I I PLUCKED a purple violet, Its petals were all dewy wet, I held it tightly for an hour, And then I dropped the faded flower; Dropped it and lost unconsciously, Scarce thinking of the how or why. ’Twas hours since, but my fingers yet Are scented with the violet; The fragrant spell, invisible, Has caught and holds me in it’s sway. I would not flee if flight might be; The violet still rules my day. I plucked a flower when life was young, I chose it all the flowers among. It was so fresh, it was so fair, A little while it smiled in morn, And then it withered and was gone. ’Tis long years since, but every hour I taste the perfume of that flower. Still it endures, and all day pours A balm of fragrance on the way. I catch its breath high over death; A memory still rules my day. |