BY MISS A. G. PLYMPTON. With seven illustrations by the author. Small 4to. Cloth PRICE, $1.00. DEAR DAUGHTER DOROTHY. DEAR DAUGHTER DOROTHY. "The child is father of the man."—so Wordsworth sang; and here is a jolly story of a little girl who was her father's mother in a very real way. There were hard lines for him, and she was fruitful of devices to help him along, even having an auction of the pretty things that had been given her from time to time, and realizing a neat little sum. Then her father was accused of peculation; and she, sweetly ignorant of the ways of justice, went to the judge and labored with him, to no effect, though he was wondrous kind. Then in court she gave just the wrong evidence, because it showed how poor her father was, and so established a presumption of his great necessity and desperation. But the Deus ex machina—the wicked partner—arrived at the right moment, and owned up, and the good father was cleared, and little Daughter Dorothy was made glad. But this meagre summary gives but a poor idea of the ins and outs of this charming story, and no idea of the happy way in which it is told.—Christian Register. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Boston. By the Author of "Jolly Good Times."