Our life is Lent:—
Our years are spent
In penance for the past;
Our songs are sighs;
Our brightest skies
With clouds are overcast.
Our life is Lent:—
The old lament—
“All, all is vanity;”
And Youth, in tears,
Awaits with fears
The morrow’s mystery.
Our life is Lent:—
Lord, we repent
Each folly, fault, and fall;
Our best resolve
Do thou absolve,—
Forgive, forget it all.
Our life is Lent:—
Our hearts are rent,
As we Thy gifts recount,
And mark again,
With bitter pain,
“The pattern in the mount.”
Our life is Lent:—
Our strength is spent;
O holy Judge, and just,
Receive our prayer,—
Poor sinners spare;
Remember we are dust.
Our life is Lent:—
But Jesus went
This way; in Him confide;—
'Twill soon be past;
Then, for thy fast,
Eternal Eastertide!


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