Easter bells are ringing, Easter anthems rise,— Age and Childhood singing Strains that seek the skies; Seek their source, ascending Where, in rapture sweet, Song and service blending, Saint and seraph meet. “Christ, the Lord, is risen!” Wondering angels cry; “Broken, Death’s dread prison!” Sons of men reply. Blessed song and story! Doubt and fear depart,— Resurrection glory Floods the faithful heart. In each bosom wells; Happy, happy measure— How the choral swells! By that song supplanted, Wrath and wrong shall cease; From this hour undaunted Reigns the Prince of Peace! Easter lilies, blowing, Breathe His praise abroad,— All their grace bestowing On the Son of God. Lo! His brow adorning, Kings their homage pay; Hark! the stars of morning Hail His boundless sway.