305 CHAPTER XXXIV A Clean-up


A cool breeze drew down through Emigrant Wash and soothed the fever heat of Death Valley, and as the morning star rose up like a blazing beacon, Wiley carried Virginia to Stovepipe. They had sat for hours on the crest of a sand-hill, looking out over the sea of waves that seemed to ride on and mingle in the moonlight, and with no one to listen they had talked out their hearts and pledged the future in a kiss. Then they had gazed long and rested, looking up at the countless stars that obscured the Milky Way with their pin-points; and when the Colonel had found them Wiley was carrying her in his arms as if her weight were nothing.

They camped at Stovepipe that day while Virginia gained back her strength, and at last they came in sight of Keno. She was riding now and Wiley was walking, with his head bowed down in thought; but when he looked up she reached out, smiling wistfully, and touched him with her hand. But the Colonel strode ahead, his head held high, his eagle eyes searching the distance; and when people ran out to greet him he thrust 306them aside, for he had spied Samuel Blount in the crowd.

Blount was standing just outside the Widow’s gate and a voice, unmistakable, was demanding in frantic haste the return of certain shares of stock. It was hardly the time for a business transaction, for her husband was returning as from the dead, but a sudden sense of her misused stewardship had driven the Widow to distraction.

“What now?” demanded the Colonel, as he appeared upon the scene and his wife made a rush to embrace him. “Is this the time for scolding? Why, certainly I was alive–why should anybody doubt it? You may await me in the house, Aurelia!”

“But Henry!” she wailed. “Oh, I thought you were dead–and this devil has robbed me of everything!”

She pointed a threatening finger at Blount, who stepped forward, his lower lip trembling.

“Why, how are you, Colonel!” he exclaimed with affected heartiness. “Well, well; we thought you were dead.”

“So I hear!” observed the Colonel, and looked at him so coldly that Blount blushed and withdrew his outstretched hand. “So I hear, sir!” he repeated, “but you were misinformed–I have come back to protect my rights.”

“He took all your stock,” cried the Widow, vindictively, “on a loan of eight hundred dollars. And now he won’t give it back.”

“Never mind,” returned the Colonel. “I will 307attend to all that if you will go in and cook me some dinner. And next time I leave home I would recommend, Madam, that you leave my business affairs alone.”

“But Henry,” she began, but he gazed at her so sternly that she turned and slipped away.

“And you, sir,” continued the Colonel, his words ringing out like pistol shots as he unloosed his wrath upon Blount, “I would like to inquire what excuse you have to offer for imposing on my wife and child? Is it true, as I hear, that you have taken my stock on a loan of eight hundred dollars?”

“Why–why, no! That is, Colonel Huff-”

“Have you the stock in your possession?” demanded the Colonel peremptorily. “Yes or no, now; and no ‘buts’ about it!”

“Why, yes; I have,” admitted Blount in a scared voice, “but I came by it according to law!”

“You did not, sir!” retorted the Colonel, “because it was all in my name and my wife had no authority to transfer it. Do you deny the fact? Well, then give me back my stock or I shall hold you, sir, personally responsible!”

Blount started back, for he knew the import of those dread words, and then he heaved a great sigh.

“Very well,” he said, “but I loaned her eight hundred dollars-”

“Wiley!” called the Colonel, beckoning him quickly from the crowd. “Give me the loan of eight hundred dollars.”

308And at that Blount opened up his eyes.

“Oho!” he said, “so Wiley is with you? Well, just a moment, Mr. Huff.” He turned to a man who stood beside him. “Arrest that man!” he said. “He killed my watchman, George Norcross.”

“Not so fast!” rapped out the Colonel, fixing the officer with steely eyes. “Mr. Holman is under my protection. Ah, thank you, Wiley–here is your money, Mr. Blount, with fifty dollars more for interest. And now I will thank you for that stock.”

“Do you set yourself up,” demanded Blount with sudden bluster, “as being above the law?”

“No, sir, I do not,” replied the Colonel tartly. “But before we go any further I must ask you to restore my stock. Your order is sufficient, if the certificates are elsewhere-”

“Well–all right!” sighed Blount, and wrote out an order which Colonel Huff gravely accepted. “And now,” went on Blount, “I demand that you step aside and allow Wiley Holman to be taken.”

The Colonel’s eyes narrowed, and he motioned the officer aside as he laid his own hand on Wiley’s shoulder.

“Every citizen of the state,” he said with dignity, “has the authority to arrest a fugitive–and Mr. Holman is my prisoner. Is that satisfactory to you, Mr. Officer?”

“Why–why, yes,” stammered the Constable and as the Colonel smiled Blount forgot his studied repose. He had been deprived in one minute of a 309block of stock that was worth a round million dollars and the sting of his great loss maddened him.

“You may smile, sir,” he burst out, “but as sure as there’s a law I’ll put Wiley Holman in the Pen. And if you knew the truth, if you knew what he has done; I wonder, now, if you would go to such lengths? You might ask your wife how she has fared in your absence–or ask Virginia there! Didn’t he send her as his messenger, to make a fake payment that would have deprived her and her mother of their rights? If it hadn’t been for me your two hundred thousand shares wouldn’t be worth two hundred cents. I ask Virginia now–didn’t he send you to my bank-”

“What?” demanded the Colonel, suddenly whirling upon his daughter, but Virginia avoided his eyes.

“Yes,” she said, “he did send me down–and I betrayed my trust. But it’s just because of that that we’ll stand by him now-”

“Virginia!” said the Colonel, speaking with painful distinctness. “Do I understand that you were–that woman? And did Mr. Blount here, by any means whatever, persuade you to violate your trust?”

“Yes, he did!” cried out Virginia, “but it was all my fault and I don’t want Mr. Blount blamed for it. I did it out of meanness, but I was sorry for it afterwards and–oh, I wonder if I’ve got any mail.” She broke away and dashed into the house and the Colonel brushed back his hair.

310“A Huff!” he murmured. “My God, what a blow! And Wiley, how can we ever repay you?”

“Never mind,” answered Wiley as he took the old man’s hand. “I don’t care about the money.”

“No, but the wrong, the disgrace,” protested the Colonel, brokenly, and then he flared up at Blount.

“You scoundrel, sir!” he cried. “How dared you induce my daughter to violate her sacred trust? By the gods, Sam Blount, I am greatly tempted-”

“It’s come!” called Virginia, running gayly down the steps, but at sight of her father she stopped. “Well, there it is,” she said, putting a paper in his hand. “It shows that I was sorry, anyway.”

“What is this?” inquired the Colonel, fumbling feebly for his glasses, and Virginia snatched the paper away.

“It’s a letter from my lawyers!” she said, smiling wickedly. “And we’ll show it to Mr. Blount.”

She took it over and put it in Blount’s hands, and as he read the first line he turned pale.

“Why–Virginia!” he gasped and then he clutched at his heart and reached out quickly for the fence. “Why–why, I thought that was all settled! I certainly understood it was–and what authority had you to interfere?”

“Wiley’s power of attorney,” she answered defiantly, “I fired that crooked lawyer, after you’d got him all fixed, and hired a good one with my stock.”

“My Lord!” moaned Blount, “and after all I’d 311done for you!” And then he collapsed and was borne into the house. But Wiley, who had been so calm, suddenly leapt for the letter and read it through to the end.

“Holy–jumping–Judas!” he burst out, running over to the Colonel who was standing with lack luster eyes. “Look here what Virginia has done! She’s bought all Blount’s stock, under that option I had, and cleaned him–down to a cent. She’s won back the mine, and we can all go in together-”

“Virginia!” spoke up the Colonel, beckoning her sternly to him. “Come down here, I wish to speak to you.”

She came down slowly and as her father began to talk the tears rose quickly to her eyes, but when Wiley took her hand she smiled back wistfully and crept within the circle of his arm.




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