Pins No. 9 and Berlin, or any other soft wool. Cast on 60, and do 1 plain row. Then do Hood pattern, page 50, for 5 rows; then 6 rows of plain knitting. Do the rest in any fancy stitch. When the knitting is 4 inches deep do 2 plain rows, 1 pearled, and cast off. Cast on 22 stitches for the crown, do 1 plain row. Second row—knit 1, thread over, take 2 together. Repeat; 6 more plain rows, and then any fancy stitch. When 3 inches are done knit a row, decreasing at the beginning and end of the row. Pearl the next, decreasing in the same way. Do 5 more rows in this manner, and cast off. Now sew the crown Take up 74 stitches for the curtain, or neck part, and do 3 rows of alternate knitting and pearling; let the plain part come on the right side. In the second row increase after every 2 stitches, so as to have about 110 altogether. When you have done 3 rows do any open pattern for 2 inches, and cast off. Edge the hood all round with a simple crochet edging in pink wool, and then ribbon round the neck. These hoods are very useful in grey wool for poor people. London: Printed by John Strangeways, Castle St. Leicester Sq. |