In addition to "The Fiction Factory," The Editor Company are publishers at Ridgewood, New Jersey, of The Editor, (The Journal of Information for Literary Workers), which has been published solely in the interests of writers for eighteen years, and of the following books: THE WRITER'S BOOK | $2.50 | Compiled by William R. Kane. | PRACTICAL AUTHORSHIP | 1.50 | By James Knapp Reeve. | 1001 PLACES TO SELL MMS | 1.00 | (The American Writer's, Artist's and Photographer's Year Book) in its ninth edition. | POINTS ABOUT POETRY | .60 | By Donald G. French. | RHYMES AND METERS | .50 | By Horatio Winslow. | THE FICTION WRITER'S WORKSHOP | .50 | By Duncan Francis Young. | HOW TO WRITE A SHORT STORY | .50 | THE EDITOR MANUSCRIPT RECORD (loose leaf) | .50 | ESSAYS ON AUTHORSHIP | .25 | THE WAY INTO PRINT | .25 | THE EDITOR COMPANY RIDGEWOOD, NEW JERSEY