(LONG SHAPE.) Andalusian wool as the preceding pattern, and pins No. 15. Cast on 12 stitches for the spout, and 15 on two other pins. Knit 4 rounds. Now decrease each side of the spout in every round. Do 9 rounds and then 3 pearl rows; then 9 more plain rows. Now for the bowl—increase 1 stitch in every five, and then do three rounds in black; now join the pink and * knit 2 together, make 1, knit 1: repeat from *, the next round plain. Repeat these rows twice more, and with black increase again 1 in every 8. Then with pink repeat the pattern from *, and when the black begins again decrease instead of increasing. Repeat as in preceding pattern and sew up. Take up 6 stitches at the top of the jug opposite the spout, and knit and pearl for three inches; cast off. Leave about a third of an inch hanging, and above that attach it to the bowl.