- Aborigines, Australian, 185, 188, 204, 205.
- Abrolhos Bank, 18.
- Aconcagua, 82.
- Adelaide, 201.
- Admiralty, 1.
- "Adventure," H.M.S., 1.
- Adzes, stone, 163.
- Africa, 2;
- African Islands, 218, 226.
- Albany Island, 193.
- Albatrosses, 22;
- Aldabra Island, 215.
- "Alert," H.M.S., 2.
- Algoa Bay, 244.
- Alikhoolips, 55.
- Allen, Captain, 183.
- Almirante Cochrane, 41.
- Alphonse Island, 230, 232.
- Altamirano Bay, 134.
- Amadtha, 164.
- America, South, 1.
- Amirante Islands, 2, 218, 225.
- Andalien River, 97.
- Angol, 99, 100.
- Angona, 163.
- Annita, attacked by Fuegians, 55.
- Anson, Commodore, 54.
- Ant-Thrush, habits of, 142.
- Anuario Hydrografico, 130.
- Apparatus Boats, 197.
- Arabs, 242.
- Araucania, 95.
- Araucanians, 29.
- Arctic Expedition, 2.
- Arnaud, Mons., 131, 135.
- Atoll, 227, 229.
- Australia, 1, 180.
- Axes, Fuegian, 52.
- Azores, 245.
- Bahia de la Gente, old colony at, 35.
- Bailie's Sounding Apparatus, 18.
- Baker, Mr., of Tonga, 170.
- Bakola, 162.
- Ball at Tahiti, 151.
- Balsam Bog, 31.
- Bandurria, 36.
- Banka Island, 210.
- Banks' Group, 179.
- Banyans, 242.
- Butcher Bird, 85.
- Baron Collinson, 13.
- Barrier Reef, Great, 184.
html@files@43483@43483-h@43483-h-6.htm.html#Page_168" class="pginternal">168, 173.
- " Mr. William, 4.
- Cooktown, 190.
- Copigue, 46.
- Copper trade at Coquimbo, 83.
- Coppinger, Dr. R. W., 4.
- Copra, 147.
- Copra-mill, 216-217.
- Coquimbo, 82, 93, 142.
- Coral on ship's bottom, 151.
- Corals, distribution of, 221.
- Coral, red, 234.
- Cordillera, 64, 75, 89, 99, 128, 135.
- Corea, steamship, 194, 198.
- Cormorants, 42, 106, 107, 110, 111.
- Covadonga Group, 137, 139.
- Corona Island, 127.
- Cox, Mr., of Talcahuano, 62.
- Coypu of Magellan, 48.
- Crabs at African Island, 219.
- Crania, 179.
- Croker, Captain, 170.
- Crooked Reach, 117, 124.
- Crosshatchings, 74.
- Culebras bank, 177.
- Cunningham, Mr., of Beagle, 191.
- Cunningham, Dr., of Nassau, 61.
- CuraÇoa, voyage of, 173
- Currant-bush, 134.
e des Roches, 223, 225, 226, 229. Isthmus Bay, 41. Ivi tree, 172. - Kaicolos, 165, 166.
- Kanakas, 196.
- Kava, 174.
- King Charles South Land, 56.
- Kingfisher, 107.
- King George's Island, 144.
- Kitchen-middens at Tom Bay, 57.
- Kite, Australian, 207.
- Komba Island, 209.
- Kosmos Line, 35, 64.
- La Compania, 91.
- " Rance Bank, 177.
- " Sagittaria, 144.
- " Venus, frigate, 145.
- Labour vessels, 155, 181.
- Lagoon at Tom Bay, 58.
- Lalis, 161.
- Lalla Rookh Bank, 158.
- Lambert, Mr., 84, 93.
- Lamire, sealer, 55, 74.
- Land-crab, 200.
- Land-shells, 62, 200.
- Larikias, 204.
- Latitude Cove, 112.
- Las Cardas, trip to, 84.
- " Piedras, 25.
- " Tablas, Bay of, 101.
- Lasikaus, 162.
- Latorre, Captain, 130, 131.
- Laughing jackass, 183.
- Lawrence, Mr., of Concepcion, 98.
- Leadbetter, Captain, 123.
- Letore, SeÑor, of Uruguay, 23.
- Levuka, Fiji, 159, 160, 165, 178.
- Lifonga, 168.
- Limestone, "ripple-marked," 68.
- Limpets, 48, 67.
- Lisbon, 6.
- Livoni, 165.
- " River, 166.
- Lizards, 199, 220.
- Lizard I
iles@43483@43483-h@43483-h-1.htm.html#Page_51" class="pginternal">51, 73, 80, 103.
- Penco, 95, 96, 99.
- Percy Islands, 183.
- Petrels, 13, 17, 87, 88, 89, 105.
- Petley, Lieutenant W. H., 4, 185.
- Phillipi, Dr., 90.
- Phosphorescence, 8.
- Picton Channel, 73, 74.
- " town, 51.
- Pigafetta, 140.
- Pilot fish, 13.
- Pinery at Madeira, 11.
- Plate River, 21, 112.
- Playa Parda Cove, 41, 124.
- Plaza de Armas, 90.
- " Vittoria, 30.
- Plymouth, sail from, 5.
- " return to, 245.
- Point Venus, 149.
- Poivre Island, 222, 226.
- Pomare, King, 146.
- " Queen, 145.
- Porpoises, 14.
- Port Albany, 193.
- " au-Prince, 168.
- " Charrua, 74.
- " Curtis, 180.
- " Darwin, 201, 202, 204, 206.
- " Denison, 188, 189.
- " Elizabeth, 244.
- " Famine, 35.
- " Gallant, 122.
- " Grappler, 79.
- " Henry, 59, 62, 66, 67, 68.
- " Molle, 184, 185, 186.
- " Riofrio, 137.
- " Rosario, 47, 69.
- " Tamar, 1.
- Portage for canoes, 42, 59.
- Portland Bay,