Transcriber's Notes:


Inconsistent and occasionally inaccurate capitalization/italicization of publication titles are retained from the original.

Retained some archaic/unusual spellings from the original (e.g. "grevious," "Omniverous").

Retained inconsistent spellings from the original where different writers used different word variations (e.g. "installment" in the main text vs. "instalment" in a quoted letter). Inconsistent spellings within the same context have been normalized as noted in detail below.

Retained some inconsistent hyphenation from the original (e.g. viewpoint vs. view-point).

The original text contained several instances of "he" / "be" confusion. These have been corrected and are noted below. They are not the result of OCR errors; they are present in the original typography.

Page 10, normalized indentation before "The modest goal, the lesser fame."

Page 15, changed double to single quotes around "When the Editor's Eye Struck" and added missing end double quote.

Page 21, changed "ocassion" to "occasion." Normalized second appearance of "sewer-pipe" to include hyphen. Changed "Ewards" to "Edwards" ("first story for which Edwards").

Page 30, removed duplicate "by" from "spoiled by just such a slip."

Page 35, italicized nom de plume (in sentence about Boy's Story Paper) for consistency with all other appearances in the text.

Page 36, added missing colon to paragraph above "We are in a hurry for this series."

Page 43, changed double to single quotes around "Dalton's Double."

Page 46, changed two instances of "villian" to "villain" for consistency with the rest of the text (in sentence including "female villain").

Page 47, changed "pubilc" to "public" ("their reading public") and "succeding" to "succeeding" ("succeeding issues").

Page 48, changed "be felt elated" to "he felt elated."

Page 58, removed stray single quote after "9 o'clock in the evening."

Page 67, changed "decended" to "descended" and "prepetrator" to "perpetrator."

Page 68, changed "rememberance" to "remembrance" for consistency ("livid remembrance").

Page 69, changed "For day's while" to "For days while."

Page 71, there appears to be a missing word in "that it very humorous" but this error comes from the original.

Page 72, changed "entirely" to "entirety" ("satisfactory in its entirety") and "word was deturned" to "word was returned."

Page 74, changed "saticfactory" to "satisfactory" ("price was not satisfactory").

Page 77, changed "responisble" to "responsible" ("it was responsible for").

Page 82, "Mr. Perkins write:" appears to be an error, but it comes from the original. Changed "manusccript" to "manuscript" ("quality of the manuscript").

Page 83, changed "installemnts" to "installments" ("first two installments").

Page 90, if there is supposed to be special formatting in the example following "he did it thus," it is not present in the original book; nothing unusual has been lost in translation to digital format here.

Page 91, changed "Is seems poor policy" to "It seems poor policy."

Page 92, changed "lettters" to "letters" ("letters on a typewriter").

Page 97, changed double to single quotes around "The Man from Dakota."

Page 100, added missing open quote before "misfortunes never come singly."

Page 103, Changed "be" to "he" in "he faced a steadily brightening prospect".

Page 108, added missing space after comma in "November 19, 1904."

Page 118, moved comma from before " to after " in 13". Changed "must he high" to "must be high."

Page 120, added missing open quote before "Your last story, No. 285."

Page 122, changed "particluarly" to "particularly" in "not particularly encouraging." Changed "Edward's hope" to "Edwards' hope."

Page 126, changed "damm" to "damn" in "damn it utterly."

Page 127, changed "Edward's product" to "Edwards' product."

Page 141, removed unnecessary apostrophe after "Edwards" in "to Edwards it is a delightful confusion."

Page 143, added missing apostrophe to "Edwards' first advice" and removed unnecessary apostrophe from "which Edwards consulted."

Page 147, changed "Dilema" to "Dilemma" in "I shall require a single copy of 'The Billionaire's Dilemma.'"

Page 148, changed open double quote to single quote in "your short story: 'The Shadow of the Unknown.'" Changed "ficticious" to "fictitious" in footnote.

Page 149, changed open double quote to single quote in "'The Shadow of the Unknown,' writes the publisher."

Page 156, changed "royalities" to "royalties" ("Dillingham, last royalties").

Page 160, changed "bettter" to "better" ("anything of a bettter quality").

Page 162, changed "lettter" to "letter" ("letter saying they could pay").

Page 169, added some commas to 1910 table for consistency.

Page 170, changed "sometmes" to "sometimes" ("sometimes stories, about the Harper"). Changed double to single quotes around "The Masquerader."

Page 171, added missing colon after "How "Bob" Davis hands you a Lemon:"

Page 173, added missing close quote after "reasonable share of the royalties."

Page 175, corrected chapter number from XXII to XXVI and corrected double comma after "Sept. 20, 1889."

Pages 176-180, normalized some punctuation within the table of publications (but still retained some inconsistencies). Deleted partial totals and "brought forward" entries at page boundaries. Did not attempt to correct some apparent mathematical errors. Changed "Philadeljhia" to "Philadelphia" and corrected "senario" to "scenario" in entry for Lubin Mfg. Co.

Advertisements, changed "AUHORSHIP" to "AUTHORSHIP" in "ESSAYS ON AUTHORSHIP."


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