Baby's Boot.


This is a very pretty pattern indeed. It must be knitted on two pins, No. 16: ½ oz. pink Andalusian and ½ oz. white are required.

Cast on 50 stitches with the pink.

First row—knit plain.

Second row—knit the 3 first stitches; * pearl 2, knit 2. Repeat from * until you come to the last 3 stitches, which must be knitted.

Repeat this row twice.

Fifth row—plain.

Sixth row—pearl.

Seventh row—slip the first stitch, * take 2 together. Repeat from *; knit the last stitch.

Eighth row—slip the first stitch, * put the wool over the needle to increase; knit 1; repeat from *. In this way you ought to have 50 stitches on your needles.

Ninth row—knit every stitch.

Tenth row—pearl every stitch.

Eleventh row—slip 1, take 2 together; continue to knit 2 together until you come to the last stitch, which must be knitted.

Twelfth row—the same as eighth.

Thirteenth row—plain knitting.

Fourteenth row—pearl.

Now join the white wool. Do 9 rows of ribbed knitting, but remember to do 3 plain stitches both at the beginning and end of every row.

Tenth row—plain knitting.

Eleventh row—pearl.

Twelfth row—slip the first stitch, * take 2 together. Repeat from *; knit the last stitch.

Thirteenth row—slip the first stitch, * pass the wool over the needle, knit one; repeat from *. You ought now to have 50 stitches.

Fourteenth row—plain knitting.

Fifteenth row—pearl.

Repeat these four rows three times, so as to have four rows of ornamental holes. Join the pink wool.

Sixteenth row—slip 1, take 2 together; knit 10, take 2 together; knit 20, take 2 together; knit 10, take 2 together.

Second row—knit plain.

Third row—slip one, take 2 together; continue to knit plain until you come to the 3rd and 2nd from the end, which must be knitted together.

Fourth row—plain knitting.

Fifth row—knit 14. Join the white, knit 16; turn round and work on those 16 stitches in white, leaving the pink on the needle without working them. Pearl a row, and knit a row.

Then, slip the 1st stitch,* take 2 together; repeat from *.

The next row slip 1, and increase before every stitch by passing the wool over the needle: you ought now to have 16 stitches.

Knit a row, pearl a row. Repeat these 4 rows 4 times.

You ought now to have 5 rows of ornamental holes. Cast off the white, and go on with the pink on the right-hand side. Pick up 11 stitches from the side of the white flap, make 11 stitches. Knit 14 rows.

Fifteenth row—*, slip the 1st stitch, take 2 together. This ought to be at the toe. The rest plain.

Sixteenth row—plain knitting.

Seventeenth row—slip 1, take 2 together, the rest of the row being plain knitting.

Eighteenth row—plain.

Nineteenth row—slip 1, take 2 together: take 2 together again; the rest plain knitting until you come to within 3 of the end, when you knit 2 together, the last stitch plain.

Twentieth row—knit plain.

Twenty-first row—slip the 1st, knit 2 together; knit 2 together again; continue plain knitting to within 5 of the heel, when you knit the 5th and 4th together; knit the 3rd and 2nd together, and the last stitch plain.

Twenty-second row—knit plain.

Twenty-third row—slip the 1st, knit 2 together; knit 2 together again; plain knitting till the 2nd and 3rd from the end, which you must knit together.

Twenty-fourth row—plain.

Twenty-fifth row—slip 1, take 2 together, the remainder plain.

Twenty-sixth row—plain.

Twenty-seventh row—slip 1, knit 2 together, the rest plain.

Twenty-eighth row—plain, cast off.

Pick up 11 stitches of pink at c to form the toe.

First row—knit plain. Then increase at the toe until you have 18 stitches. Knit 3 rows plain.

Decrease every other time at the toe, until you have only 11 stitches. Pick up 11 white stitches at the side of flap d, still knitting with pink wool, and take up the 14 stitches at e.

Knit 14 rows in pink. Go back to * at the 15th row, and end at the 28th row.

This is rather a difficult pattern, but when finished quite repays one for the trouble taken.


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