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Key: {<from>}[<to>]<<comment>>:

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900 the anterior extremity of a {doube}[double] medullary cord;
902 {Prep.}[Prop.], &c. Iodic acid is a crystalline solid,
904 a cork and {and }[]delivery tube are then
908 the {sequi}[sesqui] or persalts of iron,
914 Ferrous Acetate. {F}[Fe](C2H3O2)2.
915 Protocitrate {}[of ]iron,
915 Ferri carbonas {saccarata}[saccharata], B. P.;
917 ferrous chloride and {mercurious}[mercurous] sulphide,
918 {}[2. ]Crystallised potassium tartrate, 132 parts;
918 to produce {at}[a] 10 per cent. solution.
922 restores {it}[its] softness and pliancy
924 juice of the {Gummut}[Gummuti] palm
924 sprinkled over with a {nuber}[number] of white dots.
925 Semecarpus {Anarcardium}[Anacardium], and species of
925 Odorous principle of {Jalap}[jalap].
927 to yield a strong solution; {stain}[strain], decant the clear
928 in fresh soft water until it becomes {transparet}[transparent];
929 (called juniperin) ·37 {Pectine}[Pectin]
929 {Brought forward 32·21}[]
929 Lemon and kali, {Lemoniated}[Lemonated] k.
933 salt (abraumsalz) of {Stassfurt}[Stassfurth],
933 which yields on cooling crystalline {callic}[calcic] kinate.
942 made directly from a {decotion}[decoction] of cochineal
946 See engr., {p. 947}[below].
953 {Pb(C2H3O2)2 2Pb O.}[Pb(C2H3O2)2 2PbO.]
953 Lemon yellow, {Leipsic}[Leipsig] yellow,
954 gives up half its oxygen at a {read}[red] heat;
956 tobacco deprived of {nicotin}[nicotine], by soaking them
956 is imported from Bordeaux, Lisbon, and {Hamburgh}[Hamburg].
956 the following figures were obtained:—{}[“]
962 contributes to the {well-ding}[well-doing] of the patient.
964 {}[“]In the lamp which it is preferred to use
964 {}[“]In the latest form of construction of the
964 {}[“]The dimensions, weight, number of revolutions
965 {}[“]The action of the lamp is as follows:—The
965 {}[“]This wheel is the first of a train of wheels
965 points with perfect automatism.{}[“]
970 the hydrometer cannot be {dedended}[depended] upon.
973 chlorine, or the ordinary {bleading}[bleaching] powder
974 The domestic {mangement}[management] of linen may here receive
975 fl. oz.; oil {}[of] turpentine, 1/2 fl. oz.
976 7 fl. oz.; {miz}[mix] by agitation.
981 {}[“]If oxygen or pure carbonic oxide be enclosed
981 and at a {temperature}[pressure] of about 300 atmospheres,
986 caracca-cacao nuts (cut small), 1 lb., and {vanila}[vanilla],
987 colour the liquid by steeping in it of {hay}[bay] saffron,
989 Syn. Liquor {antisoricus}[antipsoricus],
994 sodium {bircarbonate}[bicarbonate], 50 grams;
1008 Lozenges, Gum. Syn. {Troschisci}[Trochisci]
1008 Prep. 1. Black-currant {lozenze-mass}[lozenge-mass],
1013 {spinkle}[sprinkle] with a little salt;
1014 evening, or night I have always found it good.{}[“]
1017 it is malleable; fusible at a {read}[red] heat,
1019 and is {vitrefied}[vitrified] at a strong red heat.
1022 in the arts of brewing and {distilation}[distillation].
1023 {Distilation}[Distillation], Fermentation, &c.
1023 covered with sheets of paper to keep {}[out ]the flies and dust,
1023 sugar left {it}[in] it,
1025 As prepared by {Delville}[Deville], metallic manganese has a
1026 Manganate of Sodium. {M}[Na]2MnO4.
1027 blue precipitate with red prussiate {or}[of] potash,
1028 The Beta {vulgarit}[vulgaris], var. campestris,
1028 boiled with water, {filled}[filtered] through asbestos,
1032 various pomades and other {cosmeties}[cosmetics], on
1037 {quarts}[quart] = 69·3185
1038 “that it is evidently too low.{}[”]
1039 {osmozome}[osmazome], and which is concentrated gravy. The
1041 {}[“]One of the principal and by far the most
1045 " 18·56" 16·00" 17·06 " 16·50 " {24 49}[24·49]
1052 oils, and solutions of the acids and {alkakies}[alkalies].
1056 1. (Pb. L. {1S36}[1836].) Ferric ferrocyanide
1057 By saturating hot {dilnte}[dilute] nitric acid with
1058 2. (Basic.) {HgSO4.2HgO.}[HgSO4.2HgO.] Syn.
1058 until the latter is {wholy}[wholly] converted into a heavy
1059 {Hg(C2H3GO2)}[Hg(C2H3GO2)].
1059 Prod. 117 {of}[or] 118% of the weight of mercury employed.
1059 Sulphuret of {merury}[mercury], Sulphide of m.,
1062 {Hydragyri}[Hydrargyri] tartras. Made by adding
1064 Methylia. {CH31H2N}[CH3H2N].
1064 Tribasic phosphate {op}[of] sodium and ammonium.
1065 become white vesicles, dry up, peel {of}[off],
1067 {trituration}[titration] with a standard copper solution.
1067 combined casein and {posphate}[phosphate] of sodium,
1068 I do not, however, claim a high {degreee}[degree] of accuracy
1068 The common {frands}[frauds] practised by the milk-dealers
1069 and plants of the cabbage or onion {famishes}[families],
1070 {Nutritous}[Nutritious]; but apt to offend delicate stomachs.
1070 he has examined the {principals}[principal] brands of preserved
1070 This process, which {it}[is] very old,
1071 " Sugar " {1 80}[1·80] " ... " 1·46
1071 <Table misalignment corrected.>
1077 Prep. Horeradish[Horseradish] root, 1/2 oz.; mustard seed,
1077 15 drops; simple {sprup}[syrup] (pure),
1080 63 {)}[divide into] 37 13 6
1082 The cloth is {subsequent y}[subsequently] aired,
1085 Syn. MorphiÆ {hydryiodas}[hydriodas], L.
1089 Syn. Mucilago {altheÆ}[althÆÆ].
1090 A disease affecting {neat}[meat] cattle,
1093 Moschus artificialis, M. {facititius}[factitius],
1094 fresh parsley, {chevril}[chervil], celery, and tarragon,
1096 until the residuum in the still {kegins}[begins] to char,
1099 in his or her particular {ease}[case].
1104 {Ag.NO3}[AgNO3], nitrate of silver
1106 {0 2525}[0·2525] milligramme of potassium nitrate.
1108 Nitrogen, I'odide of. {Ni2}[NI2].
1108 excepting {fulminatiny}[fulminating] silver:
1111 ( ” {perchloricnm}[perchloricum]) HClO4
1113 injurious to health, or so {overcrowed}[overcrowded]
1115 Loss {4}[4·0]
1119 omits to disclose, or wilfully {mistates}[misstates]
1119 production. It averages from 0·76 to {90}[0·90], but
1120 (Batavian—Cadet de {Gassicourt}[Gassincourt].)
1134 Syn. Oleum olivÆ {oyygenatum}[oxygenatum]
1136 It is generally coloured with {verdigis}[verdigris],
1142 and this is generally {affected}[effected] by mixing the two
1152 a peculiar {cystallisable}[crystallisable] substance,
1152 of the {plum-treee}[plum-tree], the bruised kernels of cherries,
1153 (B. P.), Oleum {cajaputi}[cajeputi]
1156 Oleum {erigerontis}[erigeronis] canadensis.
1156 It closely {resemble}[resembles] that of sweet fennel
1156 the oil a like solution of the {cholride}[chloride]
1157 Cochlearia {aramoracia}[armoracia] (Linn.),
1157 oils of hyacinths, jonquil, {tuborose}[tuberose] violets,
1162 oil of rosemary (O. {rosemarini}[rosmarini],
1163 Mentha viridis (Linn.) or garden {or}[] spearmint.
1163 Fresh rhizomes, 3/4 to 1%; dried (recent), 1 to 1·25{°}[%].
1163 Fresh, ·25% to {5%}[·5%]; dried (recent), 3/4 to 1%(fully).
1175 Syn. {Inguentum}[Unguentum]
1175 Syn. {Uuguentum}[Unguentum] ipecacuanhÆ
1175 then {gradully}[gradually] add of ointment of white wax,
1176 (softened by heat), 1 lb., with oils {or}[of] aniseed,
1176 a dressing to indolent ulcers and {issnes}[tissues].
1185 and stir the mixture briskly {unil}[until] it concretes.
1199 within our recollection {wa}[was] 41/2 gr.
1207 artificial base {thiosinnemine}[thiosinamine]
1207 produced by artificial means{ (which see)}[ ].
1208 Water = {9.11112}[0·11112] ” Hydrogen
1208 {(see figure below)}[(See middle figure above)].
1214 Rhubarb tarts and {tomatos}[tomatoes],
1216 a strength of 9° {BeaumÉ}[BaumÉ] is poured thereon,
1216 about 3 cubic {metrÈs}[mÈtres] of oxygen.
1224 {(C10H16O1H2O)}[C10H16O.H2O].
1226 The most {apropriate}[appropriate] and only safe situation
1228 old masters had been in {posssesion}[possession] of colours,
1229 {}[“]4. White and other quick-drying opaque
1229 an easily soluble mastich or {lammar}[dammar] varnish
1231 (11·8—{Woollaston}[Wollaston]; 12·14—Vauquelin).
1233 {Se}[See] Sympathetic ink.
1237 This remarkable {hydrocabon}[hydrocarbon] is one of the several
1238 Oxyuris vermicularis, ” {Pentastroma}[Pentastoma] constrictum,
1239 The flesh of cattle fed on the {parnsip}[parsnip] is also
1241 Paste, Flour. {Sgn}[Syn]. Colle de pÂte
1242 Prep. {Prom}[From] blanched Jordan almonds,
1242 beat in 2 squares of {Windor}[Windsor] soap
1244 ({Foutanier}[Fontanier].) Paste, 8 oz.; oxide of cobalt,
1246 {Salazzi}[Solazzi] juice, 4 oz.;
1249 {Herrendschwand’s}[Herrenschwand’s] Specific.
1252 0·042{]}[ ]
1252 is procured from {n}[a] fresh-water shell-fish
1267 ·25 {-}[to] ·5 lbs. binoxide of manganese-cullet.
1271 several {allotrophic}[allotropic] forms.
1271 extreme {prostation}[prostration] of the nervous powers,
1271 provided the {mateterials}[materials] had not been well
1271 the temperature being {two}[too] low,
1272 water resolves it {in}[into] phosphoric acid
1274 By strongly heating common {or}[orthophosphate] of sodium.
1276 decomposition of the urea by the bladder {mucous}[mucus],
1280 in which the pigmented gelatin alone {remain}[remains],
1290 was about 33 per {per }[ ]cent. of the average
1297 the flour might {flavour}[favour] some decomposition
1301 PilulÆ {antichloriticÆ}[antichloroticÆ], L.
1305 Gamboge, aloes {bods} [pods], and compound cinnamon powder,
1321 upon evaporation of the {chloform}[chloroform] solution.
1330 See Plaster of {Euphobium}[Euphorbium].
1343 a rise of bodily temperature from 103° to {195°}[ 105°].
1348 Mix well in a {wedgewood}[wedgwood] mortar, using a wooden
1349 even by the most thirsty votaries of malt {liqnor}[liquor].
1351 {tarred}[tared] glass cylinder capable of containing ten times
1353 at {Stassfurt}[Stassfurth], near Madgeburg, in Prussia.
1354 Potassium {dyhydric}[dihydric] arseniate;
1356 as in No. 1, {wnen}[when] 35 to 40 lbs.
1363 used in chemistry as a reagent, and {deoxydiser}[deoxidiser].
1369 Bruised groundsel ({Senicio}[Senecio] vulgaris)
1375 {Syn.}[ ]Prep. Belladonna, 1 to 3 gr.;
1376 {Puvis}[Pulvis] elaterii compositus.
1376 Round birthwort, gentian, tops of lesser {centuary}[centaury],
1382 {Limondum}[Limonadum] siccum, Pulvis pro liminado
1382 For 5 pints:—One each {change}[charge] of 2 and 3 pints.
1391 The specimen {on the next page}[below]
1391 <Contents of page 1392 have been moved to the previous page.>
1400 and is then {rednced}[reduced] to powder.
1402 powder must be preserved in {close}[closed] vessels
1408 a dye possessing greater colorific {powder}[power]
1409 Cinchona succirubra, cultivated at {Darjiling}[Darjeeling],
1411 the determination inaccurate."{}[[1]] <Location of tag presumed.>
1417 and opening {z}[y] the juice is admitted
1417 the union is {affected}[effected] by simple agitation;
1418 It is a highly nutritious {serial}[cereal],
1421 and its {occurence}[occurrence] in appreciable quantity
1422 diameter of the gauge should {not}[]range between 4 and 8 inches.
1423 few, if any, chimneys to {distub}[disturb] the air currents,
1425 Instead of orange flowers, {neuroli}[neroli],
1441 {Ru2O33, 8H2O}[Ru2O3,8H2O], is thrown down.
1444 with the {flowrets}[flowerets] of safflower,
1456 the jurisdiction of a joint {sewarage}[sewerage] board,
1457 such a mansion as is {pourtrayed}[portrayed] by Mr Collins
1460 the urine {immediates}[immediately] assumes a fine
1463 {renewin}[renewing] the water from time to time.
1471 it is capable of assuming three {allatropic}[allotropic] forms
1478 The table {on next page}[below],
1481 and the sooner the middens are abolished the better.{}[“[2]]
1487 assigned the formula {2SiO213H2O.}[2SiO2,3H2O.]
1490 result of the researches of {Her}[Herr] Tycho Tulburg,
1493 best quantity to be taken for cupellation {in}[is] 500 gr.
1495 can possibly either remain or get between {then}[them].
1497 said to bear a close {resembance}[resemblance] to silver
1499 {Gowlland’s}[Gowland’s] lotion, which has long been
1503 supported by the most {eckless}[reckless] statements
1506 <Incomplete footnote on page 1506 is as printed.>
1506 add the {ley}[lye] to the oil
1506 acid used indicates {0·053 Na2Co3}[0·053 Na2CO3]
1507 acid, {palmatin gives palmatic}[palmitin gives palmitic] acid,
1510 The soap is usually coloured with {caramal}[caramel].
1512 directly into soda or its {carbonated}[carbonate].
1513 {NaHC2O3 + MgCO2 = NaHCO3 + MgC2O4}
[NaHC2O4 + MgCO3 = NaHCO3 + MgC2O4]
1517 beautiful oblique rhombic prisms, of the {formulÆ}[formula]
1518 a portion of the {sulphovenic}[sulphovinic] acid
1521 Cupri {ammonati}[ammoniati]
1526 Prep. {Iodureted}[Ioduretted] waters, Nos. 1, 2, and 3;
1528 Syn. Liquor potassÆ {efferevescens}[effervescens]
1530 Aqua {posassae}[potassÆ] sulphureti
1530 a few beef bones, 6 large {carrrots}[carrots], 2 large onions,
1534 Species, Bitter. Syn. <Entire paragraph moved up.>
1535 is {alway}[always] taken at 60° Fahr,
1535 Leaves and tops of wormwood, betony, bugle, {culamint}[calamint],
1541 aloes, 1/2 oz.; bay berries, 1 oz.; {gallanga}[galanga] root,
1543 They are {chlefly}[chiefly] employed
1544 Liquor {or}[of] spiritus volatilis cornu cervi,
1546 savory, thyme, {rosmary}[rosemary], calamint,
1551 the mixture has {besome}[become] perfectly dry
1553 to the third and last, which {contain}[contained] 6·19 acres.
1558 and of {carring}[carrying] away any prejudicial excess
1563 by the purchaser of modern {jewellery}[jewelry].
1564 {Coffee’s}[Coffey’s] still
1564 that of Siemens’ (see page {1567}[1566]), much employed
1572 sometimes, {sursounded}[surrounded] by a slight redness.
1573 it is boiled for half {and}[an] hour,
1594 (shown at C{,}[ in the plate below])
1596 (620·6°, Odling; 620°, {Hardwick}[Hardwich] and Fownes; 617°,
1602 The {rhizone}[rhizome] (‘root’) is an aromatic stimulant
1605 will be perfectly {tranparent}[transparent],
1606 temperature of 212° is 1·260 to 1·261, or 30{'}[°] BaumÉ.
1606 and become {ascescent}[acescent]; but of the two this
1607 Prep. (Ph. D.) Solution of {actetate}[acetate] of morphia,
1611 after gently {heat}[heating] in a porcelain capsule
1621 some {disinfectan}[disinfectant] substance
1626 indigo is converted into {sulpindigotic}[sulphindigotic] acid,
1628 in exactly the same manner as {benzol }[benzol, it ]is converted
1639 follow Professor {Ball}[Bell] through
1639 From Professor {Ball’s}[Bell’s] lecture at
1641 tetrachloride ({TeCl2}[TeCl4]).
1642 Sulphuric acid boils ({Magrignac}[Marignac]),
1649 a neutral volatile residue."{}[[1]]<Tag added.>
1651 is equiv. to {683}[·683] gr. of metallic lead (nearly).
1654 Tincture of Ac'etate of I'ron. {Spn}[Syn].
1656 Tincture of {Angustu'ra}[Angostu'ra].
1656 Dried leaves of {balladonna}[belladonna],
1657 as a stomachic bitter and {tonie}[tonic],
1660 and add to this balsam of {capaiba}[copaiba],
1662 (Ph. E. & Ph. L. 1836.) {Gruaiacum}[Guaiacum] resin
1664 black {hellibore}[hellebore] root, 3 dr.;
1668 {Tincture}[Tinctura] rhododendri.
1675 partial analysis of the imports of 1873 and 1874:"{}[1]
1678 its peculiar {aBd}[and] disagreeable odour.
1680 Ferri {ferridcyanidum}[ferricyanidum], L. Prep.
1686 as indicated by the {suddenness}[suddeness] of the attack,
1695 ‘Chem. {Centralb}[Central],’ (‘Pharm. Journ.’).
1699 yeast plant (the Torula {cerivisiÆ}[cerevisiÆ]).
1701 In the engravings {on next page}[below] the principal
1715 The practice of {vensection}[venesection], bloodletting,
1716 then {sqeeze}[squeeze] them, dry them
1719 but {weasles}[weasels], stoats, hedgehogs,
1720 have been {wrought}[brought] before the public.
1723 Acetic Acid, {Acedimetry}[Acetimetry],
1731 little manual, {entiled}[entitled]
1735 compressibility to {beat}[be at] the rate of
1735 addition of {lim}[lime] water,
1739 which {number}[numbers] it falls between
1741 of available {oxyyen}[oxygen]. The experiment
1742 the others were all polluted by animal {mattter}[matter].
1743 Aqua {anthenidis}[anthemidis] (Ph. G.).
1744 Fresh peach {loaves}[leaves], cut small, 2 lbs.;
1744 Put into a glass {relort}[retort] with 10 oz. of. water,
1750 in a dwelling-house or in {in }[]the neighbourhood
1751 a compound of {hyrogen}[hydrogen] and carbonic oxide gases.
1753 Wax, {Carnanba}[Carnauba]
1764 The seed of {Fagogprum}[Fagopyrum] esculentum,
1765 become a great {disideratum}[desideratum] as a wholesome
1765 Acre after acre of {cellers}[cellars], vault after vault,
1766 distinguished by the {appelation}[appellation] ‘green.’
1770 " 9·31 " 22·35 {Malmsley}[Malmsey]
1772 solution of any alkaline {sulphhydrate}[sulphydrate],
1774 Wines are as commonly {doctered}[doctored] in their colour
1778 rose {clovegillyflower}[clove gillyflower], carnation,
1783 Vinum {strammonii}[stramonii] (Ph. Bat.).
1785 under a good {microsope}[microscope] distinctly exhibit,
1789 fermentation of worts from below ({untergÄhrung}[untergÄrung]).
1789 by {blacing}[placing] it in a close canvas bag,
1791 colour of the {sulbhate}[sulphate]
1791 1 part, and litharge, 4 {barts}[parts], are ground together
1794 through the {tubu- re}[tubulure] <Sentences also rearranged.>
Catalogi {Catalogue D.}[]
Catalogv Pharmaceutical {aad}[and] Medical Students.

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