inches unsewn for the thumb. Join the wool at the lower part of the thumb, nearest the wrist; pick up 2 stitches; with your second needle turn and pearl off these 2 together. Now you have 1 stitch upon your needle; knit this stitch and pick up 1 from the side; turn and pearl these two; pick up another from the other side. Continue to pick up these side-stitches, but every 3 rows you must knit (or pearl) 2 together until you have decreased 8 stitches. You will now find it more convenient to have the knitting on 2 pins. Continue knitting and pearling until you have picked up nearly all the side-stitches. These few remaining stitches, about 8 (4 on either side), take up on a third needle, and knit 3 plain rounds.

Fourth round—pearl 2, plain 2. Repeat 9 times and cast off.


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