FOODS AND HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT CHAPTER I Food Materials and Foodstuffs PAGE What Food is—Vegetable and Animal Foods—Foodstuffs—Elements in Foodstuffs—Foodstuffs in Nutrition—Food Adjuncts 1 CHAPTER II Kitchen Furnishings Plans of Kitchens—Materials for Floors and Walls—The Table—The Cupboard—The Refrigerator—The Sink—The Hot Water Supply—The Utensils—Care of the Kitchen 15 CHAPTER III Fuels and Stoves Economy of Fuel—The Common Fuels—Electricity for Cooking—Cooking Apparatus for all Fuels—How to Operate—Cost of Operating 33 CHAPTER IV Food Preparation The Principles of Cooking—The Technique of Cooking—Care of Food in the House—The Processes of Food Preparation—How to study a Recipe—Weighing and Measuring—Preparing and Mixing—Cooking Processes—Disposal of Waste Food 54 CHAPTER V Water and Other Beverages The Functions of Water in Nutrition—Uses in Cookery—Fruit Beverages—Cocoa, Coffee, and Tea 70 CHAPTER VI Fruit and its Preservation Composition and Food Value—Principles of Preparation—Molds, Yeasts, and Bacteria—Methods of Preservation and Preparation 87 CHAPTER VII Vegetables and Vegetable Cookery Composition and Nutritive Value—How to Buy—Principles and Methods of Preparation 109 CHAPTER VIII Cereal Products The Manufactured Forms—An Economic Food—The Pure Starches—Principles and Methods of Preparation 126 CHAPTER IX Eggs, Milk, and Cheese Comparative Study of their Nutritive Values—Fresh and Cold-storage Eggs—Clean Milk—Cheese a Meat Substitute—Principles and Methods of Preparation 138 CHAPTER X The Fats and the Sugars Comparison of Cost of Fat Foods—Fats and Sugars the Fuel Foods—Amounts to be taken Daily—Effect of Heat upon Them—Their Uses in Cookery 158 CHAPTER XI Muffins, Biscuit, Cake, and Pastry Ingredients and Proportions—Leavening Agents—Tests for Baking—Experiments and Methods 171 CHAPTER XII Yeast Bread Importance of Yeast Bread—Manufacture of Flour—Experiments with Yeast—Ingredients, Proportions, and Making—Comparison of Homemade and Baker’s Bread 187 CHAPTER XIII Meats and Poultry Values in the Diet—Quality and Cost—Cuts of Meat—Principles and Methods of Cooking—Poultry—Principles and Methods of Cooking 209 CHAPTER XIV Fish and Shellfish Protection of the Fish Supply—Comparison of Nutritive Values—Varieties and Seasons—Methods of Preparation and Serving 231 CHAPTER XV Salads and Desserts Their Place in the Menu—Materials Used—Methods of Preparation—Garnishing and Serving 247 CHAPTER XVI Preparation of Meals and Table Service Preparing a Meal on Time—Serving and Garnishing Dishes—Table Equipment—Setting the Table—Duties of the Waitress 265 CHAPTER XVII The Cost and the Purchase of Food Permanent and Variable Factors affecting the Price of Food—What is Cheap Food—Cost and Nutritive Value—Adulterations, Misbranding, and Preservatives—The Pure Food Laws—What to select and avoid in Shops and Markets 278 CHAPTER XVIII Menus and Dietaries Food Requirements for Energy and Growth—Meals; the Number, Amount of Food, and Regularity—Balanced Meals—Uses of the 100-Calorie Portions—Making of Menus—Relation of Nutrition to Cost 295 CHAPTER XIX The Household Budget Divisions of the Income—Expenditures for Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Operating Expenses—Savings and Allowances—Typical Budgets 321 CHAPTER XX System in Management Business Equipment—Keeping Accounts—Methods of Payment—The Bank Account and Check Book 332 CHAPTER XXI How to Buy Rules for Good Buying—Shopping Methods—Bargain Sales, Trading Stamps and Prizes—Purchasing of Clothing and Household Textiles 342 CHAPTER XXII Housewifery Equipment and Materials for Cleaning—Methods of Cleaning—Care of Rooms—Household Insects—Precautions against Fire—Household Repairs 352 CHAPTER XXIII Laundering and Dry Cleansing Principles of Washing and Ironing—Hard and Soft Water and Detergents—Laundry Equipment—Order of Work—Methods of Washing and Ironing—Public Laundries—Economics of Laundering 365 Appendix 383 Index 391 FOODS AND HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT |