1 oz. white and 1 oz. scarlet, 1 skein black, 1 skein yellow Berlin wool; 4 pins, No. 17. Cast on 20 on 2 needles, and 23 on the 3rd. Knit 2 inches in ribs of 3 plain, 3 pearl. Join the scarlet, knit 1 plain inch. Go on with the white and knit 2 inches, ribbed, 3 and 3. Take a wool-needle, and with black wool make 2 little lengthway stitches on the plain stitches of the ribbed part. Then make a yellow stitch between the black, to imitate ermine spots. Now double back the plain knitting and hem it in a neat fold. Any other colour may be substituted for scarlet. A bright blue is pretty. |