VEILS of pallid mist and gray Wrap the world of yesterday; Fir-fringed island, rocky cape, Yellow sands, and mountain shape, Sun and sky, and waters blue, All are blotted from the view. Out to sea we blindly stare; Did we dream that such things were? No; untouched, and safe and sure, All these lovely things endure; Underneath that hovering mist, All the blue and amethyst, All the rocky cliffs and sea, All the surf-lines rippling free, Mountain forms and islands green,— All are there, although unseen. If we bravely bide and wait Through this brief eclipse of Fate, Smile through the unsmiling noon, Keeping heart and hope in tune,— Shadow shall give place to sun, And, out-stealing, one by one, All the fair things mourned in vain Shall be made our own again. Dear heart, faint heart, who in shade Sitteth, pale, perplexed, afraid, At the brief evanishment Of thy yesterday’s content,— Courage take; for hope endures, Though a little mist obscures, And behind the fog-wreaths dun Brightens the eternal sun. |