Transcriber's Amendments


Transcriber’s Note: Blank pages have been deleted. On pages that remain, some unnecessary page numbers may have been deleted when they fall in the middle of lists. Some illustrations may have been moved. The publisher’s inadvertent omissions of important punctuation have been corrected. Some wide tables have been rearranged or re-formatted to narrower equivalents with some words replaced with commonly known abbreviations and possibly a key. Some ditto marks have been replaced with the words represented. The author often skipped the period in ‘Dr,’, ‘Mr,’, Messrs. and ‘Mrs.’ so all such instances are formatted here without the period. The author switched from using ‘B. P.’ to ‘B.P.’ for British Pharmacopoeia part of the way through the text so all such instances have been changed to ‘B.P.’. Duplicative front matter has been removed.

Other changes are listed below. The listed source publication page number also applies in this reproduction except possibly for footnotes since they have been moved. Words in italics are indicated like _this_. Text emphasized with bold characters or other treatment is shown like =this=.

Page Change

ix which I should display my acquisitions to mankind.[”]
x at last to wake a “CyclopÆdist[”].
3 Lon. or Long., Longtitude[Longitude].
4 (often expressed by the sign o/o{‘o/o’ graphic not replicable})
5 Cyath., cyathus, vel[vel deleted]
8 that has been so indiscrimately[indiscriminately]
8 the employment of castille[Castile] soap,
12 {Illustration caption:} [Added: Meal mite.]
17 Adopter[Adapter] connecting retort and globes.
21 earthenware are also frequenly[frequently] employed;
21 per-oxide[peroxide] of manganese, or red
29 as well as ‘test-solutions’ containng[containing]
33 weezers[tweezers]. A long piece of thick
33 Ger. Monkshood; wolfsban[wolfsbane]. In
34 Some specimes[specimens] are white and spongy;
34 A white, colourless, semicrystalline[semi-crystalline] mass
39 MAGNESIA, MAGNESIA SULPHATE[entry rearranged],
44 with the result of their adminsistration[administration]
54 article with a paste of freshly slacked[slaked] lime
63 1·43% ” ” ·29%[2·9%]
73 information in connection with Alcholometry[Alcoholometry] 95 of the exaet[exact] temperature at which
96 into lumps like resin, it is SALICIN[SALICINE];
98 other, different, and paf??[pa???]
109 allum[alum] (dissolved in gum-water),
119 It has a a[delete] smell resembling
126 (three-daggers)[?] The sp. gr. of any sample of liquid ammonia,
132 conical mass, whieh[which] is technically called
132 untll[until] the liquor has remained
132 as eady[already] mentioned,
136 in the neighbeurhood[neighbourhood] of London.
136 made with lemon-juice and drank[drunk] effervescing,
137 the ctlear[clear] portion of the liquid,
137 after repose decaned[decanted],
143 form the body under examination;[1][del]
147 and litanium[titanium]. Hydrogen also
154 [he created] a new world for future naturalists
161 Pottsviile[Pottsville], Sharp Mount 1·412 2382
165 smelting is the common sulphide kuown[known] as
170 OXIDUM, L.). Prpe.[Prep.] (B. P.)
173 ANTISBORBU'TICA[ANTISBORBU'TICA], L.), used in scurvy.
175 COMPOSIT[COMPOSITÆ]. A plant growing in the North
175 and the head and leck[neck] laid bare.
177 APFEL, Ger.; APPLE[APPEL], Dut.;
178 A. NIVA'LIS or D.[A.] EX NI'VE,
179 fit for or under tillage or aration[aËration];
181 it was an ocult[occult] power of nature,
185 A spirituous liqur[liquor] imported
188 Trii'odide of.= AsT[I]_{3}.
198 succession, and pre ise[precise] character
198 Hydrated sulphide of iron (as 10[the] last).
201 An[By an] Act of Parliament[1] it is provided
208 Sesquioixde[Sesquioxide]
219 [Symbols in table replaced with numeric equivalents.]
219 In the foregoing table {symbol} represents one volume.[deleted all]
219 10 pints; slacked[slaked] lime, 1 oz.;
220 once agitating 6 or 8 vlumes[volumes] of water
245 and is sufficciently[sufficiently] pure for making
246 abundantly columnar crsytals[crystals]
255 melt the materia1[l] in a reverberatery[reverberatory]
257 vary[very] liable to crack when filled with hot water
261 L. [1] Green sulphate of iron, 1 to 2
272 form of mattrass[mattress] than one made of horsehair
272 the horsehair mattrass[mattress] calls even more imperatively
272 Both pillows and mattrass[mattress] should be taken to pieces
273 These are less than those of eather[feather] beds
281 and Mr Denison[Dennison] differ from him in opinion.
284 Goood[Good] samples of benzoin yield
286 and bronchial aflections[affections], when
288 can only be accounted for by aamples[samples]
289 the fluid expresssed[expressed] made up to 26
290 the precipitate thereby produeed[produced].
300 petroleum may bementioned[be mentioned] as examples.
300 much of the asphalt and bituminou[bituminous] pavement
304 1/3rd of this docoction[decoction] is then
307 through the str ets[streets] of this great metropolis;
308 (see 1[I], 4, above), but dissolving
308 6. (Without Vitriol.) As 1[I], 5
308 The final addition of the 3 lbs.[footnote given a number]
310 by which they bcome[become] considerably larger;
312 About A.D. 60.[Footnote not referenced in text; deleted.]
312 of Barthollet[Berthollet] on chlorine, in 1784,
312 {Transcriber’s note: Footnote omitted by publisher.}
313 1[I]. BLEACHING of =Cotton=:
313 The pieces are bucked or boiled in mllk[milk] of lime[5]
319 may be mentioned the folowing[following]:——
319 n[in] breadth, is observed round the glass,
319 [i]t is certain that vesication is effected.
323 and MAGNESIA are indicated, the latter fine[five] when added
331 staranise[star-anise] oil, 40 drops
337 ·941 to [·]942 (18 to 20 u. p.). The common
338 processes detailed under ALCOHOMETRY[ALCOHOLOMETRY].
338 and examining the later or[for] heavier products.
346 a wineglassful[wine-glassful] of this solution added
355 The whole of the water nsed[used]
356 a littie[little] more ‘lobb’ is generally added,
360 2. To the last add of sugar or treacle, 1/2 b[lb].
361 the mixture haying[having] been placed in a retort
362 These vessels are furrounded[surrounded] with belts of iron
369 Oil-paintin[g] a wall
373 nothwithstanding[notwithstanding] the assertions
377 not exceeding 180[°] Fahr.,
377 other butter ever possesees[possesses].
380 =Cadmium, Car'bonate of.= CdCo_{3}[CdCO_{3}].
384 flour, 1-1/2 lb.; curants[currants], 2 lbs.;
399 India rubber or cauotchouc[caoutchouc],
420 When applied let it [be] heated.
427 CERATE PLASTER (Emplastru m[Emplastrum] Cerati Saponis)
429 let it rest for a night in a closed mattrass[matrass];
430 =Chalk, Browu[Brown].= A familiar name for umber.
431 A more economical methed[method]
456 prepares a standard solution as fellows[follows]:
457 Langour[Languor], listlessness, fatigue after the least exercise,
460 a pint of cold water, and drank[drunk] ad libitum.
462 any of the iron preparation[preparations] will
476 into a very considerable and importa[important]
477 it gives a head[bead] of a magnificent
478 between the best and the lowest quantity[quality]
484 Compound of caffein with potash 35[3·5] to 5·000
484 treated with a per-salt[persalt] of iron;
487 to about 1/3rd or 1/4th of it[its] bulk
487 iu[in] a cool place. This preparation
487 It differs frem[from] veratria in being soluble
491 =Iodide and Bromide Solution.= Iodid[Iodide] of cadmium
496 boil the saffron [and] turmeric in
499 Dr. Gardner.[Footnote not referenced in text; deleted.]
501 In the caes[case] of a dangerous attack
504 Its activity is considerd[considered] equal
506 thus described in the ‘Encyclopoedia[EncyclopÆdia] Brittanica.’
507 Copper has a brilliant yellowish-ed[yellowish-red] colour
508 the soluble part to spontaneous evaportion[evaporation].
510 thin film of copper by merely immersing is[it]
512 corns may be removed by ayplying[applying] ivy leaf,
518 requires practice as to the heat of ihe[the] water;
520 at the HÔpital des Enfans[Enfants],
521 are excedingly[exceedingly] useful for many operations,
525 (See table at bottom of previous column.)[(See previous table.)]
531 Davids-Thee, Echter Karolinenthaler——Genuine Karoin’s[Karolin’s]
534 properly qualified medical practioner[practitioner],
536 thould [should] be well bruised
545 sassafras, guaiacmu[guaiacum] turnings,
547 dysentery, dirrrhoea[diarrhoea], and excoriations
549 kind than other persous[persons].
549 in moderarely[moderately] large doses,
549 Lassaigne and Feneulle ln[in] Delphinium staphysagria 550 after rincing[rinsing] the mouth out with water.
555 tne[the] only property which the bodies
560 camphor, fragrant pastiles[pastilles], cascarilla,
560 until the temperature has fallen [to] 39·9° Fahr.,
562 FFRRALUM[FERRALUM] is a mixture of ferrous
563 distinguiished[distinguished] by a mouldy or musty odour
564 if we desire to makx[make] our sanitary surroundings
567 Disinfections of the apartments[apartment]
569 is conected[connected] with the chimney
569 for the purification of mattrasses[mattresses], linen,
571 For heating mattrasses[mattresses] another apparatus
572 surrounding the too[top] of the capital of the still
573 distiller is allowed to produce worst[worts] from any substance
574 Dr. Druitt.[footnote renumbered.]
583 complete disconnection betweeen[between] the pipe
590 =Rasp'berry.= See DROPS, FRUIT (aboue[above].)
594 or convulsive twitching, a vein may be epened[opened].
594 use shall be commercialls[commercially] pure
596 a final wince[rinse] in cow-dung before dyeing is advantageous.
599 dependent for his purples on orchil or cudbeer[cudbear],
603 originally a mixture of siver[silver] nitrate,
605 Liquid sulphurous acid ×[+] 17·6 ”
606 by the ravages of the Ecchinococcus[Echinococcus] is the
607 lines connecting f, g, k, represents[represent]
607 Does[Dose], 1/2 to 2 gr.
607 ASCLEPEDIN. From Asclepiastuberosa[Asclepias tuberosa].
607 Stimulant, astringent, and antispadmodic[antispasmodic].
609 whilst bad or wortless[worthless] ones will swim
610 and stirred ne[one] way all the time,
611 with potasssa[potassa] and solution of silver
611 dried by exposure to the air and a gentle head[heat]
612 and distinguised[distinguished] as negative and positive,
613 instrument is to [be] placed upon the resinous plate
616 The double chloride of platinum and potassum[potassium],
617 =Elecutary[Electuary], Bath.= Syn. 618 honey and syrup of wormwo[wormwood],
618 In intermittents occurring in crofulous[scrofulous] subjects.
620 A teaspooonful[teaspoonful], as a mild stomachic
620 Dose, 1 to 2 teaspoonsfuls[teaspoonfuls],
622 2 teaspoonfuls; in an enorrhoea[amenorrhoea], constipation,
624 bitter almonds (bruised), 8 in on.[no.];
628 gradually added, the ematine[emetine] is dissolved,
628 however, that ematine[emetine] is alone
629 other remedies can be optained[obtained] and applied.
634 and that to exert a liked[like] absorbent action
634 coats of the intestines, and to allay irritatation[irritation];
638 Fluor[Flour, {in table}]
638 but its energy must be develoyed[developed] in the place
642 the diptheria[diphtheria] affecting oxen,
642 tend to sssume[assume] a typhoid form,
642 parasite that multiply[multiplies] so rapidly as speedly[speedily]
643 Titanum[Titanium {in table}]
643 Lanthanium[Lanthanum]
651 =Essence, Anthysteri'ic[Antihyster'ic].=
657 From pine-apple oil (buytric[butyric] ether,
657 rectfied[rectified] spirit, 1/2 pint; digest
657 the solution is apt to depoit[deposit] part of it
657 3.[2.] Attar of roses, 1 oz.; rectified spirit,
654 in the last two formulÆ to th[the] preparation of
658 at 160[°] Fahr. If reduced
658 and neroli, of each 6 drops; dissoved[dissolved]
659 or verbenÆ[verbena] (Andropogon citratum),
663 a heavy, oily pro-product[product]
666 Having been found ls[less] efficient than
667 does not effect[affect] a solution of nitrate
669 it continues to be absorded[absorbed].
669 the nitrite of ethel[ethyl] is——in very
672 Eugleda[Euglena] viridis and the
672 and the Eugleda[Euglena] pyrum.
673 the fluid matter that forms the menstrnum[menstruum];
673 To purify liqnids[liquids] by the dissipation of
673 the vapour is prevented [from] resting upon the
679 W is the weight of the person, W[W_{l}] the weight carried
682 SOLIDFIED[SOLIDIFIED] WORTS, made by a licensed brewer,
682 In medi cne[medicine] and pharmacy,
686 unless when taken in repeated does[doses], long continued.
687 q. s. to make che[the] whole equal in weight [to] that
694 to be employed as the mentruum[menstruum],
699 fluid extract will not [be] required
698 exclusively appropriated to Cannabic[Cannabis] sativa 700 pill consistence.——Dose, 1/2 [to] 1 dr.
701 by maceration or[for] 24 hours,
704 L. Prep. [1.] (P. Cod.) From ox-gall,
708 Guibort[Guibourt].) Senna (in powder), [1] part;
708 by distillation and vaporation[evaporation].——Dose,
708 In arger[larger] doses it is nauseant and emetic.
711 flowers with the purest recitfied[rectified] spirit
712 When a powerfully destructive substence[substance],
712 etherial[ethereal] oils of lavender,
712 intermitent[intermittent] form of facial NEURALGIA
717 simple in construction and easily managable[manageable]; it
718 instead the mouth of the botttle[bottle] is closed
722 in the so-called red prusstate[prussiate] of potash
726 from one vesssel[vessel] to another,
727 first a stratum of course[coarse] pebbles,
728 is said to be prepared by heating hoematite[hÆmatite]
729 washed in hot water.[Footnote tag renumbered.]
729 Commision[Commission]{in table}
733 because of of[del 2nd of] their little specific gravity.
733 of this formulÆ[formula] is made to existing
738 invention, bnt[but] it has not proved
738 contents of the air-vesel[vessel] until
741 Artficial[Artificial] Propagation. 742 when dressed immediately after being caught, possessess[possesses]
743 spirit is frequently omitted altogther[altogether].
746 Microscropic[Microscopic] analysis detects the presence
748 See also BREAD,[No footnote reference in text; added one.]
749 The best bread contains about 1/4-1/6ths[1/6th] of
749 than they can dipose[dispose] of whilst ‘new,’
755 (Eagle marine.) Vedigris[Verdigris] tempered in
757 from the organic kingdom that our ailments[aliments]
758 Beef, mutton, veal, lamb, and vension[venison]
759 is diseased, unound[unsound] or unwholesome,
761 5[4]. (Kittoe’s.) Sal ammoniac, 1 dr.; spring
762 stewing or semi frying[semi-frying], highly flavoured
762 namely, R. amydalinus[amygdalinus].
764 Brown syrup, 90 grammes; verdegris[verdigris], 6 grammes;
764 the perils of transit and storeage[storage].
767 property may be destoyed[destroyed] by boiling it
771 jewellers, analytical chemists, expermentalists[experimentalists],
774 two or three months the sides of the vesse[vessel]
777 to his classification, Mendeljeff[Medelejeff] asserted, that
777 The hypothetical Eka aluminium of Mendeljeff[Mendelejeff]
776 when with treated[when treated with] sulphuretted hydrogen,
776 The per-salts[persalts] of iron present are then
779 for a minute, that that[del 2nd that] they may be skinned
782 =GAR'NET.= In mineraloyy[mineralogy],
782 carburetted hydrogen, hyrochloric[hydrochloric] acid,
786 in a ley[lye] of caustic soda,
792 {Footnote 332:} See ELECTROTYPS[ELECTROTYPE].]
794 gross of buttons of the abve[above] size.
801 lime, 3·8%; alumina, 2 8%[2·8%]. French mirror-glass.
814 solutions of gold, insoluble in excesss[excess].
818 scented, as a pommade[pomade] to make the hair grow,
819 rectified spirit of wine, 2 galls[gals.];
819 The seeds of the Ammomum melaguetta[meleguetta].
826 ammonia chloride o[of] platinum thus obtained,
826 the per-centage of ready-formed amm onia[ammonia],
829 Prop., &c. White; inspid[insipid]; transparent;
837 For use, the air[hair] is moistened by means
839 When the hand[hands] are very dirty,
846 macerate for 2 2[del 2nd 2] hours;
846 Dried petals of the the[del 2nd the] red rose
847 A native chloride or[of] silver,
851 and the fuunel[funnel] having been withdrawn
859 direct attempts to alter his opinons[opinions],
859 fancies himsef[himself] a giant;
860 A fusible, inflammable sub stance[substance],
864 white ozide[oxide] of antimony.
864 but by the ebulition[ebullition] expelling free carbonic acid
865 Several attemps[attempts] have been made of late years
870 Loire-InferiÉure[InfÉrieure],
872 no less than 8250 die from 0·1[0-1] year,
872 having recourse to other than the maternal mik[milk]
875 regarding them as extemporaneous preparatious[preparations].
876 A pure bitter tonic, without a-astringency[astringency]
887 active matter that it it[del 2nd it] is possible
889 Canada snake-root (Assarum[Asarum] Canadense)
890 Carbonate of lead (finely evigated[levigated]),
894 the add then[then add the] other ingredients.
895 and preferably made [from] galls prepared by heat,
895 Used us[as] the last, for either zinc,

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