PAGE - Acrospores, 141
- Æcidiacei, 189
- Æcidiolum exanthematum, 22
- Æcidium, 5
- —— (Descriptions), 190
- —— EuphorbiÆ, 11
- —— Galii, 15
- —— leucospermum, 11
- —— quadrifidum, 11
- —— Ranunculacearum, 12
- —— SaniculÆ, 15
- —— Thesii, 15
- —— Tragopogonis, 5
- Alternation of Generations, 38
- Anemone brand, 60
- —— cluster-cups, 10
- Anther smut, 85
- Antheridia, 129
- Appendages or fulcra, 165
- Appendix, 189
- Aregma bulbosum, 69
- —— (Descriptions), 195
- —— gracilis, 71
- —— mucronatum, 34
- —— obtusatum, 73
- Artotrogus, 151
- Asci, 35
- Ascomyces Rumicis, 161
- Ascotricha chartarum, 175
- —— (Descriptions), 221
- Bean rust, 104
- Bedstraw cluster-cups, 15
- Beet rust, 104
- Berberry cluster-cups, 16
- Berberry mildew, 170
- Birch rust, 118
- —— wedge-rust, 118
- Blackberry brand, 68
- Bladder brand, 86
- Blight, Berberry, 170
- —— Burdock, 174
- —— Crowfoot, 173
- —— Dogwood, 174
- —— Gooseberry, 171
- —— Guelder-rose, 171
- —— Hazel, 168
- —— Hop, 169
- —— Indian Cotton, 177
- —— Maple, 167
- —— Mealy Guelder-rose, 172
- —— Mugwort, 174
- —— Pea, 173
- —— Plantain, 174
- —— Rose, 166
- —— Salsify, 174
- —— Willow, 169
- Boletus cyanescens, 106
- Botrytis devastatrix, 153
- —— fallax, 153
- —— infestans, 153
- Bramble brand, 68
- Brand, Anemone, 60
- —— Bladder, 86
- —— Bramble, 68
- —— Burnet chain, 73
- —— Centaury, 63
- —— Complex, 67
- —— Dust, 76
- —— Earth-nut, 64
- —— Goatsbeard, 65
- —— Ground-ivy, 59
- —— Meadow-sweet, 67
- —— Mint, 58
- —— Pepper, 86
- —— Periwinkle, 103
- —— Raspberry, 71
- —— Sanicle, 64
- —— Strawberry, 72
- —— Thistle, 62
- Bristle-moulds, 175
- Buckthorn cluster-cups, 16
- Bunt, 86
- Bunt, germination, 87
- Burdock blight, 174
- Burnet chain-brand, 73
- Butter-bur rust, 122
- Buttercup blight, 173
- —— cluster-cups, 12
- Cabbage rust, 136
- Campanula rust, 123
- Centaury brand, 63
- ChÆtomium (Descriptions), 221
- —— elatum, 175
- Classification, 189
- Clover rust, 116
- Cluster-cups, 2
- Cluster-cup, Anemone, 10
- —— Bedstraw, 15
- —— Berberry, 16
- —— Buckthorn, 16
- —— Buttercup, 12
- —— Fir-tree, 20
- —— Goatsbeard, 3
- —— Hawthorn, 17
- —— Houseleek, 21
- —— Mountain-Ash, 19
- —— Nettle, 14
- —— Pear-tree, 18
- —— Sanicle, 14
- —— Spurge, 11
- —— Violet, 13
- Cocksfoot smut, 83
- Coleosporium, 119
- —— CampanulÆ, 122
- —— (Descriptions), 212
- —— petasites, 122
- —— tussilaginis, 120
- Coleosporium sonchi-arvensis, 122
- —— Rhinanthacearum, 122
- Collecting fungi, 179
- Coltsfoot rust, 120
- Complex brands, 67
- Complex smuts, 90
- Composite rust, 105
- Conceptacles, 165
- Conidia, 126
- Coniomycetes, 5
- Conjurer of Chalgrave’s fern, 61
- Corn mildew, 48
- —— mildew, germination, 55
- —— rust, 49, 52, 95
- —— smut, 79
- Cornel blight, 174
- Coronated mildew, 56
- Cotton blight in India, 177
- Cow-parsnip rust, 105
- Cow-wheat rust, 122
- Crowfoot blight, 173
- Crucifer white rust, 136
- Cryptosporium Neesii, 35
- Cystopus, 124, 136
- —— candidus, 136
- —— cubicus, 136
- —— (Descriptions), 214
- —— Lepigoni, 136
- Dandelion parasites, 61
- De Bary’s experiments, 129
- Descriptions, 189
- Di-morphism, 33
- Diseases of wheat, 85
- Dock mould, 160
- Dogwood blight, 174
- Dothidea ribis, 36
- Dust-brand, 76
- Earth-nut brand, 64
- Elongated corn rust, 95
- —— smut, 84
- Enchanter’s Nightshade rust, 112
- Endophyllum, 20
- —— (Descriptions), 194
- Endospore, 40
- Epispore, 40
- Erineum acerinum, 170
- Erysiphe communis, 173
- —— (Descriptions), 220
- —— lamprocarpa, 174
- —— Linkii, 174
- —— Martii, 173
- —— Montagnei, 174
- —— tortilis, 174
- Eurotium (Descriptions), 222
- —— herbariorum, 177
- Examining fungi, 183
- Fern rust, 112
- Fungi, species of, 45
- Generations, alternation of, 38
- Genus and species, 58
- Germination of mildew, 55
- —— of pea rust, 40
- Goatsbeard cluster-cups, 3
- —— smut, 82
- —— white rust, 136
- Goat-willow rust, 116
- Golden-rose rust, 113
- Gonosphere, 130
- Gooseberry blight, 171
- Ground-ivy brand, 59
- Groundsel rust, 97
- Guelder-rose blight, 171
- Gymnosporangium (Descriptions), 201
- Hawthorn cluster-cups, 17
- Hazel blight, 168
- Herbarium mould, 177
- —— of fungi, 182
- Hop disease, 167
- Hyphomycetes, 139
- Inoculation, 9
- Iris rust, 115
- Lecythea, 107
- —— caprÆarum, 117
- —— (Descriptions), 206
- —— Lini, 108
- —— longicapsula, 118
- —— RosÆ, 34, 107
- Lettuce mould, 156
- Line-like rust, 95
- Long-stemmed rust, 114
- Luzula rust, 104
- Maple blight, 169
- Meadow-saffron smut, 92
- Meadow-sweet brand, 67
- Mealy Guelder-rose blight, 172
- Melampsora betulina, 118
- —— (Descriptions), 213
- —— salicina, 117
- Mercury rust, 110
- Microscopic examination, 183
- —— fungi collecting, 179
- Microscopic preserving, 182
- MicrosphÆria Berberidis, 170
- —— (Descriptions), 219
- —— Ehrenbergii, 171
- —— Hedwigii, 172
- Mildew and brand, 45
- —— what is it?, 46
- Mint brand, 58
- —— rust, 102
- Monthly calendar of fungi, 180
- Moulds, 138
- Mould, Dock, 160
- —— Lettuce, 156
- —— Onion, 155
- —— Parsnip, 157
- —— Potato, 144
- —— Rose, 159
- —— Spinach, 158
- —— Tare, 156
- Mountain-ash cluster-cups, 19
- Mounting fungi, 184
- Mugwort blight, 174
- Mycelium, 23
- Nettle cluster-cups, 14
- Nightshade rust, 112
- Number of species, 45
- Oak-leaf rust, 111
- Oidium, 34, 162
- —— leucoconium, 167
- —— monilioides, 162
- —— Tuckeri, 164
- Onion mould, 155
- Oogonia, 129
- Oospores, 131
- Origin of mildew, 47
- Parsnip mould, 157
- 24
- Stinking rust, 87
- Strawberry brand, 72
- Stylospores, 38, 42
- Suckers, 125, 141
- Suggestions, 179
- Sweet-smelling rust, 99
- Tare mould, 156
- Thistle brand, 62
- Thistle white rust, 137
- Tilletia caries, 87
- —— (Descriptions), 202
- Trichobasis BetÆ, 104
- —— caricina, 104
- —— Cichoracearum, 105
- —— (Descriptions), 207
- —— FabÆ, 104
- —— hydrocotyles, 100
- —— Labiatarum, 102
- —— linearis, 95
- —— oblongata, 105
- —— ParnassiÆ, 106
- —— Petroselini, 105
- —— Polygonorum, 104
- —— rubigo-vera, 49, 95
- —— Senecionis, 97
- —— suaveolens, 99
- —— Umbellatarum, 105
- —— Violarum, 102
- Trientalis smut, 93
- Triphragmium (Descriptions), 196
- —— UlmariÆ, 67
- Tuburcinia, 93
- —— (Descriptions), 212
- Tulasne on Fungi, 35
- Twin-faced rust, 111
- Uncinula adunca, 169
- —— bicornis, 169
- —— (Descriptions), 218
- Uredines, 33
- Uredo Betulina, 118
- —— bifrons, 111
- —— CircÆÆ, 112
- —— confluens, 110
- —— (Descriptions), 204
- —— Filicum, 112
- —— hydrocotyles, 101
- —— Hypericorum, 113
- —— ParnassiÆ, 106
- —— Quercus, 111
- —— RosÆ, 33
- Urocystis, 91
- Uromyces apiculata,
- Transcriber’s Notes:
- A link to the Index was added to the Table of Contents.
- The Table of Contents entry for the first Appendix has no identifier. Clicking on the page number will take you to Appendix A.
- The Table of Contents references Appendix II. This is should have been a reference Appendix B. Clicking on the page number for Appendix II will take you to Appendix B.
- The image of SPERMOGONES (Fig 1.) on page 25 has been rotated to make the letter identifications more legible.
- On page 40 there is a reference to fig. 150, but nothing in that figure is labeled 150.
- On page 56, in the footnote, there is a reference to fig. 45 on Plate II. This was corrected to Plate III.
- On page 67 there is a reference to fig. 47 on Plate II. This was corrected to Plate III.
- On page 69 there are references to figs. 47 and 41 on Plate II. This was corrected to Plate III.
- On page 79 there is a reference to figs. 123—125 on Plate IV. This was corrected to Plate VI.
- On page 216 there is a reference to fig. 268 on Plate VII. This was corrected to Plate XVI.
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.