General Remarks on Socks and Stockings.


For a lady’s stocking it is best to decrease once and increase three times for the calf of the leg. For a gentleman’s this is unnecessary. Most of these directions are for ribbed stockings, as they fit so much better; but if preferred plain, of course the same number of stitches is required.

You must always remember in ribbed stockings to carry on the ribs and seam-stitches all down the back of the heel, until you begin to round it. The ribs on the front of the foot must be continued straight on, until within an inch of the decreasing for the toe.

The seam-stitch is made by knitting a certain stitch in two rounds and pearling it in the third.

Before decreasing for the instep, do two or three plain rounds and then begin.

The ‘flap,’ or heel before it is rounded, ought to be three inches, or even more, as a long heel wears better. It also makes it much stronger to knit it double with Angola wool, of the same colour as the knitting; it can be bought at any linen-draper’s on wooden reels for 2d. One reel does a pair.

Except for young boys, socks fit quite well without being decreased at all for the ankle; therefore I only give one pattern on the decreasing principle.

With silk stockings the size of pins is important.


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