Introductory: Page
Reference to files 1
Rates of duty 1
History of investigation 1
Scope of investigation 2
Information obtained in the investigation:
Domestic production 2
Kinds of hats produced 3
Organization 3
Labor conditions 3
Imports 4
Effect of imports 6
Principal competing country 7
Foreign production—
Types of hats produced 8
Organization 8
Working hours and wages 8
Costs of production—
Methods of obtaining cost data 9
Description of cost items—
Material 9
Labor 9
Overhead 9
Selling expense—
(a) Domestic 9
(b) Foreign 9
Tables showing cost comparisons 10
Competitive conditions—
Transportation and marketing costs 11
Formal statement of conclusions 11
Summary of conclusions 13
Separate statement of Commissioner Costigan, in part concurring and in part dissenting, in the investigation of men's sewed straw hats:
Both higher and lower duties indicated by the commission's cost figures 15
Determining the dividing line for tariff purposes between higher and lower priced hats 15
Some omissions from and doubtful features in the commission's report 16
Representativeness of samples 16
Importers' selling expenses omitted 17
Deficiencies in comparative overhead data 18
Proclamation by the President 21


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