O holy, happy morning, That saw the Saviour’s birth! The star, thy brow adorning, Beams mercy on the earth;— For shepherds, and for sages, Thy cheer, impartial, free,— The travail of the Ages Finds recompense in thee. My soul, be thou believing,— No more thy past deplore; In Christ, all loss retrieving, Rejoice forevermore. By love unknown attended, Thy weary watch and ward:— Behold the vision splendid! The angel of the Lord! The radiant, rapturous throng! The ravishing evangel Floods all the hills with song:— “To God, in heaven, glory; Good will to men, below;—” Speed, speed the blessed story, That all the world may know. Repeat it softly, slowly; For still, in hut and hall, Are lonely hearts and lowly, That hunger for it all. Again, again the story,— Till sin and sorrow cease: “To God, the Father, glory, And to His children, peace.”