H HOW shall the Word be preached with power? Not with elaborate care and toil, With wastings of the midnight oil, With graceful gesture studied well, And full intonÈd syllable; With trope and simile lending force To subdivisions of discourse, Or labored feeling framed to please— The word of power is not in these. How shall the Word be preached with power? Not by a separate holiness Which stands aloof to warn and bless, Speaking as from a higher plane Which common men may not attain; Which treats of sin and want and strife As things outside the priestly life, And only draws anigh to chide, Holding a saintly robe aside. How shall the Word be preached with power? Ah, needless to debate and plan! Heart answereth unto heart in man; Out of the very life of each Must come the power to heal or teach. The life all eloquent may grieve, The brain may subtly work and weave, But if the heart take not its share, The word of power is wanting there. How shall the Word be preached with power? Go, preacher, search thy soul, and mark Each want, each weakness, every dark And painful dint where life and sin Have beaten their hard impress in: Apply the balm, and test the cure, And heal thyself, and be thou sure That which helps thee has power again To help the souls of other men. How shall the Word be preached with power? Go ask the suffering and the poor, Go ask the beggar at thy door, Go to the sacred page and read What served the old-time want and need: The clasping hand, the kindling eye, Virtue given out unconsciously, The self made selfless hour by hour,— In these is preached the Word with power! |