Facing | H.M.S. "Alert" at anchor in Tom Bay, West Coast of Patagonia | title | Fuegian and Australian Implements | 34 | Canoe of Channel Fuegians | 50 | Fuegian "Portage" for Transport of Canoes Overland | 60 | Fuegians Offering their Children for Barter | 65 | Our Fuegian Friends at Tilly Bay, Straits of Magellan | 104 | Fuegian Hut at Tilly Bay | 120 | Foot of Glacier, at Glacier Bay, Straits of Magellan | 124 | Fish-hooks of Union Islanders | 143 | Woman of Tahiti | 144 | Fisherman of Tahiti | 148 | King Cacobau of Fiji, Wife, and Ratu Joe | 160 | Totoonga Valley, Ovalau, Fiji | 166 | Ancient Stone Monument at Tongatabu | 174 | Facsimiles of Drawings by Australian Aborigines | 192 | Aborigines of North-West Australia | 204 | "Travellers' Trees" in Gardens at Singapore | 210 | "Copra" Crushing Mill at Seychelles | 218 |