ART Thou the way, Lord? Yet the way is steep! And hedged with cruel thorns and set with briars; We stumble onward, or we pause to weep, And still the hard road baffles our desires, And still the hot noon beats, the hours delay, The end is out of sight,—Art Thou the way? Art Thou the way, Lord? Yet the way is blind! We grope and guess, perplexed with mists and suns; We only see the guide-posts left behind, Invisible to us the forward ones; The chart is hard to read, we wind and stray, Beset with hovering doubts,—Art Thou the way? Art Thou the way, Lord? Yet the way is long! Year follows year while we are journeying still, The limbs are feeble grown which once were strong, Dimmed are the eyes and quenched the ardent will, The world is veiled with shadows sad and gray; Yet we must travel on,—Art Thou the way? Art Thou the way, Lord? Then the way is sweet, No matter if it puzzle or distress, Though winds may scourge, or blinding suns may beat, The perfect rest shall round our weariness, Cool dews shall heal the fevered pulse of day; We shall find home at last through thee, the way. |