Antimacassar 35
Persian 36
Lattice Pattern 52
Arrow Pattern in Stripes 49
Baby’s Boot, very pretty 20
very easy pattern 24
Berceaunette Cover 38
Quilt, very pretty 39
Jacket 59
Hood 62
Bodice 57
Brioche Knitting 55
Cable Knitting 49
Canadian Cloud 47
Carriage Rug 36
Comforters, to cost 2s. 25
Couvrette, or Couvre-pied 35
Double Knitting 24
with Four Pins 25
Explanations 9
Fancy Stitches 53
Fringe in Cotton 40
Wool 41
Gaiter 60
General Remarks 10
Gentleman’s Waistcoat, medium size 27
Waistcoat, larger or smaller 27
Hearth-Rug 39
Heel of a Stocking or Sock 11
Knee Cap 62
Lattice Pattern 52
Loop Knitting 40
Muffatee, Ermine 28
Lady’s 28
Gentleman’s, with Thumb 28
Night or Carriage Sock 26
Pence Jug, Etruscan shape 32
long shape 33
on two pins 34


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