


Plate fig.
I. 1. Goatsbeard with its cluster-cups (Æcidium Tragopogonis).
? 2. Fragment of same, slightly magnified.
? 3. Section of cluster-cup, further magnified.
? 4. Leaf of wood-anemone with its cluster-cups (Æcidium leucospermum).
? 5. Portion of same, slightly magnified.
? 6. Anemone cluster-cups, further magnified.
? 7. Leaf of Berberry with cluster-cups (Æcidium Berberidis).
? 8. Cluster of cups from the Berberry, as seen with a lens.
? 9. Cluster-cups of Berberry, magnified.
? 10. Nettle-stem distorted by growth of cluster-cups (Æcidium UrticÆ).
? 11. Nettle cluster-cups, magnified.
II. 12. Leaf of Pilewort with groups of cluster-cups (Æcidium Ranunculacearum).
? 13. Group of cluster-cups from Pilewort, as seen with a lens.
? 14. Section of Pilewort cluster-cups, magnified.
? 15. Bedstraw cluster-cups (Æcidium Galii) on the Great Hedge Bedstraw.
? 16. Tip of leaflet with cluster of cups, viewed through a lens.
? 17. Bedstraw cluster-cup from same, magnified.
? 18. Leaflets of Mountain-ash with horn-shaped cluster-cups (Roestelia cornuta).
? 19. Group of Mountain-ash cluster-cups, magnified.
? 20. Pear-leaf with its cluster-cups (Roestelia cancellata).
? 21. Cluster-cup from the same, magnified.
? 22. Leaves and fruit of Hawthorn with lacerated cluster-cups (Roestelia lacerata).
? 23. Elongated cells forming the walls of the cluster-cups, × 250.
? 24. Single cell, more highly magnified, with its parallel striÆ.
? 25. Cluster-cups from fruit of Hawthorn, magnified.
? 26. Section of same, further magnified.
? 27. Fir-leaves bearing cluster-cups (Peridermium Pini).
? 28. Isolated cup of same, magnified.
III. 29. Many-jointed fruit of Burnet chain-brand (Xenodochus carbonarius), magnified.
? 30. Leaflets of Burnet with rust on the lower, and brand (Aregma acuminatum) on the upper leaflets.
? 31. Spores of Burnet rust (Lecythea Poterii) × 230.
? 32. Fruit of Burnet brand (Aregma acuminatum).
? 33. Leaf of Barren Strawberry with rust and brand intermixed.
? 34. Spores of Barren Strawberry rust × 230.
? 35. Fruit of Strawberry brand (Aregma obtusatum) × 300.
? 36. Leaflet of Rose with its rust and brand intermixed.
? 37. Spores of Rose rust (Lecythea RosÆ) × 230.
? 38. Fruit of Rose brand (Aregma mucronatum) × 300.
? 39. Leaflet of Bramble, with its rust and brand intermixed.
? 40. Spores of Bramble rust (Lecythea Ruborum) × 230.
? 41. Fruit of Bramble brand (Aregma bulbosum) × 300.
? 42. Leaflet of Raspberry with its brand.
? 43. Fruit of Raspberry brand (Aregma gracile) × 230.
? 44. Cluster of fruits of Rose brand (Aregma mucronatum) × 230.
? 45. Fruit of Bramble brand (Aregma bulbosum) in active germination, with sporidia at the tips of the threads × 300.
? 46. Fruit of Bramble brand (Aregma bulbosum) ruptured, with inner cell escaping × 250 (F. Currey).
? 47. Portion of leaflet of Meadow-sweet with its brand.
? 48. Spores of Meadow-sweet brand (Triphragmium ulmariÆ) × 300.
? 49. Spore of Meadow-sweet brand (Triphragmium ulmariÆ) in germination, with sporidia borne on the germ-tubes × 300 (Tulasne).
? 50. Sprig of Thesium humifusum bearing Bastard-toadflax cluster-cups (Æcidium Thesii).
? 51. Portion of leaf of same, with cluster-cups, enlarged.
? 52. Leaflet of Trientalis EuropÆa with its smut (Tuburcinia Trientalis).
? 53. Spores of the same × 320.
? 54. Spores of Potato smut (Tuburcinia scabies) × 320. (Berkeley.)
? 55. Leaflet of Alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum) with its brand.
? 56. Spores of Alexanders brand (Puccinia Smyrnii) × 320.
? 211. Oogonium of Sandwort mould (Peronospora arenariÆ) × 400 (De Bary).
? 212. Oogonium of Pea mould (Peronospora viciÆ) × 400 (De Bary).
? 213. Oogonium of Veronica mould (Peronospora grisea) × 400 (De Bary).
? 214. Oogonium of Spinach mould (Peronospora effusa) × 400 (De Bary).
? 215. Leaf of Goosefoot with mould (Peronospora effusa).
XI. 216. Conceptacle of Hop mildew (SphÆrotheca castagnei) × 80.
? 217. Conceptacle of Rose blight (SphÆrotheca pannosa) × 80.
? 218. Sporangium of SphÆrotheca pannosa × highly.
? 219. Conceptacle of Hazel blight (Phyllactinia guttata) × 80.
? 220. Sporangium of Phyllactinia guttata × highly.
? 221. Portion of leaf of Willow with Willow blight (Uncinula adunca).
? 222. Conceptacle of Willow blight (Uncinula adunca) × 80.
? 223. Tip of one of the appendages × highly.
? 224. Sporangium of Willow blight (Uncinula adunca) × highly.
? 225. Conceptacle of Maple blight (Uncinula bicornis) × 80.
? 226. Tip of one of the appendages of Uncinula bicornis × highly.
? 227. Furcate tip of one of the appendages of the Maple blight (Uncinula bicornis) × highly.
? 228. Sporangium of Uncinula bicornis × highly.
? 229. Leaf of Berberry with Berberry blight (MicrosphÆria Berberidis).
? 230. Conceptacle of Berberry blight × 80.
? 231. Tip of one of the appendages of Berberry blight (MicrosphÆria Berberidis) × highly.
? 232. Sporangium of Berberry blight × highly.
? 233. Tip of appendage of a continental species of blight (MicrosphÆria Ehrenbergii) × highly (LÉveillÉ).
? 234. Tip of appendage of Alder blight (MicrosphÆria penicillata) × highly.
? 235. Portion of Grass leaf with blight (Oidium monilioides).
? 236. Tuft of conidia of Oidium monilioides × 120.
? 237. Leaflet of Garden Pea with Pea blight (Erysiphe Martii).
? 238. Conceptacle of Pea blight (Erysiphe Martii) × 80.
? 239. Sporangium of Erysiphe Martii × highly.
? 240. Conceptacle of Buttercup blight (Erysiphe communis) × 80.
? 241. Sporangium of Erysiphe communis × highly.
? 242. Sucker from the mycelium of Erysiphe communis, magnified.
XII. 243. Conceptacle of Mealy Guelder-rose blight (MicrosphÆria Hedwigii) × 80.
? 244. Sporangium of same, containing spores, × highly.
? 245. Conceptacle of Cornel blight (Erysiphe tortilis) × 80.
? 246. Sporangium of same, containing spores, × highly.
? 247. Tip of appendage of MicrosphÆria Hedwigii × highly.
? 248. Sporangium of Mugwort blight (Erysiphe Linkii), containing spores, × highly.
? 249. Conceptacle of Mugwort blight (Erysiphe Linkii) × 80.
? 250. Sporangium and spores of Plantain blight (Erysiphe lamprocarpa) × highly.
? 251. Conceptacle of Plantain blight (Erysiphe lamprocarpa) × 80.
? 252. Conceptacle of Paper bristle-mould (ChÆtomium chartarum) magnified.
? 253. Sporidium of the same, further magnified.
? 254. Conceptacle of Paper mildew (Ascotricha chartarum) magnified (Berkeley).
? 255. Portion of thread of same with conidia, further magnified (Berkeley).
? 256. Sporangium of same, containing spores (Berkeley).
? 257. Piece of straw with Bristle mould (ChÆtomium elatum).
? 258. Conceptacle of same, slightly magnified.
? 259. Section of same, further magnified.
? 260. Dead leaf over-run with Herbarium mildew (Eurotium herbariorum).
? 261. Conceptacles of the same, seated on their mycelium, magnified.
XIII. 262. Fertile thread of Turnip mould (Peronospora parasitica).
? 263. Fertile thread of Onion mould (Peronospora Schleideniana).
XIV. 264. Fertile thread of Potato mould (Peronospora infestans).
? 265. Fertile thread of Lettuce mould (Peronospora gangliformis).

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