tml@files@47585@47585-h@47585-h-7.htm.html#Page_251" class="pginternal">251- 256. what she told about silk, 133-137. Covert cloth, 211. CrÊpe de Chine, 123. Cretonne, use of, 9. Crinoline, use of, 9. Cross-stitch: design for, 144. gifts made from, 146. how to make, 144, 145. use of, 143-146. Damask, 183. Darning, straight tears, 163-166. Darning stitch: for stockings, 167-169. for straight tears, 163, 166. how made, 152-153. where to use, 166. Decorating, stitches used for, 118-121. (See also Embroidery stitches.) Denims, 8, 10. Dimity, 60. Dress: artistic appreciation in, 254-255. colors for, 258. personal characteristics in relation to, 256-257. spacing and arrangement of lines, 255. use of colors, 255. Dress Skirt: laying and cutting pattern, 238. making, 238-239. pattern for, 236-238. Duck, 61. Dyeing silk, 134-135. Ellen H. Richards House, 291. Embroidery stitches: blanket stitch, 138-141. catch stitch, 150-152. chain stitch, 119. cross-stitch, 143-146. featherstitch, 119, 120, 129, 130. outline stitch, 121. Embroidered patterns, 288. Etamine, 213. Eyelets, 270. Factory, silk, 137. Featherstitch: how made, 124. primitive, 68Printed in the United States of America. Transcriber notes: P.242. "5." changed to '3.". P.262. 'characterisics' changed to 'characteristics'. |