
[1] Teacher’s Note.—The term “foodstuff” is used in place of “food principle,” as being the later and better term.

[2] This is the “greater calorie” or “kilogram calorie,” and is written Calorie to distinguish it from the “lesser calorie” or “gram calorie,” largely used in physics and chemistry.

[3] Teacher’s Note.—The machines operating with a crank are examples of the “wheel and axle,” or the windlass, or both. The mechanical advantage can be worked out mathematically,—a good problem for the physics or mathematics class. See “Household Physics,” C. J. Lynde.

[4] Teacher’s Note.—A good way to study utensils is to begin with the school kitchen equipment. Utensils for the home kitchen can be listed in the notebook, as these are used in the school kitchen, having the list grow by degrees throughout the year. For reference, have a price list and illustrated catalogue from some good firm.

[5] Laboratory management.—In the school kitchen the dish-washing may be done at the sink by housekeepers appointed for the day, or if equipment allows, the work may be done in twos with some definite plan for dividing the work.

[6] These terms perpetuate the names of scientists famous for their work in electricity. Volta was an Italian who invented an electric battery; Ampere was a French electrician; and Watt a Scottish engineer and electrician.

[7] Teacher’s Note.—The teacher of physics can coÖperate here, and indeed throughout the whole topic of apparatus and cooking processes.

[8] Teacher’s Note.—If a meter can be used, very exact problems can be worked out with gas and electricity.

[9] Teacher’s Note.—These experiments may be performed as each food material is used. In this case a page should be kept in the notebook for the table of weights and measures, and each observation recorded as it is made. It may be that the perishable articles will not be on hand, except as they are used in order. The weighing and measuring should be dwelt on all through the course.

[10] Both these methods were taught by French cooks connected with well-known chocolate firms, and both give good results.

[11] “Cereal” is derived from the Latin word “cerealis,” pertaining to Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture.

[12] The manufacture of flour is discussed in the chapter on bread making.

[13] U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers’ Bulletin 389, p. 16.

[14] Several of the large firms manufacturing flour issue pamphlets descriptive of the whole process, to be mailed free on application.

[15] “Some Points in the Making and Judging of Bread,” 1913. Isabel Bevier, Univ. of Ill. Bulletin No. 25.

[16] For Furnishing the Dining Room, see “Shelter and Clothing,” p. 88.

[17] U. S. Department of Agriculture, Farmers’ Bulletin 487.

[18] Contributed by Mary Swartz Rose, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, Teachers College.

[19] Observations of the food eaten by individuals or groups of people are also called dietary studies, whether the observed dietary is such as to satisfy the food requirement or not.

[20] One quart of milk yields 63/4 portions.

[21] Rose, “Laboratory Handbook for Dietetics.”

[22] The apportionment of the income to the different expenses of living (food, clothing, shelter, etc.) is discussed in Chapter XIX. It will be found that the smaller the income the higher is the percentage of it which must be allowed for food.

[23] Printed by permission of J. Wiley & Sons, publishers of “The Cost of Living,” by Ellen Richards.

[24] Published by J. Wiley & Sons, publishers of “The Cost of Living,” by Ellen Richards.

[25] From Chapin’s “Standards of Living.” By permission Russell Sage Foundation.

[26] Some of the widely advertised disinfectants are rather ineffective. Those interested should look up the tests of commercial disinfectants published from time to time by the United States Public Health Service.

[27] Depending upon the nature of the infection, it may be possible to substitute the use of a proper disinfectant, followed by short boiling.


Transcriber’s Note: The initial image is a substitute book cover created by the submitter who hereby releases it to the public domain. Blank pages have been deleted. Some illustrations have been moved and page references to such illustrations have been updated. Footnotes have been moved to the end of the etext. Paragraph formatting has been made somewhat more consistent. The publisher’s inadvertent omissions of important punctuation have been corrected. Some wide tables have been re-formatted to narrower equivalents including a key. Duplicative front matter has been removed. Some Laboratory Management Notes have been moved.

The following list indicates any additional changes made. The page number represents that of the original publication and applies in this etext except for footnotes and illustrations since they may have been moved.

Key: {<from>}[<to>]


82 Method 2.{[10]}{}
82 chocolate, and beat vigorously.{[10]}[]
141 these {deficiences}[deficiencies] should be reported
170 foundation for all {bon bons}[bonbons]
203 1 cake dissolved in 1/4 cup {luke warm}[lukewarm] water
209 wild animals of {herbiverous}[herbivorous] habits
216 {}[Left: ]Chuck rib roast, 9th and 10th ribs. {}[Right: ]
216 {}[Left: ]1st cut prime rib roast. {}[Right: ]2d cut
336 {Total expenditure for year}[Totals]


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