NOT only Peter in the judgment-hall, Not only in the centuries gone by, Did coward hearts deny Thee, Lord of all, But even in our time, and constantly; For feeble wills, and the mean fear of men, And selfish dread, are with us now as then. To-day we vow allegiance to Thy name; To-day our souls, ourselves, we pledge to Thee, Yet if a storm-wind of reproach or blame Rises and beats upon us suddenly, Faltering and fearful, we deny our Lord, By traitorous silence or by uttered word. We close our lips when speech would wake a sneer; We turn aside and shirk the rougher path; We gloss and blink as if we did not hear The scoffing word which calls for righteous wrath. All unrebuked we let the scoffer go, And we deny our Lord and Master so. Come Thou, as once of old Thou camest in And “looked on Peter” in the judgment-hall; Let that deep, grievÉd gaze rebuke our sin, Questioning, recalling, wakening, pardoning all, Till we go out and weep the whole night long, Made strong by sorrow as He was made strong. |