html#Page_176" class="pginternal">176. Beaufort, Duke of, 366, 369, 380. Beaulieu Abbey, 504, 514. Beaumaris Castle, 36. Beaumonts, the, 109. Beaver Lake, 279. Bebbanburg, 335. Becket, St. Thomas À, 165, 481. Becket, St. Thomas À, slain, 482. Becket's Chapel, Peterborough, 254. Becket's shrine, 482. Beckford, William, 396. Beckington, Bishop, 402, 404. Bed of Ware, 234. Bede, Venerable, 269, 316, 317. Bedford Castle, 129. Bedford, Duke of, 131, 439. Bedford Level, 254. Bedgebury Park, 474. Beeston Castle, 27. Bek, Antony, 318, 325. Bell Harry, Canterbury, 482. Bell Inn, Edmonton, 214. Bell Tower, London, 193. Bellamont, Henry de, 380. Bellows, Kynance, 458. Belted Will, 304. Belvedere, Windsor Park, 384. Belvoir Castle, 80, 106. Ben Rhydding Palace, 285. Bentinck, William, 271. Beorm, 124. Beresford, Field-marshal, 474. Beresford Hope, A. J. B., 474, 482. Berkeley Canal, 337. Berkeley Castle, 339, 340, 506. Berkeley Chapel, Bristol, 399. Berkeley, Earls of, 398. Berks and Wilts Canal, 161. Berkshire, 140, 386. Bermondsey Monastery, 111. Berry Head, Torbay, 431. Berry Pomeroy Castle, 433. Berwick-on-Tweed, 335. Berwick, Dorset, 131. Bess of Hardwicke, 71, 271. Betchworth Castle, 470. Bettws-y-Coed, 41. Beverley, 278. Beverley Minster, 279. Bicester, 110. Burnet, Bishop, 427. Bury St. Edmunds, 250. Bushey Park, 178. Bussex Rhine, Sedgemoor, 411. Butchers' Row, Hereford, 353. Bute, Marquis of, 375. Butler, Bishop, 98, 319, 399. Butler, Lady, 28. Buxton, 75. Byng, Admiral, executed, 511. Byrom, 53. Byron, Lord, 273, 454. Byron, Sir John, 273. Byron's Pool, 249. Cable, Submarine, 458. Cabot, Sebastian, 397, 399. Cad River, 435. Cade, Jack, 179. Cader Idris, 45. Cadogan, Lord, 171. CÆdmon, 310. Caer Taff, 375. Caergwrle Castle, 34. Caerleon, 375. Caermarthen, 381. Caernarvon, 39. Caernarvon Castle, 38. Caernarvonshire, 35. Caerphilly Castle, 376. Caerwise, 425. CÆsar, Julius, 177, 469. CÆsarea, 423. CÆsar's Tower, Warwick Castle, 121. Caister Castle, 256. Caithness, Earl of, 335. Caius College, Cambridge, 243. Cakes, Banbury, 159. Calder River, 282. Calf of Man, 59. Calshot Castle, 509, 510. Calveley, Sir Hugh, 27. Cam River, 234. Cambridge, 239. Cambridge Castle, 249. Camden, Marquis of, 475. Camdentown, London, 215. Camelford, 453. Campbell, Lord, 169. Canova, 470. Canterbury, 480. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 129, 194. Canterbury Castle, 482. Canterbury Cathedral, 481, 482. Canterbury Tales, 483. Canute, 509. Canynge, William, 306. Deadly Nightshade, Valley of, 56. Deal, 484, 486. Dean Forest, 337, 360, 361, 365. Dean's Eye, Wells, 403. Deans, Jeanie, 274. Death Rock, Devonshire, 449. Dee, Miller of, 26. Dee River, 21, 24, 28. Dee, Sands o', 33. Deepdale, 87. Deepdene, 470. Denbies, Dorking, 471. Denbigh, 33. Dene, Ralph de, 475. Dennis Duval, 488. Derby, 87. Derby Day, Epsom, 472. Derby, Earls of, 20, 23, 27, 61, 165, 472. Derbyshire, 70. Derbyshire marbles, 82. Derwent River, 64, 75, 81, 303, 306. Derwentwater, 64. Derwentwater, Earl of, 66. Despenser, Hugh, 376. D'Eulx, Chevalier, 516. Devil's Bellows, Lyme Regis, 424. Devil's Cheese-Ring, Lynton, 446, 447. Devil's Coits, 140. Devon, Countess of, 440. Devon, Earls of, 436, 509. Devonport, 437, 438. Devonshire, Dukes of, 71, 240, 287. Devonshire, Earl of, 439. Dewerstone, Dartmoor, 436. Dickens, Charles, 470, 480. Digby, Earl of, 415. Digby, G. D. Wingfield, 415. Dinan, Joyce de, 97. Dinas Bran Castle, 29. Dingles, the, Warwickshire, 119. Disraeli, 470. Ditchling Beacon, Brighton, 492. Ditton, 178. Do, Mary, tomb, Beaulieu Abbey, 504, 505.
/li> Ethelbert, King, 226. Ethelfleda, 120. Eton College, 172. Eurydice wrecked, 516. Euston Square Station, London, 215. Evelyn, John, 466, 471. Evelyn's Diary, 471. Evenlode River, 140. Evergreen Drive, Woburn, 134. Evershed Rough, Wolton, 472. Ewer, Colonel, 369. Ewias, Harold, 369. Ewiasvale, 372. Ewloe Castle, 27. Exanceaster, 425. Exchequer Gate, Lincoln, 263. Exe River, 424, 504. Exeter, 425. Exeter Cathedral, 425, 426. Exeter College, Oxford, 153. Exeter, Earl of, 262. Exeter Gardens, Oxford, 149. Exeter, Marquis of, 261. Exmoor, 407, 440, 447. Exmouth, 424. Eynsham, 166. Faerie Queene, 432. Fair Rosamond, 142. Fair Rosamond's birthplace, 353. Fair Rosamond's coffin, 166. Fairfax, Lord, 116, 364. Falkland, Lord, 474. Falmouth, 454. Falmouth Harbor, 453. Falstaff Inn, Canterbury, 482. Falstaff, Sir John, 260. Farnborough, 467. Farne, 313, 335. Farringford, 520. Fawkes, Guy, 128, 303. Feathers Inn, 99. Fell, Dean, 168. Fenland, 134, 249. Ferrars Abbey, 91. Ferrars, Earl, 108. Feversham, Lord, 410. Field of the Dead, 100. Fiennes, John de, 484. Finch, Lord Chancellor, 200. Finger Pillory, 109. Fire Monument, London, 180. Fish Street Hill, London, 181. Fishes, Brighton Aquarium, 492. Fitzalan, Richard, 494. Fitzalans' tombs, Arundel, 493. Fitzgilbert, R
ost@g@html@files@29787@29787-h@29787-h-11.htm.html#Page_239" class="pginternal">239. Henry Beauclerc's death, 342. Henry of Monmouth, 372. Herbert, George, 394. Herbert, Lord, 159. Herbert, Lord of Lea, 394. Herbert, Sidney, 388, 394. Herbert, Sir William, 392. Herbert's Statue, Pall Mall, 213. Hereford, 353. Hereford Cathedral, 354. Hereford, Earl of, 368, 512. Hereford, Harry, 362. Herefordshire Beacon, 351. Herne the Hunter, 177. Heron, Lady, 331, 333. Heron, Sir William, 331. Heronry, Vinney Ridge, 504. Hertford, Earl of, 230. Hertfordshire, 224. Hervey, 115. Hever Castle, 477. Hexham, 314, 322. High Down, Isle of Wight, 513, 521. High Level Bridge over Tyne, 321. High Peak, Sidmouth, 424. High Tor, 85. High Town, Hereford, 354. Hill Tower, Dunster, 441. Hill, William, sexton, 255. Hilda, 310. Hillsborough, 448. Hinderskelf Cattle, 305. Hoare, Sir Richard, 391. Hobs, Robert, 131. Hobson, Admiral, 518. Hobson's Choice, 248. Hobson's Conduit, Cambridge, 248. Hock Tuesday, 123. Hodder River, 57. Hodeni River, 372. Hoe, the, Plymouth, 439. Hog's Back, Guildford, 464. Holbein, 392. Holgate, 303. Holland, Earl of, 217. Holland House, 216. Holland the regicide, 135. Holmby House, 128. Holme, Randall, 22. Holmsdale, Surrey, 473. Holmwood, 469. Holt, 31. Holt, Chief-Justice, 169. Holte, Sir Thomas, 126. Holy Isle, 335. Holy Headland, 461. Holy Mountain, 371. Holy Trinity Church, Hull, 405, 520. Ken, Bishop, parsonage, 502. Minster Lovel, 164. Minstrels' Gallery, 428, 429. Minstrel Gallery, Lumley Castle, 320. Miserrimus, tomb, 349. Mitton parish, 57. Mixed Cloth Hall, Leeds, 285. Moat Hall, Hexham, 322. Mob Quad, Oxford, 146. Moberly, Bishop of Salisbury, 520. Mohan's Tor, Torbay, 430. Moira, Lord, 110. Mold, 34. Mole River, 463, 468, 470. Molly Mog, 385. Mona Isle, 36. Moncton Fort, Portsmouth, 511. Money Copse, Osborne House, 515. Monk, General, 198. Monmouth, 362. Monmouth, Harry, 362. Monmouth caps, 364. Monmouth, Duke of, 405, 410. Monmouth, John of, 362. Monmouth, King, 505. Monmouth Road, 359. Monmouthshire, 352, 375. Monnow River, 362, 369, 370. Mont Orgueil Castle, 423. Montague House, London, 212 Montague, Viscount, 475. Montfort, Simon de, 112, 123, 346. Montgomery Castle, 35. Montgomery, Roger de, 93, 97. Montreville, 270. More, Sir Thomas, 478. Moresco Castle, 452. Moreton, Earl of, 453. Morgan's Mount, 25. Morley, Earl of, 437. Morte Bay, 449. Morte Point, 448, 449. Morte Stone, Devonshire, 449. Morthoe, 449. Morthoe Church, 448. Morison, Elizabeth, 233. Mortimer, Roger, 30, 267. Mortimer's Tower, 97. Morton, Roman villa, 515. Mother Church of England, 482. Motherbank, Spithead, 512. Mount Batten, Plymouth, 437. Mount Edgecumbe,
html#Page_129" class="pginternal">129, 252, 288, 294, 298. Ousenford, 142. Overton, 31. Owens College, Manchester, 54. Oxford, 142. Oxfordshire, 140. Oystermouth Castle, 379. Oysters, 486. Painted Hall, Greenwich, 221. Palace of Justice, London, 211. Palace of the Peak, 81. Palmer's Guild, 99. Pang River, 170. Pangbourne, 170. Parliament House, Dolgelly, 47. Parliament, Houses of, 202. Parlor, Kynance, 458. Parr, Queen Catherine, 67, 139. Parrett River, 408, 410. Parson and Clerk, Dawlish, 430. Paterson, William, 209. Paul, Great, bell, 183. Paulinus, 269. Paul's Walk, London, 181. Paxton, Sir Joseph, 85. Peace of Cuthbert, Durham, 315. Peacock Inn, 81. Peak of Derbyshire, 70. Peel, Sir Robert, 91. Peele Castle, 62. Peeping Tom, 104. Pegwell Bay, 483. Pelham-Clinton family, 271. Pembroke, 382. Pembroke Castle, 382. Pembroke College, Cambridge. 246. Pembroke College, Oxford, 154. Pembroke, Earls of, 98, 392, 394. Pembroke Marbles, 393. Pembroke, Sir Richard, 50. Pembrokeshire, 382. Penarth Roads, 375. Pen-Combick, 454. Penda, King, 97. Pendennis Castle, 454. Pennsylvania Castle, 421. Pennsylvania Suburb, Exeter, 425. Pennine Hills, 57. Penny-come-quick, 454. Penrhyn Castle, 37. Penshurst, 476, 477. Penshurst Church, 477. Pentise, Chester, 25. Penwith Headland, Land's End, 462. Penzance, 461. Pepys' Diary, 296, 339. Rushen Castle, 60. Russell family, 131. Russell, John, 131. Russell, Lord, 439. Russell, Lord William, 133. Russel, Sir Thomas, 171. Rutland, Dukes of, 76, 80, 106, 306. Rutland, Earl of, killed, 282. RutupiÆ, 485. Rydal Mount, 65. Ryde, 515, 516. Rye, 484, 488. Rye House, 234. Sacheverel, Dr., 103. Sackville-West, L. S., 478. Saffron, 236. Saffron Walden, 234. Saffron Walden Church, 236. St. Alban Hall, Oxford, 147. St. Albans, 224. St. Albans, battle, 229. St. Albans, Duke of, 238. St. Aldate's Church, Oxford, 155. St. Aldhelm's Head, 418. St. Andrew's Cathedral, Hexham, 322. St. Andrew's Spring, Wells, 402, 403. St. Anne's Well, Malvern, 352. St. Anthony's Chapel, Penzance, 461. St. Asaph, 34. St. Aubin Bay, 422. St. Aubin Village, 422. St. Aubyn family, 461. St. Augustine's Abbey, Bristol, 397. St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, 482. St. Augustine's Monastery, Canterbury, 481. St. Bede, 316, 317. St. Bede's Shrine, Durham, 317. St. Bernard, Mont, Monastery, 109. St. Boniface Church, Bonchurch, 517. St. Briard Castle, 365. St. Bride's Church, London, 196. St. Catharine's Chapel, 424. St. Catharine's Chapel, Guildford, 466. St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, 245. St. Catharine's Down, Isle of Wight, 518. St. Catharine's Spring, Guildford, 466. St. Catharine's Well, Southwell, 270. St. Chad, 101. St. Clement's Church, Sandwich, 485. St. Clement Danes Church, London, 180. St. Cross Hospital, Winchester, 500. St. Cuthbert, 66, 313, 421. Sarum, Old, 387, 389, 413. Saville's Tomb, York, 300. Saxenhurst, 475. Saxon Shore, Count of, 484. Saxulf, 253. Saye and Sele, Lord, 158. Scaleby Castle, 68. Scarborough, 307. Scarborough, Earl of, 320. Scarborough warning, 308. Scar-burgh Castle, 307. Scarlet, sexton, 254. Scholfield, psalm singer, 284. Schomberg House, London, 213. Scilly Islands, 462. Sciont River, 38. Scolland's Hall, Richmond, 294. Scotland Yard, London, 198. Scott, Sir Gilbert, 207. Scott, Sir Walter, 69, 79, 90, 123, 141, 162, 274, 316, 332. Scratchell's Cave, Isle of Wight, 513. Scruffel Hill, 67. Scudamore, Earl of, 372. Scyrrid Vawr, 370. Seathewaite. 65. Sedgemoor, 408, 410. Segontium, 38. Selborne, 495. Selsey Bill, 495. Selwyn, Bishop, 104. Selwyn, George, 217. Senate House, Cambridge, 243. Seneca Dying in the Bath, 262. Senior Wrangler, Cambridge, 243. Serpentine rocks, 456. "Seven Ages of Man," Stratford, 119. Seven Burrows, Stonehenge, 391. Sevenoaks, 478. Severn River, 93, 337, 352. Seven Sisters, Fountains Dale, 291. Seven Springs, 137. Severus, death, 295. Seymour, Elizabeth, 326. Seymour, Lord of Sudeley, 139. Shaftesbury, 416. Shakespear, John, 110. Shakespeare, William, 118, 501. Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford, 119. Shakespeare Trust, Stratford, 118.
.htm.html#Page_130" class="pginternal">130. Tin-mines, 453. Tintagel Castle, 452. Tintern Abbey, 365. Tintem Parva, 365. Tissington Spires, 87. Tiw, Rock of, 436. Tom, Great, Lincoln, 264. Tom Quad, Oxford, 146. Tombland, Norwich, 257. Tone River, 412. Tor Hill, 404. Torbay, 430. Torquay, 430, 431. Torrent Walk, Dolgelly, 69. Torridge River, 432, 449. Tostig, 295. Totnes, 433. Touching for King's Evil, 349. Tower of London, 180, 189. Tower Subway, 193. Town and Gown Quarrels, 143. Town Hall, Birmingham, 126. Town Hall, Hull, 278. Town Hall, Leeds, 285. Towton Battlefield, 296. Towy River, 381. Tracy, Sir William, 448. Trafalgar Square, London, 212. Traitor's Gate, Tower, 190. Treasury Building. London, 198. Trefriw, 43. Trelawney, Bishop, 429. Trent River, 75, 100, 263, 266, 273. Trentham Hall, 89. Trewsbury Mead, 137. Triangular Bridge, Crowland, 254. Tribunal, Glastonbury, 407. Tricengham, 89. Trinity Chapel, Cambridge, 240. Trinity Chapel, Canterbury, 482. Trinity Church, Coventry, 105. Trinity College, Oxford, 154. Trinity College, Cambridge, 240. Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 243. Trinity House, Hull, 277. Tripos, Cambridge, 240. Trothy River, 364. Trowlesworthy, 435. Trumpington, 249. Trumpington, Miller of, 244. Tuck, Friar, 273. Tun River, 476. Tunbridge, 475, 476. Tunbridge Castle, 475, 476. Tunbridge Wells, 463. 464, 495. Weymouth, 121, 177, 419. Weymouth Bay, 419. Whaddon Hall, 135. Whalley Abbey, 57. Whalley, Richard, 271. Wharfe River, 285. Whippingham, 514. Whispering Gallery, Gloucester, 341. Whispering Gallery, St. Paul's, 183. Whitby, 310. Whitby Abbey, 310. Whitchurch, 170. White Cloth Hall, Leeds, 285. White Hart Inn, Ringwood, 506. White Homestead, Whitby, 310. White Horse Hill, 386. White Horse Inn, Dorking, 469. White Nore, 419. White, Rev. Gilbert, 495. White, Sir Thomas, 154. White Tower, London, 190. Whitebait, 38. Whitecliff Bay, Isle of Wight, 516. Whitehall, Westminster, 196. Whitgarasbyrg, 512. Whiting, Abbot of Glastonbury, 404. Whitney, 164. Whittingham, Dean, 319. Widemarsh, Hereford, 354. Widvile, Elizabeth, 108, 110, 246. Wight, Isle of, 507, 512. Wigoma Ceaster, 346. Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, 520. Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, death, 472. Wilberforce, William, 278, 303, 520. Wilderness, Cambridge, 242. Wiley River, 387, 392. Wilfrid's Needle, Ripon, 289. Wilkes, John, 516. Willersley Castle, 86. Willis, Browne, 135. Willytown, 392. Wilmot, Lord, 347. William III., 271, 350, 426. William III.'s landing-place, 432. William of Wykeham, 500. William, Prince, drowned, 422. William Rufus killed, 503, 504. William Rufus tomb, Winchester, 499. William the Conqueror, 295, THE END. |