Lamb of the riven side,— Lord of lords, glorified! Victim and Victor, Thee we adore; Shepherd of Israel, Saviour from death and hell, Mighty Immanuel! reign evermore. Lion of Judah, From Brahm and from Buddha Seize for Thy glory the sea and the land; Where age-long error thralls, Where blackest night appalls, There, with her radiant walls, let Zion stand. The gates of the morning, Thy temple adorning, Shall beacon the uttermost isles of the sea; And nations, now unknown, Shall bow before Thy throne, And Thee their Sovereign own, with saintly jubilee. Hail Him the Father sent! Greet Him with shoutings, and joyfully sing; On love’s blest mission bent, Through Death’s wide realm He went Conq’ror omnipotent;—crown Him your King! Martyr with gory brow, Monarch in glory, now,— Victim and Victor, Thee we adore; Shepherd of Israel, Saviour from death and hell, Mighty Immanuel! reign evermore.