I. How Peaceful Arts help in War 17
II. Gunpowder and its Modern Equivalents 27
III. Radium in War 39
IV. A Good Servant, though a Bad Master 49
V. Mines, Submarine and Subterranean 61
VI. Military Bridges 75
VII. What Guns are made of 92
VIII. More about Guns 108
IX. The Guns they use in the Navy 120
X. Shells and how they are made 135
XI. What Shells are made of 146
XII. Measuring the Velocity of a Shell 159
XIII. Some Adjuncts in the Engine Room 164
XIV. Engines of War 169
XV. Destroyers 184
XVI. Battleships 191
XVII. How a Warship is Built 202
XVIII. The Torpedo 215
XIX. What a Submarine is like 223
XX. The Story of Wireless Telegraphy 240
XXI. Wireless Telegraphy in War 252
XXII. Military Telegraphy 264
XXIII. How War Inventions Grow 276
XXIV. Aeroplanes 284
XXV. The Aerial Lifeboat 297
Index 313


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