Pins, No. 15, and 11 skeins of best Scotch fingering-yarn. This is the largest size, suitable for a gentleman of six feet in height. Cast on 112, 37 on two pins and 38 on the third pin. Rib for about an inch by doing 1 plain and 1 pearl, remembering to have the first stitch on the first needle as the seam-stitch. You make this, by working it plain in 2 successive rounds and pearling it in the next. Then do plain knitting for 5 inches. You now begin to rib as follows:—Knit or pearl the seam-stitch, knit 3 and pearl 1. Continue to knit 3 and pearl 1 every row until 12½ inches are done. Then begin to decrease every 8 rows. You decrease on the right-hand side of the seam-stitch by slipping a stitch, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over. Work the seam-stitch and knit 2 together. If the stitch to be slipped happens to be a pearl stitch, you must not slip it but merely pearl two together on both sides. You will thus decrease 16 stitches, and now 16½ inches ought to be done. Then knit 5 more inches. You ought now to have 94 stitches for the ankle and divide for the heel. Proceed for this as on page 11; but as this is a large size, you must make the flap 3½ long, always slipping the first stitch. When you have turned the heel you must take up 21 stitches, and decrease for the instep at first |