LONG time my restless wishes fought and strove,
Long time I bent me to the heavy task
Of winning such full recompense of love
As dream could paint, importunate fancy ask.
Morning and night a hunger filled my soul;
Ever my eager hands went out to sue;
And still I sped toward a shifting goal,
And still the horizon widened as I flew.
There was no joy in love, but jealous wrath;
I walked athirst all day, and did not heed
The wayside brooks which followed by my path
And held their cooling threadlets to my need.
But now, these warring fancies left behind,
I sit in clear air with the sun o’erhead,
And take my share, repining not, and find
Perpetual feast in just such daily bread:
Asking no more than what unasked is sent;
Freedom is dearer still than love may be;
And I, my dearest, am at last content,
Content to love thee and to leave thee free.
Love me then not, for pity nor for prayer,
But as the sunshine loveth and the rain,
Which speed them gladly through the upper air
Because the gracious pathway is made plain.
And as we watch the slant lines, gold and dun,
Bridge heaven’s distance all intent to bless,
And cavil not if we or other one
Shall have the larger portion or the less,
So with unvexÈd eye I mark and see
Where blessed and blessing your sweet days are spent;
And though another win more love from thee,
Having my share I am therewith content.


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