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"A delightful gift-book."—AthenÆum. SEELEY, SERVICE & CO. LIMITED the ROMANCE of ANIMAL ARTS & CRAFTS DESCRIBING THE WONDERFUL INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS REVEALED IN THEIR WORK AS MASONS, PAPER MAKERS, RAFT & DIVING-BELL BUILDERS, MINERS, TAILORS, ENGINEERS OF ROADS & BRIDGES, &C. &C. By H. COUPIN, D.Sc., & JOHN LEA, B.A. (Cantab.) With Thirty Illustrations. Extra Crown 8vo., 5s. "Will carry most readers, young and old, from one surprise to another."—Glasgow Herald. "A charming subject, well set forth, and dramatically illustrated."—AthenÆum. "It seems like pure romance to read of the curious ways of Nature's craftsmen, but it is quite a true tale that is set forth in this plentifully illustrated book."—Evening Citizen. THE ROMANCE OF INSECT LIFE describing the curious & interesting in the insect world By EDMUND SELOUS Author of "The Romance of the Animal World," &c. With Sixteen Illustrations. Extra Crown 8vo, 5s. 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SEELEY, SERVICE & CO. LIMITED A Catalogue of Books for Young People, Published by Seeley, Service & Co Limited, 38 Great Russell Street, London Some of the Contents
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