- Aberration, spherical, 408
- Absolute scale of temperature, 164
- Absorptions of gases by solids and liquids, 29
- Accelerated motion, 86
- Acceleration, 87
- Adhesion, 21
- Aeroplane, 97
- Air, aspirator, 67
- brake, 74
- cushion, 46
- height (of atmosphere), 64
- pressure, 56
- pump, 66
- weight, 56
- Alternators, 481
- Alternating current, 337, 466
- Amalgamation, 273
- Ammeter, 291
- Ampere, 291
- Archimedes' principle, 48
- Arc light, 321
- Armature, 335
- Artesian wells, 44
- Audion, 463
- Aurora borealis, 453
- Balloon, 72
- Barometer, 59
- Beats, 376
- Boiling, laws, 208
- Boyle's Law, 63
- Breezes, land and sea, 181
- British thermal unit, 162
- Brownian movements, 16
- Calorie, defined, 162
- Camera, 426
- Candlepower, 394
- Capillary action, 25
- Cartesian diver, 71
- Cathode rays, 453
- Centrifugal force, 91
- Charles' Law, 165
- Chladni's figures, 381
- Choke coils, 470
- Coefficient of expansion, definitions, 170
- Coherer, 449
- Cohesion, 21, 33
- Color, 435
- bodies, 435
- complementary, 436
- primary, 440
- prismatic, 433
- theory of color vision, 440
- three-color printing, 440
- Commutator, 335, 336
- Compass, 230, 240
- Concave lens, 418
- Condenser,
- Daniel cell, 276
- Declination, 240
- Density, 38, 52
- Dew, 192
- Dew point, 193
- Diffusion of gases, 13
- Dipping needle, 240
- Direct Current, 337
- Dispersion, 433
- Distillation, 208
- Draft of a chimney, 180
- Dry cell, 275
- Dynamo, 330, 333
- Dyne, 93
- Eye, the, 423
- action of, in vision, 423
- defects of, 425
- Ear, the, 386
- Earth's magnetism, 238
- Echoes, 362
- Eclipses, 391
- Efficiency, 142
- engines (tests), 219
- machines, 142
- Elasticity, 31
- Electric bell, 269, 287
- charge, distribution of, upon a conductor, 253
- circuit, 269
- currents, 267
- single phase, 479
- three phase, 479
- discharge in rarefied air, 452
- motor, 339
- screen, 256
- Electrical capacity, 259
- Electrification, 243
- Electrolysis, 308
- Electromagnet, 281
- Electromagnetic theory of light, 456
- Electromotive force, 267
- Electron theory, 252
- Electrophorus, 263
- Electroplating, 307
- Electroscope, 244
- Electrostatic induction, 248
- Energy, 120
- conservation, 127
- falling water, 152
- forms, 125
- human body, 126
- Energy, kinetic, 121
- potential, 120
- transference and transformation, 124
- Engines, 213
- Engines, gas, 222
- Equilibrant, 81
- Equilibrium, 106
- Erg, 119
- Ether, 177
- Evaporation, 18
- Expansion, coefficient, 168
- gases, 167
- liquids, 168
- peculiarity, in water, 168
- solids, 169
- water, on turning to steam, 206
- Falling bodies, 109
- experimental study, 111
- laws, 113
- Floating bodies, 48
- Fluoroscope, 455
- Foot candle, 396
- Force, 79
- dyne, 93
- effectiveness, 134
- graphic representation, 80
- liquid, against any surface, 38
- measuring, 79
- moment, 99
- parallel, 100
- resolution, 96
- units, 83
- Forces, parallel, 100
- Franklin's theory of electricity, 252
- Fraunhofer lines, 439
- Freezing, evaporation, 197, 199
- Friction, 147,
- Friction, laws, 150
- Galvanometers, 289
- Galvanoscope, 269
- Gas engine, 222
- Gas meter, 75
- Geissler tubes, 453
- Gravitation, 103
- Gravity, 88, 104
- acceleration due to, 111
- cell, 277
- center of, 105
- Hail, 193
- Hearing, 386
- Heat, capacity for water, 201
- conduction, 173
- constants for transmission, 220
- convection, 179
- effects, 161
- engines, 213, 222
- equivalent of fuels, 219
- fusion, 201
- measurement, 200
- methods of transmitting, 173
- produced by electric current, 318
- radiation, 176
- sources, 159
- units, 162
- vaporization, 205
- work, 212
- Heating of buildings, 182
- direct and indirect radiation, 186
- hot air, 183
- plenum system, 187
- steam, 186
- vacuum steam, 187
- vapor steam, 187
- Hertzian waves, 262, 449
- Hooke's law, 33
- Horse power, 123
- electric equivalent of, 123
- Humidity, 194
- Hydraulic press, 42
- Hygrometers, 194
- Hygrometry, 191
- conditions for saturation, 192
- dew point, 193
- fog, 193
- formation, of dew, 192
- humidity, 194
- hygrometers, 194
- importance, 191
- Hypothesis, 3
- Images, concave mirrors, 405
- construction, 405
- definition, 392
- plain mirror, 401
- small apertures, 391
- Impedance, 472
- Incandescent lamp, 320
- Inclined plane, 143
- Inductance, 471
- Induction coil, 343
- Inertia, 87
- Insulators, 246
- Intensity of sound, 363
- Interference, light, 442
- Laws, boiling, 208
- Boyle's 63
- Charles', 165
- electric action, 243
- falling bodies, 113
- floating bodies, 48
- gravitation, 104
- Hooke's, 33
- induced currents, 326
- intensity of light, 394
- Lenz's, 328
- liquid pressure, 37
- machines, 131
- magnetic action, 229
- motion, 87
- Ohm's, 298
- pendulum, 116
- reflection, 399
- refraction of light, 411
- vibration of strings, 378
- Lenses, achromatic, 434
- effect on light, 417
- equation, 421
- formation of images, 418
- forms, 416
- LeclanchÉ cell, 275
- Lever, 132
- Leyden jar, 261
- oscillatory nature of the discharge, 448
- Light, compared with sound, 388, 444
- electromagnetic theory, 456
- intensity, 394
- interference, 442
- polarization, 445
- rectilinear propagation, 389
- reflection, 396
- total reflection, 413
- Lightning, 254
- Lines, of force, 233
- Liquids, pressure, 36
- Local action, 273
- Luminous and illuminated bodies, 388
- Machines, 129
- advantages, 129
- cannot create energy, 130
- efficiency, 142
- law, 131
- mechanical advantage, 134
- the six simple, 132
- uses, 129
- Magnetic action, 229
- fields, 233, 466
- induction, 231, 236
- permeability, 237
- poles, 229
- properties, 230
- retentivity, 231
- substances, 230
- effect of electric current, 279
- Magnetism, 228
- Magnetism, theory, 232
- Major and minor triads, 369
- Magneto, 328
- Magnetoscope, 230
- Magnets, 228
- Major scale, 366
- Manometric flames, 382
- Matter, 4
- effect of heat, 5
- molecular theory, 5
- properties, 34
- states of, 4
- states of, defined, 5
- Mechanical advantage, 134
- Megaphone, 365
- Melting points, 203
- Mercury arc rectifier, 347
- Metric system, 8
- Microscope, 427
- Mirage, 414
- Mirrors, 400
- Molecular motion in liquids, 18
- in gases, 13
- in liquids and solids, 27
- in solids, 31
- Molecules, motion, 16
- Moment of force, 99, 133
- Momentum, 87
- Motion, 85
- accelerated, 86
- curvilinear, 88
- direction, 86
- first law, 87
- modes, 85
- second law, 92
- third law, 93
- uniformity, 86
- Motor (electric), 339
- A. C. series, 482
- induction, 483
- synchronous, 485
- Muffler, 224
- Musical instruments, 377
- interval, 368
- nomenclatures, table, 369
- Musical sounds, characteristics 364
- Newton's Laws of motion, 87
- Nodes, in pipes, 384
- Noise and music, 363
- Ohm, 294
- Ohm's Law, 298
- Opera glass, 428
- Optical illusions, 390, 404
- instruments, 423
- camera, 426
- eye, 423
- microscope, 427
- opera glass, 428
- prism field glass, 429
- projecting lantern, 427
- telescope, 428
- Organ pipes, closed, 384
- Oscillatory discharge, 448
- Osmosis, 19
- Outline Review,
- current electricity, 325
- force and motion, 118
- heat, 227
- induced currents, 353
- light, 446
- magnetism and static electricity, 266
- sound, 387
- work and energy, 158
- Overtones, 379
- Pascal's principle, 41
- Pendulum, compound, 115
- Pepper's ghost, 404
- Permeability, 237
- Phonograph, 383
- Physics, definition, 4
- Photometer, 394
- Photometry, 393
- Pitch, 365
- Polarization, of light, 445
- Portraits,
- Bell, 431
- Edison, 285
- Faraday, 331
- Galileo, 89
- Gilbert, 217
- Helmholtz, 397
- Huygens, 397
- Joule, 217
- Kelvin, 331
- Marconi, 431
- Morse, 285
- Newton, 89
- Potential, 257
- Power, 123
- electric, 316
- power factor, 476
- transmission of electric, 476
- water, 152
- Pressure, air, 56
- Pressure, definition, 37
- effect on liquids and gases, 62
- law of liquid, 37
- Prism field glass, 429
- Projecting lantern, 427
- Proof-plane, 244
- Pulley, 139
- Pumps, air, 66
- condensing, 67
- water (lift, 68, force, 69)
- Quality of musical tones, 380
- Radiation, 176
- Radio-activity, 457
- Radiometer, 177
- Radium, 457
- Rainbow, 436
- Reactance, 472
- Reflection, light, 396
- Refraction, 410
- cause, 412
- index, 412
- light, 410
- in plates, prisms, and lenses, 413
- Resolution of forces, 96
- Resistance, cells in series, and parallel, 302
- conductors, 293
- in series and parallel, 299, 300
- unit, 294
- volt-ammeter method for finding, 304
- Resonance, 371
- Resonator, 373
- Resultant, 81
- Retentivity, 231
- Right hand rule, 279
- Rotary converter, 486
- Science, definition, 2
- Screw, 144
- Shadows, 390
- Single phase currents, 479
- Siphon, 70
- Siren, 366
- Solidification, change of volume during, 203
- Solutions, 27
- Sound, compared with light, 388
- interference, 374
- media, 355
- nature, 356
- reflection, 360
- rule for finding velocity, 367
- source, 354
- speed, 355
- transmission in air, 359
- Specific heat, 200
- method of determining, 201
- Spectroscope, 438
- Spectrum, 433
- Spherical aberration, 408
- Spinthariscope, 458
- Stability, 108
- Standpipe, 46
- Static and current electricity compared, 287
- Steam engine, 213
- Storage battery, 312
- Stress and strain, 94
- Sublimation, 199
- Surface tension, 22
- Sympathetic vibration, 372
- Telegraph, 283
- Telephone, 349
- Telescope, 428
- Temperature, 162
- Tempered scale, 370
- Theory, 3
- Thermometer, air, 167
- centigrade, Fahrenheit, 163
- gas, 167
- Thermos bottle, 176
- Thermostat, 188
- Three-color printing, 440
- Three-phase currents, 479
- Three wire transmission, 480
- Torricelli's experiment, 57
- Trade winds, 182
- Transformer, 345, 467
- Turbine, steam, 225
- Vacuum cleaner, 76
- Velocity, 86
- Vibration strings, 378
- Visual angle, 424
- Viscosity, 20
- Volt, 295
- Voltaic cell, 270
- advantages, 274
- amalgamation, 273
- local action, 273
- polarization, 273
- simple, 270
- Voltmeter, 295
- Water wheels, 152
- Watt, 123, 317
- Wave theory, of light, 442
- Waves, beats, 376
- interference, 374
- longitudinal, 358
- sound, 358
- transverse, 358
- visible, 357
- Wedge, 144
- Weight, 104
- Wheatstone bridge, 304
- Wheel and axle, 136
- Wind instruments, 383
- Wireless telegraphy, 450
- Work, 119
FOOTNOTES: Transcriber's note: This book uses B.T.U. and B.t.u., electrophorous and electrophorus, e.m.f. and E.M.F. and this has been left as written. Hyphenation is also left as written, e.g. electro-plated and electroplated. On page 324, Exercise number 8 was not used in the original. The exercises have not been renumbered. |