
High birth and good breeding are the privileges of the few; but the habits of a gentleman may be acquired by any man. Neatness is not an art requiring the study of a life time; on the contrary it's principles are simple, and their practical application involves only ordinary care.

To gain the good opinion of those who surround us is the first interest and the second duty of men in every profession of life. First impressions are apt to be permanent; it is therefore of importance that they should be favorable. Frequently the dress of an individual is that circumstance from which you first form your opinion. It is even more prominent than manner. It is indeed one of the first things noticed in a casual encounter or during the first interview. Chesterfield has said that "He could not help conceiving some idea of the people's sense and character from the appearance of their dress which they appeared when first introduced to him."

In the preparation of this book, it has been the aim of the maker to give in a concise form, all that is properly embraced in a comprehensive work on not only keeping our wardrobes in such a state as to cause us to appear to the best advantage, but also to give a complete instruction in the manipulation of garments and tools used in the process of properly cleaning, pressing and repairing all kinds of garments for men and women.

A few hints may be helpful to the beginner as well as to those in the business.

Observe a well dressed man or woman on the street or elsewhere, note the make up and fitting points of their garments, this will help the student to know good work, and try to do as well when doing the work himself.

When learning the method of cleaning, repairing and pressing all kinds of garments for men and women, it is a good idea, if possible, to have a garment of the same sort as one is studying close at hand, following closely the instructions over all parts of the garment; thereby understanding the teachings better and become more familiar with the work.

Should a garment need repairing of any kind or a button sewed on, do it and charge accordingly.

Never give a customer clothes that are damp from pressing, allow them to dry before wearing or delivering.


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