Cable Knitting.


This is very pretty, either for the tops of babies’ boots or stockings in fine wool, or for couvrettes, quilts, &c. in coarser.

It takes 8 stitches for the pattern. Cast on as many as you require for the width of the knitting, and do 1 row plain.

Second row—pearl 1, put the wool back, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over; pearl 1, putting the thread twice round the needle, knit 4. Repeat to the end of the row.

Third row—pearl 4, knit 1, pearl 2, knit 1. Repeat.

Fourth row—pearl 1, keep the thread forward, slip 1, pass the wool back to its proper place, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over, pearl 1. Now take the next 2 stitches on a third needle, and keep them on the right side of your knitting; knit the next 2 stitches, and then knit off the 2 on the third needle.

Fifth row—pearl 4, knit 1, pearl 2, knit 1. Repeat.

Begin again from the 2nd row.

If you desire your cable broader you need only add on a few more stitches, say 9 or 10, to the pattern. With 10 stitches you would have to slip 4 on to the third needle.

It makes quite as handsome a couvrette as the one on page 37, and costs about the same price. If 6 instead of 12-thread fleece is used, it is of course much cheaper and smaller.

Hood Pattern.—Any number of stitches divisible by 2.

First row—knit 2 together, thread forward. Repeat.

Second row—thread before the needle, pearl 2 together. Repeat. Pearl the last 2 together. Do the next row like the 1st.

Fourth row—pearl 1, * thread before the needle, pearl 2 together. Repeat from *.

Fifth row—knit 1, * thread forward, knit 2 together. Repeat from *.

Sixth row—like the 4th.

Seventh row—like the 1st. Finish by knitting. Then begin again at the 4th row.

Pretty Pattern, which forms a deep Scallop.—Cast on 12 for each pattern. Knit a row, pearl a row four times.

Fifth row—knit 1, knit 2 together, knit 2 together, thread forward; knit 1, thread forward; knit 1, thread forward; knit 1, thread forward; slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped over; slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped over. Repeat.

Sixth row—pearl. These two rows alternately, until the knitting is long enough.

Open Pattern, for Antimacassar.—Make 1, slip 1, pearl 2 together, make 2, slip 1, pearl 2 together. Repeat. Every row is alike.

Net Pattern.—Any number of stitches which can be divided by 3. Slip 1, thread before the needle, knit 2 together. Repeat.

Large Holes.—Cast on in eights.

First row—knit 2 together, thread forward twice, slip 1; knit 1, pass the slipped over; knit 2 together, thread forward twice, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped over. Repeat.

Second row—pearl 1, knit the first part of this stitch and pearl the second, pearl 2, knit the first, pearl the second part, pearl 1. Repeat.

Third row—thread forward, slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped over; * knit 2 together, thread forward twice, slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped over. Repeat from *.

Fourth row—knit the first thread, pearl the second, pearl 2; knit the first thread, pearl the second, pearl 2. Repeat.


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