1 A True and Brief Relation of the famous Siege of Breda, etc., by Henry Hexham. Delft, 1637. 2 Captain Fox to Pennington, S. P. Dom. November 11th, 1641. 3 The above details are from a letter amongst the Longleat MSS., written by one of Monk's captains to a correspondent in England, a transcript of which was most kindly sent me by the Marquis of Bath. 4 Edw. Butler to Rupert, Hist. MSS. Rep. IX., pt. 2, p. 440 b. 5 Rinuccini to Card. Pauzirolo, October 31st, November 9th and 29th, 1648; Memoirs, p. 441; Walker's Hist. of Independency, vol. ii. pp. 150, 233-248; Capt. Stewart's MSS., Hist. MSS. Rep. X., iv. p. 82, Col. Moore to Gen. Monck; "The Declaration of the British on the North of Ireland, etc.," April 9th, 1649; Br. Mus. E-556/15; Council Book during May and August 1649; Gilbert's app. to Aphorismal Discovery; Ormonde Letters and Com. Journ. 6 Monk's biographers give him the credit of originating the whole movement, but in the face of Cromwell's despatch that is hardly possible. Heath (Chron. p. 274) is probably right when he says that "at the general's request he did draw and design the whole fight and embattle the army," but he cannot be trusted in assigning the whole credit of the victory to Monk. Hodgson, of course, attributes everything to Lambert, and states that at the end of the Council one stepped up and asked that he (Lambert) might have the conduct of the army that day—an assertion which is only credible on the supposition that Cromwell had previously taken the conduct out of his major-general's hands. In view of Monk's recent feat at Haddington this is not unlikely, and Lambert may well have been given the post of honour at the head of the attack to reconcile him to the slight. 7 Or June 1st. See for this and all the movements at this time Jordan's Log of the Vanguard, printed in Penn's Life of Penn. 8 For the whole battle cf. the published despatches with the principal flag-officer's account, Gumble's Life, p. 67; Vice-Adm. Jordan's Log and Hoste's account, both printed in Penn's Life of Penn; and the three despatches in Cal. S.P. Dom., August 2nd. 9 Cf. Sir Phil. Warwick's opinion quoted by Kennett, Hist. iii. p. 217. 10 Burnet, i. p. 88. There is no trace of Hale's motion in the Journals, but it may have been purposely omitted. Mordaunt in his letter to the king on May 4th seems to be ignorant of what Monk had done, Clar. S.P. iii. 11 In Egerton MSS., 2618, p. 71. Cf. Hist. MSS. Rep. V., p. 149, and ii. p. 79; Broderick to Hyde, 7th May 1660, Clar. S.P. 12 Lord Garden says they were from Deane, but this must be a mistake. See his letter to Stirling of Keir, May 24th, 1661, Maxwell MSS., 68, Hist. MSS. Rep. X., i. p. 74. 13 See Argyle MSS., 80-85, Hist. MSS. Rep. VI., p. 617. 14 The statement that this action was fought without order rests on a remark which Pepys said was made to him by Penn. Penn had quarrelled with Monk, who was the terror of his party, and he was not present at the action. Jordan wrote him an account of it, but his letter gives the impression of a line carefully following the movements of the admiral (Penn's Life, ii. p. 389; Grumble, p. 423), and this is confirmed by the official account which gives in detail the whole of Monk's elaborate manoeuvres, S.P. Dom. clviii. f. 46. 15 Cf. Watts to Williamson, S.P. Dom. Cal., July 17th, 1667. 16 London Gazette, April 30th, 1670, by which it also appears that the King intended to raise a magnificent memorial to him. |