
IN these latter days, when everyone who possesses a love for the marvellous, or desires a knowledge of some of the minute mysteries of nature, has, or ought to have, a microscope, a want is occasionally felt which we have essayed to supply. This want consists in a guide to some systematic botanical study, in which the microscope can be rendered available, and in which there is ample field for discovery, and ample opportunity for the elucidation of facts only partly revealed. Fungi, especially the more minute epiphyllous species, present just such an opportunity as many an ardent student would gladly take advantage of; one great obstacle to the pursuit being hitherto found in the absence of any hand-book to this section of the British Flora, embracing the emendations, improvements, and additions of the past twenty-seven years (the period at which the fifth volume of the “English Flora” made its appearance). It would be incompatible with our object, and beyond our limits, to introduce an entire mycological flora to our readers in these pages; but we hope to communicate such information as will serve to prepare the way still more for such an additional Flora, should it ever be produced, and render the demand still wider and more general for such an extension of our botanical literature. It is true that one work has of late years issued from the press on this subject, but notwithstanding its utility to scientific men as a record of species, it is practically useless to those we address, from the absence of all specific descriptions of microscopic fungi.

Let not the reader imagine, from what we have just stated, that it is our intention to burden him with a dry series of botanical descriptions; as much of this as we deem essential to render the book available to the botanical student, we have preferred to add in the form of an Appendix. Useful as these may be to some, we hope to be enabled to furnish for others something more; and although we at once disclaim any intention of including all the microscopic, or even the epiphytal fungi, in our observations, yet we trust, by a selection of common and typical species for illustration, and by an adherence to certain well-defined groups and sections, to demonstrate that the microscopist will find an eligible field for his observations in this direction, and the botanical student may gain some knowledge of their generic and specific distinctions.

It is exceedingly difficult to give a logical definition of what constitutes a fungus. It is no less difficult to furnish a popular description which shall include all and nothing more. If, for example, we particularize the spots and markings on the leaves and stems of herbaceous plants, so commonly met with from early spring till the fall of the last leaf, and even amongst the dead and decaying remains of the vegetation of the year, we may include also such spots and marks as result from insect depredations or diseased tissue. It is not always easy, with a cursory observation under the microscope, to determine whether some appearances are produced by fungi, insects, or organic disease: experience is the safest guide, and until we acquire that we shall occasionally fail.

If we take a stroll away from the busy haunts of men, though only for a short distance,—say, for example (if from London), down to New Cross,—and along the slopes of the railway cutting, we shall be sure to find the plant called the goatsbeard (Tragopogon pratensis) in profusion. In May or June the leaves and unopened involucres of this plant will present a singular appearance, as if sprinkled with gold-dust, or rather, being deficient in lustre, seeming as though some fairy folk had scattered over them a shower of orange-coloured chrome or turmeric powder. Examine this singular phenomenon more closely, and the poetry about the pixies all vanishes; for the orange powder will be seen to have issued from the plant itself. A pocket lens, or a Coddington, reveals the secret of the mysterious dust. Hundreds of small orifices like little yellow cups, with a fringe of white teeth around their margins, will be seen thickly scattered over the under surface of the leaves. These cups (called peridia) will appear to have burst through the epidermis of the leaf and elevated themselves above its surface, with the lower portion attached to the substratum beneath. In the interior of these cup-like excrescences, or peridia, a quantity of the orange-coloured spherical dust remains, whilst much of it has been shed and dispersed over the unoccupied portions of the leaves, the stems, and probably on the leaves of the grass or other plants growing in its immediate vicinity. These little cups are fungi, the yellow dust the spores,[1] or ultimate representatives of seed, and the epiphytal plants we have here found we will accept as the type of the group or order to which we wish to direct attention (Plate I. figs. 1-3).

Plate I.
W. West imp.

1.Protospores they should be called, because, in fact, they germinate, and on the threads thus produced the true spores, or fruit, are borne.

Amongst the six families into which fungi are divided, is one in which the spores are the principal feature, as is the aurantiaceous dust in the parasite of the goatsbeard. This family is named Coniomycetes, from two Greek words, meaning “dust-fungi.” This group or family includes several smaller groups, termed orders, which are analogous to the natural orders of flowering plants. Without staying to enumerate the characteristics of these orders, we select one in which the spores are enclosed in a distinct peridium, as in our typical plant they are contained within the cups. This order is the Æcidiacei, so called after Æcidium, the largest and most important of the genera included within this order.

The Æcidiacei are always developed on living plants, sometimes on the flowers, fruit, petioles, or stems, but most commonly on the leaves: occasionally on the upper surface, but generally on the inferior. The different species are distributed over a wide area; many are found in Europe and North America, some occur in Asia, Africa, and Australia. When the cryptogamic plants of the world shall have been as widely examined and as well understood as the phanerogamic plants have been, we shall be in a better position to determine the geographical distribution of the different orders of fungi. In the present incomplete state of our knowledge, all such efforts will be unsatisfactory.

But to return to the goatsbeard, and its cluster-cups. The little fungus is called Æcidium tragopogonis, the first being the name of the genus, and the last that of the species. Let us warn the young student against falling into the error of supposing because in this, and many other instances, the specific name of the fungus is derived from the plant, or one of the plants, upon which it is found, that therefore the species differs with that of the plant, and that, as a rule, he may anticipate meeting with a distinct species of fungus on every distinct species of plant, or that the parasite which he encounters on the living leaves of any one plant is necessarily specifically distinct from those found on all other plants. One species of Æcidium, for instance, may hitherto have been found only on one species of plant, whereas another Æcidium may have been found on five or six different species of plants. The mycologist will look to the specific differences in the parasite without regard to the identity or distinctness of the plant upon which it is parasitic.

Before the Æcidium breaks through the epidermis, the under surface of the leaves of the goatsbeard will appear to be covered with little elevations or pustules, paler at the apex; these soon become ruptured, and the fungus pushes its head through the opening, at the same time bursting by radiating fissures. The teeth thus formed resemble those of the peristome of some mosses. All around the orifice of the peridium the teeth become recurved, and the orange spores are exposed, crowded together within. At first, and while contained within the peridium, these spores are concatenate or chained together, but when dispersed they are scattered singly about the orifice, often mixed with the colourless cells arising from the partial breaking up of the teeth of the peridium.

Let us pause for a moment in our examination of the individual cups, to ascertain their manner of distribution over the leaves. In this instance they are scattered without any apparent order over the under surface, but generally thickest towards the summit of the leaves; occasionally a few are met with on the upper surface. Sometimes two or three touch at the margins, but we have never met with them truly confluent; generally there is a space greater than the width of the cups around each, the stratum or subiculum from whence they arise is scarcely thickened, and there are no spots or indications on the opposite surface. If a leaf be taken fresh and the cuticle stripped off, which it will sometimes do very readily, the orifices through which the Æcidium has burst will appear in irregular holes. If a section be made of one or two of the fungi in situ, they will be seen to spring from beneath the cuticle, the peridium to be simple, and rounded at the base, the spores clustered at the bottom, and the fringe to be a continuation of its cellular substance.

The spores in this species are orange, subglobose, sometimes angular, and indeed very variable both in size and form, though the majority are comparatively large. Each of these bodies is, doubtless, capable of reproducing its species, and if we compute 2,000 cluster-cups as occurring on each leaf, and we have found half as many more on an ordinary-sized leaf, and suppose each cup to contain 250,000 spores, which again is below the actual number, then we shall have not less than five hundred millions of reproductive bodies on one leaf of the goatsbeard to furnish a crop of parasites for the plants of the succeeding year. We must reckon by millions, and our figures and faculties fail in appreciating the myriads of spores which compose the orange dust produced upon one infected cluster of plants of Tragopogon. Nor is this all, for our number represents only the actual protospores which are contained within the peridia; each of these on germination may produce not only one but many vegetative spores, which are exceedingly minute, and, individually, may be regarded as embryos of a fresh crop of cluster-cups. And this is not the only enemy of the kind to which this unfortunate plant is subject, for another fungus equally prolific often takes possession of the interior of the involucre wherein the young florets are hid, and converts the whole into a mass of purplish black spores even more minute than those of the Æcidium, and both these parasites will be occasionally found flourishing on the same plant at the same time (Plate V. figs. 92-94).

Naturally enough, our reader will be debating within himself how these spores, which we have seen, are shed in such profusion, can enter the tissues of the plants which give subsequent evidence of infection; in fact, how the yellow dust with which the goatsbeard of to-day is covered will inoculate the young plants of next year. If one or two of these spores are sprinkled upon the piece of the cuticle which we have recommended to be removed from the leaf for examination, it will be seen that they are very much larger than the stomata or breathing-pores which stud the cuticle: hence it is clear that they cannot gain admittance there. There remains but one other portal to the interior of the plant—namely, the spongioles, or extremities of the roots. Here another difficulty arises; for the spores are as large as the cells through which they have to pass. This difficulty may be lessened when we remember that what are termed the spores which are discharged from the cups are not the true spores, but bodies from which smaller seed-like vesicles are produced; yet, even then there will be much need of an active imagination to invent hypotheses to cover the innumerable difficulties which would encounter their passage through the vessels of the infected plants. The Rev. M. J. Berkeley proved many years ago that the spores of bunt, for example, may be caused to infect all the plants the seeds of which had been placed in contact with them; but this affection did not necessarily accrue from the absorption of the spores, or the ultimate sporidia produced after three or four generations. It is possible that the granular or fluid contents of the spores may be absorbed by the plant, and as a result of this absorption, become inoculated with the virus, which at length breaks out in fungoid growths. Much has been done to elucidate this mystery of inoculation, but much also remains a mystery still. There is no doubt that the inoculation takes place at an early age,[2] probably in the seeds of many plants; in others it may be conveyed with the moisture to the roots; but the spores themselves have certainly not yet been traced traversing the tissues of growing plants.

2.Dr. de Bary has lately shown that in many similar instances the seed-leaves are inoculated. It will be necessary to refer more particularly to his experiments hereafter.

If, instead of going in search of goatsbeard and its attendant fungus, we turn our steps northward and enter one of the Highgate or Hampstead woods, where the pretty little wood-anemone (Anemone nemorosa) flourishes abundantly, and turn up the radical leaves, one by one, and examine their under-surfaces, we shall at length be rewarded by finding one covered with similar cluster-cups to those we have been describing as occurring on the goatsbeard, but far less commonly. Leaf after leaf will be found covered with the brown spots of another fungus called Puccinia anemones, with which nearly every plant will be more or less infected in the spring of the year; and at length, if we persevere, the anemone cluster-cup (Æcidium leucospermum) will be our reward (Plate I. figs. 4-6). The specific name will suggest one point of difference between the two fungi, as in this instance the spores are white, and somewhat elliptic. Probably this species is not common, as we have found it but seldom, though often in search of it. A nearly allied species has been found on Anemones in gardens, having but few large teeth about the orifice, though not constantly four, as the name would indicate (Æ. quadrifidum).

A walk through almost any wood, in the spring of the year, will reward the mycologist with another cluster-cup (Æcidium), in which the peridia are scattered over the whole surface of the leaf. This will be found on the wood spurge, giving a sickly yellowish appearance to the leaves, on the under surface of which it is found. By experience one may soon learn to suspect the occurrence of parasites of this nature on leaves, from the peculiar exhausted and unhealthy appearance which they assume as the spores ripen, and which will spare the labour of turning over the leaves when there are no distinct spots on the upper surface. Æ. EuphorbiÆ is found on several species of Euphorbium or spurge, but we have always found it most abundantly on the wood spurge in the Kentish woods between Dartford and Gravesend. The spores in this species are orange, and externally it bears considerable resemblance to the goatsbeard cluster-cup, but the spores are rather smaller and paler, the teeth are less distinct and persistent, the subiculum is more thickened, and the peridia are more densely crowded.

There is another group of species belonging to the same genus of fungi in which the arrangement of the peridia is different. One of the first of our native wild flowers, in making its appearance after the departure of frost and snow, is the little yellow celandine (Ranunculus ficaria).

“Ere a leaf is on the bush,
In the time before the thrush
Has a thought about her nest,
Thou wilt come with half a call,
Spreading out thy glossy breast
Like a careless Prodigal;
Telling tales about the sun
When we’ve little warmth, or none.”

And one of the earliest parasitic fungi in spring is an Æcidium which flourishes on its glossy leaves. So common is Æcidium ranunculacearum on this species of Ranunculus, that it can scarcely have escaped the eye of any one who has taken the trouble to examine the plant. It appears in patches on the under surface of the leaves or on their petioles, in the latter case swelling and distorting them. Sometimes these patches are nearly circular, at others of very irregular form, and varying in size from less than one-twelfth of an inch to half an inch in diameter. It is found on several species of Ranunculus, as R. acris, bulbosus, and repens, but most commonly on R. ficaria. The leaf is thickened at the spot occupied by the parasite, and generally without indication on the opposite surface. Sometimes one spot, at others several, occur on the same leaf. The peridia are densely crowded together, often arranged in a circinate manner, i.e., like a watch-spring, or the young frond of a fern. The spores are orange, but slightly varying in tint on different species of Ranunculus (Plate II. figs. 12-14). One of the smaller clusters, when collected before the spores are dispersed, or the teeth of the peridium discoloured, mounted dry as an opaque object, makes a very excellent slide for an inch or half-inch objective; and the same may be said of many others of the same genus.

Less common than the foregoing is the species of Æcidium which attacks the violet. The sweetest of flowers as well as the earliest, in despite both of its odour and its humility, becomes a victim to one or more of the ubiquitous race of fungi. Thickened spots at first appear on the leaves; the petioles, or flower stem, or even the calyx, become swollen and distorted; and at length the cluster-cup breaks through. The spots on the leaves upon which the peridia are scattered are yellowish, generally larger than the clusters on the pilewort, and seldom with more than one spot on each leaf. The peridia, or cups, are irregularly distributed over the spots, not crowded together as in the last species; and the teeth are large, white, and distinct. The spores are at first orange, but at length become brownish. This species may be found in spring, as late as June, most commonly on the dog-violet, but also on other species of Viola.

It is not a very desirable occupation to search a bed of nettles, and turn over the individual leaves to look for minute fungi. A very pretty Æcidium is nevertheless far from uncommon in such a habitat. Fortunately it occurs very often on the petioles of the leaves and on the stem, distorting them very much; and in such situations flourishing, apparently, more vigorously than when occupying the under surface of the leaves (Plate I. fig. 10). In the latter situation the clusters of peridia are small, seldom exceeding a dozen in a spot, but several spots may be found on the same leaf. On the stem they are clustered around for upwards of an inch in length, and their bright orange colour in such a situation renders them very conspicuous objects. The peridia are always closely packed together upon a thickened base, and offer but slight variations from the forms already enumerated, save that they widen slightly at the mouth, so as to become nearly campanulate. The spores are orange, and very profuse.

During the past summer we noticed, for the first time, a very pretty little species of cluster-cup (Æcidium) on the wood sanicle (Sanicula EuropÆa) in Darenth wood. It was far from uncommon, and we believe it to be specifically distinct from its nearest ally, found on the earthnut leaves, and those of some other umbelliferous plants. The little cups are in small clusters of four or five together, on the under surface and on the petioles; they are small, but the teeth are relatively large, white, and distinct. The spores are of a pallid, yellowish colour, and not so profuse as in the last species. A darker spot on the upper surface of the leaf generally indicates their presence. This species was found many years ago by Carmichael at Appin, and called by him Æcidium saniculÆ; but we find no notice of its occurrence since, though it seems to be far from uncommon at Darenth, and probably elsewhere, should the sanicle be common also.

Recently we found the bedstraw cluster-cup (Æcidium galii) on the great hedge bedstraw (Galium mollugo), and as it has not been figured before, we have included it amongst our illustrations (Plate II. figs. 15-17). Though very insignificant when occurring on the small leaves of the yellow bedstraw (Galium verum), it is a prominent object on the above-named species.

We received, for the first time, in July, 1864, from Mr. Gatty, student at Winchester, a portion of a plant of Thesium humifusum (which is by no means common in Britain), covered with beautiful cluster-cups of a species never before recorded as occurring in this country (Plate III. figs. 50, 51) named Æcidium Thesii, but which is far from uncommon on the Continent. It occurred in this instance on the Downs, in the vicinity of Winchester.

It is unnecessary here to refer to other allied species of Æcidium, except one to be presently noticed, since we have, at the end of the volume, enumerated and given descriptions of all the species hitherto found in Britain. Suffice it to say that the Buckthorn cluster-cups on the alder buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula), is usually very common in the Highgate and Hornsey woods, and on the common buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) in the neighbourhood of Dartford, in Kent. That on the honeysuckle we have found but very rarely. On the gooseberry and red-currant leaves, commonly in some years and rarely in others; whilst a few of those described we have never collected. The species on different composite plants is subject to great variation, and on most may be found in the autumn; one variety only, on the leaves of Lapsana communis, we have met with in the spring.

Very few years ago farmers generally believed that the cluster-cups of the berberry (Berberis vulgaris), were productive of mildew in corn grown near them; this opinion even received the support of Sir J. Banks, but no fungi can be much more distinct than those found on corn crops and this species on the leaves of the berberry. In this instance the cups are much elongated, and cylindrical, the clusters vary much in size, and the spots on the upper surface of the leaf are reddish, bright, and distinct. The teeth are white and brittle, and the orange spores copious (Plate I. figs. 7-9).

There are scarcely any of the epiphyllous fungi forming equally handsome or interesting objects for low powers of the microscope, than the genus to which attention has just been directed; and they possess the advantage of being readily found, for that locality must be poor indeed which cannot furnish six species during the year. We have found half of the number of described species within little more than walking distance of the metropolis, within a period of little more than three months, and should be glad to hear of the occurrence of any of the rest.

We have three species of fungi very similar in many respects to the foregoing, but differing in others to such an extent as to justify their association under a different genus and name. The hawthorn is a bush familiar to all who love the “merry month of May,” but it may be that its parasite has been unnoticed by thousands. If, for the future, our readers will bear this subject in their minds when they stand beneath a hawthorn hedge, they may become acquainted with clusters of singular brown pustules on the leaves, petioles, and fruit well worthy of more minute examination (Plate II. fig. 22). They scarcely claim the name of cups, and their lacerated and fringed margins rather resemble the pappus crowning the fruits of some composite plants than the cups of Æcidium. The peridia are very long, and split down throughout their length into thread-like filaments of attached cells; these gradually fall away and break up into their component parts till but short portions remain attached to the base of the peridia. These cells are elongated and marked on the surface with waved lines, forming in themselves pretty objects for a high power of the microscope (Plate II. figs. 23, 24). If the teeth of Æcidium resemble the peristome of some mosses, such as Splachnum; the threads of this species of Roestelia, except in not being twisted, somewhat resemble the peristomes of other mosses of the genus Tortula. The spores in this species are less conspicuous, being of a light brown, and the whole plant, from its modest hue, may be readily passed over without attracting attention unless occurring in abundance.

The leaves of pear-trees afford a second species of this genus sufficiently distinct to commend it to our notice. Sometimes it is very common, at others but few examples are to be met with. The clusters occur on the under surface, and consist of half-a-dozen or less of large peridia, pointed at the apex and swelling in the middle so as to become urn-shaped (Plate II. figs. 20, 21). These vessels or thecÆ split into numerous threads or laciniÆ, which remain united together at the apex. Like the species already noticed, this is brown and inconspicuous except on account of its size, for it is the largest of all that we have had occasion to notice.

The third species occurs on the under surface of the leaves of the mountain-ash. The peridia are clustered on a rusty orange-coloured spot which is visible on the upper surface (Plate II. figs. 18, 19). They are long and cylindrical, with an evident tendency to curvature; the mouth is serrated, but not split up into threads, as in the species found on the hawthorn. There will often be found instead of well-developed peridia, what at one time were regarded as abortive peridia, forming a thickened orange or rust-coloured spot, studded with minute elevated points. These spots are clusters of spermogones, which organs are described in detail in our second chapter. The clusters and spores are of a brighter reddish-brown than in either of the other species. All are remarkably distinct, and perhaps the most curious and interesting of any that we have passed in review. To botanists, the species found on the hawthorn is known as Roestelia lacerata, that on pear-leaves as Roestelia cancellata, and the one on the leaves of the mountain-ash as Roestelia cornuta.

Dr. Withering observed the spore-spots on the leaves of the mountain-ash, but was evidently puzzled to account for them. He writes (in his Arrangement of British Plants), “The spots on the leaves of Sorbus aucuparia consist of minute globules intermixed with wool-like fibres. On examining many of them in different states, I at length found a small maggot in some of the younger spots, so that the globules are probably its excrement, and the fibres, the woody fibres of the plant unfit for its food.” We now-a-days smile at such simple and singular conjectures. It affords evidence of the manner in which the speculations of one generation become follies in the next.

Only two species of cluster-cups are described in Withering’s Flora under the genus Lycoperdon: one of these is now called Æcidium compositarum, and is found on various composite plants; the other includes the species found on the wood-anemone and that on the moschatel, and also probably a species of Puccinia on the wood-betony.

To render this chapter more complete, though of less importance to the microscopist, we may allude to the other two genera comprised within this order. Peridermium is the name of one genus which contains two British species found on the leaves and young shoots of coniferous trees. In this genus the peridium bursts irregularly, and does not form cups, or horns, or fringed vessels. The most common species is found on the needle-shaped leaves of the Scotch fir (Plate II. fig. 27), and also on the young twigs, in the latter instance larger and more prominent than in the former. The elongated peridia burst irregularly at their apices without forming teeth (fig. 28).

In the genus Endophyllum, as its name implies, the peridium is imbedded within the substance of the succulent leaves. The only species we possess is found rarely upon the common house-leek.

We have derived much pleasure in viewing the astonishment and delight exhibited by friends to whom we have personally communicated specimens of the little fungi we have enumerated for examination under the microscope; and we recommend with confidence this group of parasitic plants, unfortunately so little known, as well worthy of the attention of all who are interested in the minute aspects of nature, and who can recognize the hand—

“That sets a sun amidst the firmament,
Or moulds a dew-drop, and lights up its gem.”


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