Object of the Voyage—Former Surveys of Straits of Magellan—Change of Programme—Selection of Ship—Equipment—Arrangements for Natural History Work—Change of Captain—List of Officers 1-4
Departure from England—Storm Petrels—A Sparrow-hawk at Sea—Collecting Surface Organisms with Tow-net—Water-kite—Wire Sounding Apparatus—Land-swallow at Sea—Gulfweed—Phosphorescence of Sea-water—Arrive at Madeira—Curious Town—Dredging Work—A Pinery—Discoloured Sea-water—Petrels again—St. Vincent—Cape de Verde—Pelagic Animals—Sounding near Abrolhos Bank—Dredging over Hotspur Bank—Dredging over Victoria Bank—Moths and Butterflies on the Ocean—Extraordinary Vitality of Sphinx Moths—Arrive at Monte Video—Gauchos—Trip into Interior of Uruguay—Buenos Ayres—Dr. Burmeister's Museum—Arrive at the Falklands—"Stone Runs" 5-33
We enter Straits of Magellan—Reach Sandy Point—Gold and Coal—Surrounding Country—Elizabeth Island—Dredging—Fuegians at Port Famine—We enter Smyth's Channel—Canoe "Portage" at Isthmus Bay—Arrive at Tom Bay—A Fuegian Family—Trinidad Channel—Climate of Western Patagonia—Flora—Rock Formation—Soilcap—Natives—The Channel Tribe of Fuegians—Scarcity of Old People—Water-birds of Tom Bay—Sea Otters—A Concealed "Portage"—Habits of Gulls and Shags—Steamer-ducks—Land-shells—Fresh-water Fish—Deer 34-65
Trinidad Channel gouged out by Glaciers—Port Henry—Trumpet-shells—Native Camp—Wolsey Sound—"Cache Diablo"—"Ripple-marked" Limestone—Fuegian Burial-place—Marine Animals—Strange Capture of Fish—Whales Abundant—Exploration of Picton Channel—Attack on Sealers—Signs of Old Ice Action—"Hailstone" Rock—Soil motion—We proceed Northward to Refit—English Narrows—Gulf of PeÑas 66-80
Arrival at Valparaiso—War between Chili, Peru, and Bolivia—Sir George Nares returns to England—Captain Maclear joins—Coquimbo—Shell Terraces—Trip to Las Cardas—Habits of Pteroptochus—Island of St. Ambrose—Habits of Petrels—Flight of the Albatross—Santiago de ChilÉ—Natural History Museum—Santa Lucia—Church of La Compania—Heights of Montenegro—A Fly-trap Plant—Copper mines of Brillador—Peculiarities of Chilian Mines—Talcahuano—Outbreak of Small-pox—Isla de los Reyes—Shooting a "Coypo"—Railway Trip to Araucanian Territory—Our Locomotive—Incidents of the Journey—Fossil Tree-trunk at Quiriquina Island 81-102
We return to Patagonian Waters—Gulf of PeÑas—Spring in the Trinidad Channel—Gephyrean at Cockle Cove—Diving Petrel—Tree Cormorants—Magellan Kingfisher—A Curious Moss—Wind-swept Bushes—Gull, Cormorant, and Skua—Examination of Brazo del Norte—Black-necked Swan—A Sealer's Yarn—Fur-seal Trade—Hardships of Seal-hunting—Otter Skins—Experiment with Condor—Fuegians at Tilly Bay—Flaking Glass Arrow-heads—List of Fuegian Words—The Maranhense—A Magellan Glacier—Native Fish-weirs—The Magellan Nutria 103-126
We proceed towards Skyring Water—Otway Water—Canal of Fitzroy Terrace-levels—Plants and Animals—Bay of the Mines—Previous Explorers—The Coal Mines—Altamirano Bay—Prospects of the Settlement—A Seal "Rookery"—Puerto Bueno—We proceed Northwards—Port Riofrio—Gray Harbour—Sailing for Coast of Chili—Small-pox amongst the Chilians—Discoloured Sea-water—Habits of Ant Thrush 127-143
Early History of Tahiti—Otaheite and Tahiti—Its appearance from Seaward—Harbour of PapiÉtÉ—Produce—Matavai Bay—Tahiti annexed to France—Prince Tamitao—Annexation Festivities—King Pomare V.—Coral growing on Ship's Bottom—Nassau Island—Danger Islands—Tema Reef—Union Group—Nukunono—OatÁfu—Natives afflicted with a Skin Disease—Stone Implements—Religious Scruples—Metal Fish-hooks not appreciated—Capriciousness of Sharks—Lalla Rookh Bank 144-158
Arrival at Fiji—Levuka—Ratu Joe comes on Board—Excursion to Bau in Viti Levu—We visit King Cacobau—A Native Feast—Lalis—Tapa—The Bure Kalou—Bakola—Old Fijian Atrocities—Double Canoe—Stone Adzes now becoming rare—Angona Drinking—Sir Arthur Gordon—Walk across Ovalau—The Kaicolos—An Imprudent Settler—Pine-apple Cultivation—Periophthalmus—Suva—Site of Future Capital—Sail towards Tonga Islands—Pelagic Animals—Early History of Tonga—Missionaries—Nukualofa—A Costly Pair of Gates—Visit to Bea—Davita—Evidence of Elevation of Island—King George of Tonga—Wellington Gnu—Curious Stone Monument—Trip to Village of Hifo—We are entertained by the Natives—Famous Caves—Eyeless Fish—Swifts behaving like Bats—Searching for Reefs—Discolouration of Sea-water—Return to Levuka—Voyage to Australia—Surface Life 159-179
Refitting Ship at Sydney—Mr. Haswell joins us—We proceed Northwards along East Coast of Australia—Port Curtis, Queensland—A "Labour Vessel"—Mr. Eastlake—Marine Fauna abundant—Festivities at Gladstone—Birds—Percy Islands—Survey of Port Molle—Queensland Aborigines—"Black Police"—"Dispersing" Black fellows—Dredging Operations—A Parasitic Shell-fish—Port Denison—Visit to a Native Camp—Throwing the Boomerang—A Beche-de-mer Establishment at Lizard Island—Hostility of the Natives—Drawings by Aborigines at Clack Island—Albany Island, North-Eastern Australia

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