Acpohon, Trail Along, 183; "The Land of Guillemots," 191 Acponie Island, 50 Adams, Captain, 458; Peary Suppressed Letter Presented by, 459, 487, 489 Advance Bay, 106 Ah-tah, Turns Away Ma-nee, 58 Ah-we-lah, Told Bartlett That Observations Were Made, 13, 189; Chosen for Dash to Pole, 196; Sure of Nearness of Land, 225, 230, 269, 270, 284, 293, 307, 327, 335; Prevents Boat From Sinking, 366, 385, 399; Recounts Remarkable Journey to the Pole, 452 Ahwynet, 96 Alaskan Wilds, 29 Alexander, Cape, 65, 117, 122, 152 Al-leek-ah, 95 American Legation, 469 Amund Ringnes Land, 329 Anderson, Mr., 460 Annoatok, 25; Supplies Stored at, 30; Started for, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71; First Day at, 75; Erected a House of Packing Boxes at, 76, 79, 83, 84, 85, 104, 110, 117, 152, 157, 194, 195, 226, 312, 336, 379, 437, 442, 443, 447, 451, 456 Antarctic Exploration, 28 Arctic, Bradley, Expedition, 24, 27 Arctic Circle Crossed, 34 Armbruster, Professor W. F., Defense of Dr. Cook by, 490 Armour of Chicago, Food Supplies by, 135 Arthur Land, 191 Ashton, J. M., 526, 530 Astrup, Eivind, Death of, 38, 511, 515, 560 Atholl, Cape, Sailed Around, 46 Auckland, Cape, 60 Auks, 62 Auroras, 112 Axel Heiberg Land, 193, 194, 201, 212, 246, 327, 329, 333 Bache Peninsula, Headed for, 158, 435 Baffin's Bay, 362 Baldwin, Captain Evelyn B., 135, 540, 564 Baldwin-Zeigler, Cache of Supplies Left by, 203 Bancroft Bay, 103 Bangor, 483 Barrill Affidavit, 13, 14, 522, 523, 524 Bartlett, Capt. Robt. A., Learns from Eskimos That Observations Were Made, 13; Assisted Peary in His Lies, 485, 558, 560, 562. Bathurst Land, 337 Battle Harbor, Arrival at, 31; Questions Prepared by Peary at, 483, 489, 557 Bay, Baffin's, 362; Bancroft, 103; Braebugten, 358, 377; Buchanan, 77; Cannon, 162; Dallas, 103, 104; Flagler, 154, 161, 168; Melville, 38; Entered, 39, 42, 44, 45; North Star, 46; Anchored in, 50, 462; Olrick's, 59, 63; Pioneer, 314; Robertson, 63; Sontag, 451 Bay Fiord, Overland to, 162, 168 Bear Hunting, 177, 184, 189, 432 Belcher Point, Passed, 361, 362 Belgian Antarctic Expedition, 28, 497 Belle Isle, Straits of, Entering, 31 Bennett, James Gordon, Cable to, 464, 465; Selling Narrative Story to, 491, 492, 493 Bernier, Captain, 448, 516 Berri, Herbert, 502 Berry, Robert M., 478 "Big Lead," Peary's Eskimos Become Panic-Stricken at, 11; Dr. Cook Reaches the Shores of, 217; Crossing the, 221, 222, 224, 250 "Big Nail," 85, 243 Blethen, J., 527 Bonsall Island, 106 Booth Sound, 453 Borup, George, 485, 486 Bradley, John R., Compact Made for Expedition, 24; Expedition, 29; Join Party, 31; Called to Action, 51; Assumed Direction, 53; Shoots Duck, 54, 537 "Bradley, John R.," S. S., Sailed July 3, 1907, 23; Going Northward, 28; Aboard the, 30; Sailing Qualities of the, 31 Bradley Land, 246, 249; Positive Proof of, 251 Braebugten Bay, 358, 377 Breton, Cape, 30 Bridgeford, 527 Bridgman, Herbert L., Kitchen Explorer, 13, 77, 78, 502, 529, 557 Bridges, Thomas, Yahgan Dictionary, 497, 498 Brooklyn Dairy Business, 27 Brooke's Island, 106 Brown, Belmore, 524 Buchanan Bay, 77 Bushwick Club, 481 Cairn Point, Passed, 68 Camped for the Winter, 393 Cannon Bay, 162 Cannon Fiord, 203 Cape Alexander, Passed, 65, 117, 122, 152; Athol, Sailed Around, 46; Auckland, 60; Breton, 30; Clarence, 429; Faraday, 429, 430; Hatherton, 167; Inglefield, 68; Isabella, 428; Louis Napoleon, 435; Paget, 428; Parry, 59; Robertson, Proceeded to, 61, 62; Rutherford, 159; Sabine, Note Left at, 149, 150, 154, 157, 158, 161, 336, 426, 431; Tragedies of, 433, 434; Seiper, 103; Sheridan, 78; Sparbo, 344, 355, 357, 363, 364, 377, 378, 413, 497; Tennyson, 427, 428, 429; "Thomas Hubbard," 201; Veile, 154, 161; Vera, 343, 352, 353; York, 44, 454, 455 Cardigan Strait, 350 Caribou Hunting, 109 Chester, Rear-Admiral, 502, 543, 544 Christiansaand, 476 Clarence, Cape, 429 Coast and Geodetic Survey, 488 Coburg Island, 428 Cold, Director, 477 Columbus, Christopher, 7 Conger, Fort, Party Left by Peary to Die of Cold and Hunger at, 454 Congress, Investigation of, Admission of Peary Witnesses in, 15, 18, 547 Contracts, Book, 494 Controversy, Polar, 5 Cook, Mrs., 478 Copenhagen, 12, 15, 244, 465, 466, 476, 479, 482, 494, 497, 538, 539, 540, 549, 550, 551, 557, 563 Copenhagen, University of, 549, 562 Cornell University, 485 Crocker Land, 226, 490, 559 Crown Prince Gustav Sea, 329, 336 Crystal Palace Glacier, 451 Dahl, Charles, 456 Dallas Bay, 103, 104 Danes, Hospi
ge_479" class="pginternal">479, 480 Grant Land, 191, 212, 214, 215, 226 Great Iron Stone, 513 Greely Expedition, Camp of, 158; Peary Throws Discredit Upon the, 433, 515 Greely, General A. W., 168, 544, 560 Greely River, 168 Greenland, Steered for, 31; Interior, 32, 37, 45, 62, 69, 79, 117, 364, 408, 433, 436, 489, 497 Grinnell Land, 191 Grinnell Peninsula, 337, 342 Grosvenor, Gilbert, 543, 544 Gulf, Inglefield, 46, 59; Crossing, 60, 453; of St. Lawrence, Sailed Over, 31 Gum Drop Story, Explanation of, 30 Hague Tribunal, The, 441 Hampton, Benjamin, 546, 553 Hampton's Magazine, 546, 552, 553 "Hans Egede," S. S., Sailed on, 464, 466, 467 Hansen, Dr. Norman, 462 Hares, Arctic, 67, 163 Harry, T. Everett, 552, 554 Hassel Sound, 329, 334 Hatherton, Cape, 67 Hayes, Dr., 66, 222 Hearst, W. R., Offer From, 491 Hell Gate, 348; Drifting Towards, 350, 353 Henson, Matthew, Statement of, 506, 559 Holland House, Compact Made at, 24 Holsteinborg, 32 "Hope," S. S., 513 Hovgaard, Commander, 468, 472 "Hubbard, Cape Thomas," 201, 489 Hubbard, General Thomas, 528, 558 Humboldt Glacier, 45, 100, 106, 109 Hunting, Caribou, 109; Bear, 177, 184, 189, 432; Hare, 67, 89, 163; Musk Ox, 171, 184, 378-392; Narwhal, 87; Walrus, 54, 64, 367-373; In the Moonlight, 114-129 Icarus, 43 Ice, Explosion of, 124 Iceberg, Adrift on an, 346 Iceland, 464 Igloo, Building an, 166 Ik-wa, the Cruelty of, 55, 56, 57 Inglefield, Cape, 68 Inglefield, Gulf, 46, 59; Crossing, 60, 453 Instruments, Carried on Journey to Pole, 198; Left With Whitney, 450; Buried, 499 Investigation of Peary's So-Called Proofs, 544, 545 Isabella Cape, 428 Island, Bonsall, 106; Brook's, 106; Coburg, 428; Disco, 34, 50; Littleton, Passing Inside of, 67; Dundas, 337; Faroe, 464; North Cornwall, 336; Saunders, 54; Schei, 185; Shannon, 203; Shelton, 478; Weyprecht, 159 Itiblu, Near, 59, 453 Jensen, Inspector Dougaard, 461, 463, 464, 497 Jesup, Mrs. Morris K., 514 Jones Sound, 324, 342, 383, 396, 406, 426 Kraul, Governor, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 497 Kane Basin, 66, 101 Kane, Dr., 66 Kanga, 59 Karnah, 60 Kennedy Channel, 66 King Christian Land, 336 "King's Guest House," Only Hotel in Greenland, 462 "Kite," S. S., 511 Kookaan, 63 Koo-loo-ting-wah, Leading Man, 101, 105, 108, 109, 184; Took Instructions to Francke, 204; Paid by Peary to Abandon Supplies, 448 Ky-un-a, the Death of, 127 Labrador, 9, 31, 463, 484, 557 Lancaster Sound, 192, 336, 342, 425 Lands-Lokk, 195 Lerwick, Sent First Cable to New York From, 464 Lonsdale, 477, 494, 537 Loose, 15; Faked Observations, 535, 537, 538, 539, 540, 563 Louis Napoleon, Cape, 435 Lifeboat Cove, Searched for Relics Along, 67 Lincoln Land, 191 Lincoln Sea, 214 Littleton Island, Passing Inside of, 67 MacDonald, J. A., Describes the Mt. McKinley Ascent, 531, 532, 533 McLaughlin, A. J., 563 Ma-nee, the Romance of, 55, 56, 57 Mann, Colonel, 13, 529 Marshal, Colonel, 527 Marvin, Ross, the Suspicious Death of, 485; Letters Suppressed, 488 Matin, Paris, offer $50,000, 494 McMillan, Makes False Statements, 484 "Melchior," S. S., 476 Melville, Admiral, 502 Melville Bay, 38; Entered, 39, 42, 44, 45, 455 Meteorite, "Star Stone," Stolen by Peary, 435, 454, 512 Mirror, St. Louis, the Only Paper to Grant Space to Uncover the Unfair Methods of the Pro-Peary Conspiracy, 490, 491, 492 Mitchell, Roscoe, 525, 527 "Morning," S. S., 458 Mountain, Table, "Oomanaq," 46 Mt. McKinley, Affidavit, 13, 14; Scaled, 29, 522; Description of ascent, 531, 535, 541 Murchison Sound, 453 Museum of Natural History, 513 Musk Ox Fiord, 343 Musk Ox Hunting, 171, 184, 387 My-ah, Disposes of Wives to Gain Dogs, 48; Direct Hunting, 51 Mylius Erickson, 133, 453 Nansen, introduced the Kayak, 133, 495 Nansen Sound, Through, 164, 193, 195, 203 Nansen Straits, 77 Narwhal Hunt, Description of, 87 Naval Committee, 10 National Geographic Society, 10, 13, 540, 541, 542, 544, 549, 561, 564 Needles, Eskimo, How They are Made, 91 Newfoundland Boats, 31 New York Globe, 528 New York Herald, 465, 482, 493, 527, 538, 557 New York Times, Published Lying Document, 15; Peary's Questions Sent to, 483, 521, 540, 557, 561, 564 New York World, 506 New York, University of, Graduated From, 27 Nordenskjold, 495 Nordenskjold, Expedition, 468 Nordenskjold System Borrowed by Peary, 511 North Cornwall Island, 336 North Devon, 183, 342, 359, 396, 423 North Lincoln, 406 North Pole, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 30, 74, 155, 284, 287, 310, 449, 452, 455, 557 North Star Bay, 44, 46; Anchored in, 50, 462 Norwegian Bay, 336 Nuerke, 447, 451, 453 Observations, 245, 257, 274, 292, 302 Olafsen, Professor, 472 Olrik's Bay, 59, 63 "Oomanaq," Table Mountain, 46 Oomanooi, Village of, Visited, 47, 453 Oscar II, S. S., Sailed on to New York, 475, 476, 477, 494, 495 Paget, Cape, 428 Palatine Hotel, 554 Parker, Professor Herschell, 13, 523, 524 Parry, Cape, 59 Peary, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28, 38, 39, 77, 112, 131, 200, 212, 244, 150; Whale, Entered, 59; Wolstenholm, 46; Walrus Adventure in, 50, 433. Sparbo, Cape, 344, 355, 357, 363, 364, 377, 378, 413, 497 Speed Limits, Criticized, 502; Peary's, 505 Spitzbergen, 289 Squint, Boreal, 275 Stanley, 7, 495 "Star Stone," 435, 454, 512 Stars and Stripes Pinned to the North Pole, 287 Stead, William T., 467, 468, 491 Steinsby, Professor, 461 St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 31 St. Louis, Lecture, 496 Stockwell, Professor, 503 Stokes, Frank Wilbert, 112 Straits, Davis, 31; Belle Isle, Entering, 31; Rice, Through, 158; Vaigat, Passed, 38; Cardigan, 350 Stromgren, Professor Elis, 472, 550 Stork, Visits at Christmas, 142 Supplies, 197; Taken for Journey to Pole, 198, 199; Seized by Peary, 444 Sydney, Harry Whitney, Arrives at, 12; Journey to, 236, 558, 561 Svarten Huk, 38 Svartevoeg, 180; Camped South of, 193, 194, 195, 201, 206, 247, 287, 363 Sverdrup, Captain Otto, Exploration of, 80, 191; Mapped Channels by, 192, 201, 342; Peary Stole the Honor of the Naming of Svartevoeg From, 489, 490, 516, 560 Table Mountain, "Oomanaq," 46 Tacoma, 528, 530 Talbot's Fiord, 429 Tassuasak, Arrived at, 456 Temperature of the Body, 324 Tennyson, Cape, 427, 428, 429 "Tent, The," Meteorite, 513 Tents, Eskimo, 49 Thompsen, Professor, 461 "Thumb, The Devil's," 39 Tittman, O. H., 544 Torp, Professor, 472, 549, 560 Townsend, Director, of the New York Aquarium, Falsely Accused Dr. Cook of Stealing a Dictionary Compiled by Thomas Bridges of Indian Words, 497, 498 To-ti-o, 107; Joy in Killing of Bear, 108 Troy, 553 Tung-wing-wah, 95 Umanak, 449, 461, 462 Umanak Fiord, 38 United Steamship Company, 477 Upernavik, Island, Appeared, 38, 206, 448, 449, 457, 459, 461 Vaigat Straits, Passed, 38 Veile, Cape, 154, 161 Vera, Cape, 343, 352, 353 Verhoeff, John M., the Death of, 63, 511, 515 Vespucci, Amerigo, 7 Wack, H. Wellington, 527 Waldorf-Astoria, Arrived at, 481; Dinner Given at, 504, 535 Wallace, Dillon, 536 Walrus Hunting, 15, 50, 122, 123, 367-373; In the Moonlight, 114-129 Whale Sound, Entered, 59 Whitney, Harry, 12; Instruments left with, 244, 437; Ill Treated by Peary's Boatswain Murphy, 445, 449, 451; Peary Refused Permission to Bring From the North Instruments and Data Left in His Hands, 497; Forced to Bury Instruments, 499, 558 Weapons, Making, 381 Weche, Handelschef, 461 Weed, General, 527 Wellington, Channel, 336, 340 Weyprecht Island, 159 Wolstenholm Sound, 46, 50, 453 "Worm Diggers' Union," 529 Wyckoff, E. G., 471 York, Cape, 44, 454, 455