A "Adam" decorations, 246, 462 Addison, 80, 179, 383 Adelaide Gallery, the, 290 Advertisement, art of, in London, 320 Aggas's Map, 5, 187 Ainger, Canon, 146 Albany, the, 380 Albert Bridge, 26, 224 Albert Embankment, the, 32 Albert Hall, 213, 468 Albert Memorial, 397 All Hallows Staining, tower of, 55, 81 "Almack's," 181 Amen Court, 97 American Tourists in London, 299 Ancient Tomb-portraits, 348 Anne Askew, burning of, 65 Antiquarian zeal, 55 Appian Way, our, 193 Apsley House, 378 Arnold, Sir Edwin, on a mummy-case, 336 Arnold, Matthew, on Kensington Gardens, 395; on the legend of Westminster Abbey, 188; lecture at Toynbee Hall, 174 Artists in Kensington, 217 Ashbee, C. R., 176 "Asia Minor," 295 Asiatics in the East End, 295 Astor Estate Office, 42 "Augusta," 2, 21 B Baby-farms, 431 Bacon, Francis, 139, 160 Bank Holiday, 434 Bankside theatres, 128 Barclay and Perkins's brewery, 129 Barnard's Inn, 159 Barnett, Canon, 173 Barry, Sir Charles, 205 Bartholomew Fair, 64 Battersea Park, 27, 224, 400 Beauchamp Tower, 106 Beaumont, Sir George, 354 Bedford Court, 246 Bedford House, 242 Ben Jonson, 153 Benson, Archbishop, 471 Berkeley Square, 379 Berners Street hoax, 370 Besant, Sir Walter, 8, 13, 24 Bevis Marks, 80 Billingsgate, 43, 316 Birds in London, 400, 410 Birkbeck Bank, 156 Bishopsgate Street, 76 Blackfriars, 13, 42 Blake, William, 26, 251, 349, 380, 384 "Bleak House," 144, 148, 154, 159, 261 "Blenheim Raphael," 344 Bloody Tower, 104 Bloomsbury, 238, 247 Bloomsbury Square, 243, 245 Blue mist, 23, 27, 388, 471 Boarding-houses, 263, 427 Bolt Court, 364 Bond Street, 176 Book-shops, 305 Booth, Charles, 446 Borough High Street, 126 Botanical Gardens, 406 Botticelli, 351 Bridge of Sighs, English, 40 British Museum, 333 Broad Sanctuary, 204 "Brompton Boilers," the, 341 Brompton Oratory, 215 BrontËs, the, 97 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 380 Browning, Robert, on view from the dome of St. Paul's, 51 Buckland, Frank, 230 Burglars in London, 442 Burne-Jones, Sir Edward, 252, 369 Butler, Samuel, 42 Byron's view of London, 449 C Cabs in London, 423 Cabmen, wages of, 425 Calverley's "Savoyard," 289 Campden Hill, 217 Canova, 40 Canterbury Pilgrims, the, 126 Carlton House, 181 Carlton House Terrace, 181 Carlton Restaurant, 322 Carlyle, on the Press, 14; on Westminster Abbey, 193; on Cheyne Row, 225; on the Leigh Hunts, 226; his London homes, 261; on the British Museum reading-room, 268; and the omnibus conductor, 422 Carlyle House, the, 224 Carlyle, statue of, 226 Carlyle, Mrs., 225, 260, 392, 442 Carpaccio, 352 Caryatids on St. Pancras Church, 409, 459 Casual wards, 441 Catherine of Braganza, 36, 228 Cats in London, 409 Chained books at Chelsea Old Church, 234 Chancery Lane, 148 Chapter Coffee House, 97, 183 Charles I., 205 Charles II., 201, 400 Charterhouse, 9, 68 Charterhouse Square, 67, 464 Chatham, Lord, 192 Chatterton, 183, 427 Chaucer's Inns, 126 Cheapside, 81 Chelsea, 26, 222, 235 Chelsea Bun-house, 222, 236 Chelsea Embankment, 235 Chelsea Ferry, 235 Chelsea Hospital, 236 Chelsea Old Church, 231, 233 "Cheshire Cheese," the, 366 Chesterfield House, 378 Cheyne Row, 224 Cheyne Walk, 26, 227 Chichester Rents, 148 Christina of Denmark, 351 Christ's Hospital, 9 Churches:— All Hallows, Barking, 115 Great St. Helen's, 77 Holy Trinity, Minories, 114 St. Alphage, London Wall, 82 St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield, 56 St. Botolph, 114 St. Dunstan-in-the-West, 151 St. Edmund the King and Martyr, 80 St. Ethelburga, 79 St. Giles, Cripplegate, 12, 81 St. John's Chapel (in the White Tower), 108 St. John's, Clerkenwell, 73 St. Magnus, 27, 44 St. Margaret's, Westminster, 202 St. Mary, Aldermanbury, 81 St. Mary, Lambeth, 31 St. Mary Overy, 122 St. Michael's, Cornhill, 75 St. Olave's, Hart Street, 117 St. Pancras, 265, 458 St. Paul, Covent Garden, 318 St. Peter-ad-Vincula, 105 St. Peter-upon-Cornhill, 75 St. Saviour's, Southwark, 122 St. Swithin's, 82 Church House, Kensington, 220 Church House, Westminster, 204 "Church of Humanity," 260 "Church Parade," 390, 401 City Companies, the, 14 Classical Fever in London, 457 Clement's Inn, 148 "Cleopatra's Needle," 36 Clifford's Inn, 150 "Clink," the, 129 Clive, Lord, 379 Cloth Fair, 58, 64 Clothworkers' Hall, 55 Coal Exchange, the, 316 Cobbett, 23 Cock Lane Ghost, the, 73 "Cockney," derivation of, 436 Cole, Vicat, 49 Coleridge, 158 Collins, Wilkie, 261 Comedy Restaurant, Panton Street, 322 Common lodging-houses, 441 Constable, 347, 355 Conway, Moncure D., 462, 463 Coronation Chairs, 200 Costermongers, 437 County Council, the, 400 Court of Pie Powdre, 64 Covent Garden Market, 317 Covent Garden, old taverns of, 318 Cromwell, 153, 199 Crosby Hall, 55, 77 Curzon Street, 373, 380 D Darwin, Charles, 258 Davidson, John, on "The Loafer," 186 Dean's Yard, 202 Defoe, on Pall Mall, 183 Detectives in shops, 309 Dickens, on waterside scenes, 50; the Marshalsea, 130, 134; City churches, 115; as the chronicler of London, 136; on the Borough, 128; Fountain Court, 143; Staple Inn, 155; Barnard's Inn, 159; his social satires, 177; his grave, 193; on decaying houses, 240; Bloomsbury types, 262; his private theatricals, 261; Cockney types, 312; on London houses, 362 Dining, the art of, 322 Disappearing landmarks, 361 Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), on Regent's Park, 17; on class differences in London, 162; his death in Curzon Street, 373; on Kensington Gardens, 395 D'Israeli, Isaac, 243 Docks, the, 47 "Doggett" badge, 235 "Domesday Book," 151 Downing Street, 374 Drama, popular tastes with regard to, 282 Dress of the poor, conventionalities in, 312 E Earl's Court, 220 Earl's Terrace, 218 Eastcheap, 81, 118 East End, the, 168 Edward the Confessor, 189 Edwardes Square, 217 "Edwin Drood," 155, 295 Eighteenth Century, London in, 179 Elgin Marbles, the, 340 Eliot, George, 227 "Esmond," 220, 228, 392 Evelyn's Diary, 242 Eyre Street Hill, 292 F Factory-girls, 437 Farm Street Roman Catholic Church, 177 Fetter Lane, 159 Fiction stronger than reality, 10, 363, 381 "First nights," 280 Fleet Street, 364 Fleur-de-Lis Court, 156 Flowers, London children's love for, 321, 402 Flowers, in Regent's Park, 402 Flower-girls, 318, 437 Folly Ditch, 51 Fore Street, 81 Foreign waiters, 288 Foundling hospital, 263 "Fountain Court," 143 "Four-in-hand Club," 390 "Fremdenindustrie" in London, 290 French furniture at Hertford House, 331 French School of Painting at Hertford House, 331 Frith's reminiscences, 258 Frost Fairs, 44 Froude, J. A., on ancient tombs, 196; the dissolution of the Carthusian monastery, 68; Anne Boleyn, 105 Furnival's Inn, 159 G Gainsborough, 353 "Gallery of Instruction," 338 "Gandish's," 252, 258 Gardens, making of, in London, 408 Gardens, private, in London houses, 406 "Gatti's," 290 "Gaunt House" of "Vanity Fair," 378 Gibbon, 463 Gladstone, W. E., on Bloomsbury, 247; his London residences, 373; on the way to see London, 414 Godfrey, Sir Edmondsbury, 36 Goldsmith, Oliver, 147, 367 Gordon Riots, 243 Gordon Square, 260 Gothic style in London, 452-459 Gough House, Chelsea, 236 Gough Square (Dr. Johnson's house), 364 Gower Street, 258 Gower's tomb, 123 Grant Allen, 23, 337 Gray's Inn, 139, 159 "Grange," the, North End, 368 Great Coram Street, 263 "Great Expectations," 159 Great Fire, the, 7, 86 Great Ormond Street, 254, 464 Great Tower Hill, 113 Greenwich, 51 Greuze's Pictures, 332 Grosvenor Road, 28 "Grub Street," 64 "Guild and School of Handicraft," 176 Guy's Hospital, 133 Gwynne, Nell, 232, 236 H Hair-Dressing, Ethics of, 286 "Hand of Ethelberta, The," 12 Hare, A. J. C., on St. Thomas's Hospital, 29; Chelsea Embankment, 32; Gray's Inn Garden, 139; Thames Street, 316; Holland House, 382 Hatton Garden, 292, 439 Haunted Houses, 379 Haydon, 395 Haweis, Rev. H. R., 229 Hawthorne, 90, 155, 160 Herschel, 257 Hertford House, 327 "Hiring-Fair," Jewish, 297 Hogarth, 63, 265, 368 Holbein, 351 Holborn Restaurant, 322 Holland House, 382 Holly Lodge, 383 Holman Hunt, W., 252 Holywell Street, 147 "Homes for the People," 465 Hood, Thomas, 40 Hook, Theodore, 370 Hotel Cecil, 33 Hotels, palatial, 32 Houndsditch, 79 Houses, historic, 358 Houses, humanity of, 245 Houses of Parliament, 29, 205 "Humphry Clinker" (and Covent Garden), 319 Humphry Ward, Mrs., 257 Hunter Street, Bloomsbury, 262 Hyde Park, 386 I Ice-Cream Trade, 292 Inchbald, Elizabeth, 218 Inigo Jones, 454 Inland Revenue Office, 36 Inns of Court, the, 137 Iron-work, old, on houses, 379 Irving, Edward, 260 Irvingite Church, 260 Italian Colony in London, the, 292 J Jack Cade, 44 "Jacob's Island," 51 Jersey, Lady, 181, 380 Jerusalem Chamber, 203 Johnson, Dr., 73, 91, 138, 147, 363 K Katherine Howard, 105, 129 Kensington, 210 Kensington Gardens, 394 "Kensington House," 219 Kensington Palace, 382, 394, 465 Kensington Square, 220, 464 King's Bench Walk, Temple, 147 Kingsley, Charles, 47 Kingsley, Henry, 233 King's Road, Chelsea, 232 Knightsbridge Road, 212 L Lady Jane Grey, 107 Lady lecturers, 330, 333, 342 Lamb, Charles, 139, 147, 160 Lamb's Conduit Street, 260, 265 Lambeth Palace, 29 Lang, Andrew, 37, 320 Lant Street, 130 Laud, Archbishop, 31 Law Courts, 460 Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 245 Lawson, Cecil, 227 Leadenhall Market, 3 Lear, Edward, 259 Leech, John, 263, 439 Leicester Square, 285 Leigh Hunt, 217, 226 Leighton House, the, 377 Lennox, Sarah, 382 Levy, Miss Amy, on plane trees in London, 408; on London isolation, 426 Liddon, Canon, 97 Life of London, the, 285 Lincoln's Inn, 152 Lincoln's Inn Fields, 154 Little Britain, 64 "Little Dorrit," 132, 177, 264 "Little Midshipman, the," 115 Lollard's Tower, the, 30 Lombard Street, 80 London: atmospheric effects, 388, 412, 450; approach to, 23; architecture, 460; the cult of, 20; charm of, in early summer, 385, 400; cosmopolitanism of, 285; crowds, 282; classes in, 162; contrasts in, 19, 54, 151, 167, 175; crazes, 445; colouring of, 388, 412; feeding of, 48; houses, characteristics of, 359, 462; isolation in, 426; liberty in, 429; opportunities in, 327; phoenix-like, 24, 95, 181; picturesqueness of, 49, 388, 411; primarily a seaport, 24; resources in, 17; rebuilding of, 466; suffering in, 427, 429; as a tourist haunt, 33; unexpectedness of, 10, 18, 54; wealth of, 47 London Bridge, 43, 121 Londoners, ways of, 414, 416, 462 London Stone, 82 London Wall, 81, 82 Lost children, 442 Lowther Lodge, 213, 460 Ludgate Hill, 93 Lyon's Inn, 159 M Macaulay, on the tombs of Chatham and Pitt, 192; Westminster Hall, 205; his residence at Holly Lodge, 217, 383; in Powis Place, 255; on Holland House, 383; the New Zealander, 472 Maclise, Daniel, 227 Mall, the, 397 Manning, Cardinal, 177 Mansfield, Lord, 243 Mansions and Flats, 468 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, 262 Marco Marziale, 349 Marshall, Herbert, 388 Marshalsea, the, 130 Marshalsea Court, 150 "Martin Chuzzlewit," 118, 143 MatinÉe Hat, 282 Maurice, F. D., 245, 256 Mausolus, car of (in British Museum), 270, 338 "May-Day Sweeps," 259 Mecklenburgh Square, 265 Mercers' School, 159 Meredith, George, 228 Michael Angelo, 354 Middle Temple Hall, 143 Middle Temple Lane, 144 Millais, Sir John, 259 Millbank Penitentiary, Old, 28 Millionaires, Uses of, 327 Milton, 63, 371 Mincing Lane, 81 Minories, the, 113 Mitford, Mary Russell, 245 Model lodging-houses, 468 Monasteries, the fall of, 13 Montague House, 269, 333, 379 Monument, the, 43, 118 Monumental Brasses, 115 Monumental Sculpture, 91, 193 More, Sir Thomas, 110, 233 Morley, Charles, quoted, 131 Morris, William, 252 Mother Shipton, 387 Mourey, Gabriel, on the view from Charing Cross Bridge, 38; the Tower Bridge, 45; the Pool of London, 46; character in hair-dressing, 286; street markets, 312; Sunday in London, 440; London fog, 445; Regent's Park terraces, 451; Philip Webb's houses, 465 Mudie's Library, 305 Mudlarks, 28 Mummy-room at the British Museum, 335 "Murdstone and Grinby's," 50, 134 Museum HabituÉs, 268 "Museum Headache," 337 N Nando's Coffee House, 145 Nash, 457 National Gallery, 344; romance of, 346, 354 Natural History Museum, 342, 469 "Newcomes," The, 69 New Inn, 148 Newsboys, 443 Newton Hall, 158 Newton, Sir Isaac, 158 New War Office, 455 Nithsdale, Lord (escape from the Tower), 111 Norman London, 4 O Old Clothes Markets, 315 "Old Curiosity Shop," 50, 80, 135 Old Palace Yard, 207 Old St. Paul's, 88 Old Swan Tavern, 235 "Oliver Twist," 51 Omnibuses, character in, 420 Omnibus Conductors, 418 Omnibus travelling, 417 Open air services, 98 Opium Dens, 296 O'Rell, Max, on the Parks, 390; London omnibuses, 417; London fog, 444 Organ-grinders, 263, 439 Ornithological Society, 399 "Our Mutual Friend," 50 Oxford Street, 18 P Pall Mall, 183 Panizzi, 247 "Pan-opticon" of Leicester Square, 326 Pantomimes, 277 Panyer Alley, 97 Paradise Row, 232 "Paris Garden," 128 Park Orators, 392, 403 Parmigiano, 350 Passmore Edwards Settlement, 256 Patent Office, 156 Paternoster Row, 95 Pater, Walter, 218, 467 Paul's Cross, 98 Paul Pindar's House, 55, 342 "Paul's Walkers," 88 Pavement Artists, 248 Penny Steamers, 25 Pepys, Samuel, 116, 139 Philanthropists, treatment of, in London, 448 Physick Garden, the, 234 Picture-galleries, 330, 343 Picture Stories, 346 Pitman's Shorthand Institute, 246 Pictures, vicissitudes of, 346, 351, 353 Picturesqueness of Railways, 23, 95 Pigeon-fanciers, 315 Plane-trees in London, 408 Plantagenets, cuts of, 198 Poet's Corner, 202 Point of View, the, 164, 169, 172 Policemen, 425, 442 Pool of London, the, 44, 46 Popular "lines" in shops, 301 "Portland Vase," 336 Positivist Society, 138 Press, the, 369 Primrose Hill, view from, 413 Prince of Wales's Theatre, old, 284 Printing-House Square, 14 Prior Bolton, 62 Prior Houghton, 68 Protector Somerset, 35, 73 Prudential Assurance Company's Offices, 154, 159, 469 Pyx, Chapel of, 190, 203 Q Quality Court, 156 Queen Anne, 201 Queen Anne Craze, the, 460 Queen Anne's Gate, 397 Queen Anne's Statue, Ludgate Hill, 95; Queen Square, 241 Queen Caroline (wife of George II.), 394, 399 Queen Caroline (of Brunswick), 202, 370 Queen Charlotte, 36 Queen Elizabeth, 25, 51, 201 Queen Mary (of Modena), 31 Queen Mary II., 201 Queen Victoria, visit to St. Paul's, 93; at Kensington Palace, 395 Queen's House, Chelsea, 227 Queen Square, 241, 254, 264 R Ragged Children, erudition of, 234, 433 Ragged Schools, 432 Rahere, 58 Raleigh, 107 "Ranelagh," 222 Reading-room, British Museum, 266 "Reconciliation," Temple of, 192-199 Record Office, 151 Red Lion Square, 253, 254 Reformation, the, 8, 62 "Reformer's Tree," the, 392 Regalia, 109 Regent's Park, 401 Restaurants, cheap, 287, 322 "Restorers," sins of, 125 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 354 Richardson, Samuel, 367 Richmond's Mosaics in St. Paul's, 93 "Ring, The," 391 Rocques', Map of, 1746, 241 Rogers, Samuel, 181 Rolls Chapel, 151 Roman City Wall, 81 Roman London, 24 Roman Remains, 3, 82, 97, 103 "Rosamond's Pond," 399 Rosebery, Lord, on St. James's Square, 184 "Rosetta Stone," the, 339 Rossetti, Christina, 251 Rossetti, D. G., at Queen's House, Chelsea, 227; at Red Lion Square, 252; at the Working Men's College, 256; on the British Museum, 270; on Venetian Gothic in London, 469 Rotten Row, 390 Royal Exchange, 74, 75 Royal Mint, 113 Royal Society, 158 Rubens, 351 Ruskin, on the Houses of Parliament, 32; Victoria Embankment, 41; the Pool of London, 49; Social Contrasts, 185; South Kensington Museum, 341; born in Hunter Street, 262; at the Working Men's College, 256; at Denmark Hill, 371 Russell, Lady Rachel, 242 Russell, Lord William, 154, 242 Russell Hotel, 247 Russell Square, 244 Rye House Plot, 242 S "Sailors' Town," the, 49 St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 66 St. James's Park, 397 St. James's Place, 179 St. James's Square, 184 St. James's Street, 178 St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, 72 St. Pancras Station, 27, 265, 471 St. Paul's Cathedral, 42, 51, 84 St. Paul's Churchyard, 95 St. Paul's School, 98 St. Thomas's Hospital, 29 Sala, G. A., 265 Sale-Days, 311 Saleswomen, trials of, 302 Sandford Manor House, 232 Sass's School, 258 Savoy Hotel, 33 Saxon London, 4 Scents, in London districts, 420 Scotland Yard, 33 Scott, W. B., 256 Sea-gulls in London, 35, 121 Seamy Side, the, 185, 248, 441 Sebert, King of the East Saxons, 188 Second-hand Book-shops, 266, 305 "Secular Gothic," 469 Seething Lane, 116 Serjeants' Inn, 149 Shaw, Norman, 33, 235, 460 Shelley, in Marchmont Street, 262; in Half Moon Street, 361; in Poland Street, 381; on Hell and London, 297; in the Highgate omnibus, 417 Shelley, Harriet, 394 Shelley, Mary, 262 Ships' figure-heads, 29 Shops of London, 299 Shoppers, ways of, 301 Shop-lifters, 309 Siddons, Mrs., 371 "Sixpenny Days," drawbacks of, 195 "Sketches by Boz," 240, 259, 262 Sloane, Sir Hans, 228, 234, 243, 333 Slum children, 430 Smart Society in London, 179, 390 Smetham, James, 355 Smithfield Martyrs, 64 Soane Museum, 375 Soane, Sir John, 376, 457 Somerset House, 35, 451-452 Soot as a beautifier, 23, 27, 90, 388, 452, 470 South Kensington, 222 South Kensington Museum, 341 South Sea Bubble, 76, 133 Southwark, 121 Sparrows in London, 410 Spinello Aretino, 348 Spitalfields, 314 "Spleen," the, 444 Squares of Queen Anne's Time, 464 Squares, Old London, charm of, 244 StaËl, Madame de, 23 Stage Door, the, 284 Stage Neophytes, 275 Stage rehearsals, 279 Stanley, Dean, 187, 233 Staple Inn, 55, 154 Steele, Sir Richard, 243 "Steyne, Lord," 327 Stones of London, the, 447-472 Street Arabs, 434 Street games, 432 Street markets, 311 Stuart, Arabella, 111, 197 Stuart, La Belle, 201 Submerged, the, 170, 185 Sunday in London, 440 Sunday markets, 314 "Sunday opening," 326-335 Sunsets in London, 250 Sutherland House, 378 Sutton, Thomas, 69 "Sweating" dens, 297, 302 Swift, Dean, 177 Swinburne, A. C., 228, 369 Swindles in London, 443 Swiss Waiters, 287 T Taine, Henri, on Greek Architecture in London, 32; the docks, 48; the ways of "good society," 279; Englishwomen, 286; the London Sunday, 326; British seriousness, 392; Somerset House, 451; the Houses of Parliament, 459 Tanagra figurines (in British Museum), 339 Tanfield Court, Temple, 147 Tate Gallery, the, 27, 343 Tate, Sir Henry, 28, 343 Tavistock House, 258, 261 Temple, the, 149; Gardens, 141; Church, 145 Tennant, Miss Dorothy (Lady Stanley), 431 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, on Cleopatra's Needle, 39; "London's central roar," 95 Terburg's "Peace of MÜnster," 332, 350 Terra-cotta, in building, 470 Terriss, William, 284 Thackeray, in Cornhill, 76; in Great Coram Street, 263; in Kensington, 216, 220, 382; on old Carlton House, 181; Russell Square, 246; Denmark Hill, 371; the "Zoo," 405 Thackeray, Miss ("Old Kensington"), 213 Thames, influence on history of London, 2, 24 Thames, Enchantment of, 49 Thames Street, 43, 316 Thavies' Inn, 159 Theatrical Profession, the, 274 Thompson, Henry Yates, 344 "Thorney Island," 188 "Time Machine," the, 20 Tite Street, 236 "Tom-All-Alone's," 58 Tomb of Gordon, 92; Lord Leighton, 92; Duke of Wellington, 92 Tooley Street, 43, 126 Torch Extinguishers, 379 "Totencourt," Manor of, 18, 242, 387 Tottenham Court Road, 18 Tourists in London, 247, 424 Tower, the, 46, 100 Tower Bridge, 44 Tower Green, 105 Tower Lions, the, 112 Tower Victims, 105 Toynbee, Arnold, 173 Toynbee Hall, 173 Trades, special districts for, 308 "Traitor's Gate," 104, 110 Treasure-houses of London, 326 Trinity Square, 113, 464 Turner, J. M. W., R.A., 26, 49, 347, 355, 357, 380 Tyburn, 113 U Unrevealing Exteriors, 359 V Valhalla, national, 191 Vandyck, 351-354 Van Eyck, 353 Vanishing London, 360 "Vanity Fair," 246 "Vauxhall," 222 "Venetian Gothic," 469 Vergers, ways of, 105 Veronese, Paolo, 353, 355 Victoria Embankment, 32, 41 Views in London, 29, 35, 38, 42, 46, 49, 51, 265, 389, 394, 411-412 "Virginians," the, 381 Visitors to London, 424 W Waifs and Strays, 429, 440 Wallace, Sir Richard, 65, 328, 332 Wallace Collection, 327 Wallace, Lady, 329 Walworth, Sir William, 65 "Wanderlust," the, 289 Warwick Square, 97 Watling Street, 3 Waterloo Bridge, 40 Wat Tyler, 65 Webb, Aston, 60 Webb, Philip, 465 Weller, Sam, 128 Wellington, Duke of, 378 Westminster Abbey, 187; chapel of Henry VII., 190, 197; chantry of Henry V., 194; cloisters, 203; wax effigies, 200 Westminster Bridge, 207 Westminster Hall, 205 Where to shop, 303 Whistler, J. McN., 23, 236 Whitechapel Road, 18, 172 Whitefield's Tabernacle, 242, 261 Whitefriars, 13 Whitehall, 455 Whitehall Court, 33 "White Tower," 108 Whittington, 9 Wimpole Street, 380 Winchester House (old), 129 "Window gardens," 407 "Wittenagemot" Club, 97 Wood Street plane tree, 10, 81 "Working Men's College, The," 255 Working Classes, 168 Wren, Sir Christopher, 7, 86 Wych Street, 148 Y Yiddish colony in London, the, 295 York House, old, 35 York Stairs, 35 Z Zoological Gardens, 405 THE END PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY R. CLAY AND SONS. LTD., BRUNSWICK STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E. 1, AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. |