Admiralty, Letters to, 357, 379.
Cape, 375.
Current, 373.
Albatrosses, 46, 47, 128.
Anchors, Loss of, 276, 327.
Anchor-stocks eaten by worms, 86.
Arru Islands, 336.
Ascension Island, 387.
Animals, 318.
Appearance of, 252, 265, 267, 272, 294, 317.
Bedford, Cape, 292.
Birds, 318.
Booby Island, 314.
Botany Bay, 242 to 248.
Bustard Bay, 258, 260.
Canoes, 243, 321.
Capricorn, Cape, 260.
Cleveland Bay, 270.
Cook's Passage, 301.
Cornwall, Cape, 313.
Damage to ship, 280, 281, 284.
Danger Point, 253.
Danger, Ships in, 253, 254, 262, 263, 267, 274, 278, 279, 303, 328.
Dangerous navigation through the reefs, 306 to 310.
Description of, 317.
Dromedary, Mount and Point, 239.
Endeavour Reef, 274, 276.
Endeavour River, 279.
Sail from, 292.
Description of, 293.
Endeavour Strait, 313.
Description of, 314.
Exploration, Remarks on, 305.
First attempts at landing, 242.
Fish, 318.
Flattery, Cape, 297.
Fruits, 318.
Glass houses, 254.
Gloucester, Cape, 269.
Grafton, Cape, 273.
Grenville, Cape, 307.
Hicks Point, 237.
Hillsborough, Cape, 267.
Historical notes, 325.
Hope Islands, 277.
Houses, 321.
Howe, Cape, 238.
Jackson Port, 249.
Jervis Bay, 241.
Kangaroo, 280, 281, 287, 291, 294.
Language, 322.
Lizard island, 298.
Lookout Point, 298.
Magnetic Island, 271.
Moreton Bay, 254.
Natives, 239, 242, 244, 245, 248, 272, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 311, 312,
319, 320, 323.
New South Wales, name bestowed, 312.
Palmerston, Cape, 267.
Pigeon House, 239.
Possession Island, 311.
Providential Channel, 304.
Rays (fish), 247, 291, 295.
Rockingham Bay, 272.
Sandy Cape, 256.
Ship aground, 274 to 276, 279.
Ship beached for repair, 280.
Sighted, 237.
Smoky Cape, 251.
Stephens Port, 250.
Thirsty Sound, 264.
Tides, Observations on, 267, 268, 312, 324.
Timber, 318.
Torres Straits, Doubts of existence of, 301, 302, 306, 314, 335.
Townshend, Cape, 263.
Tribulation, Cape, 274.
Upstart, Cape, 270.
Weapons, 320.
Weymouth, Cape, 306.
Whitsunday Passage, 269. York, Cape, 310.
Banks, Mr., 2, 19, 38, 61, 63, 65, 72, 75, 76, 79, 81, 82, 87, 88, 111, 114, 115, 128, 130, 140, 165, 167, 184, 186, 200, 217, 225, 242, 245, 247, 259, 285, 288, 298, 311, 329, 332, 362, 377, 382.
Batavia, 353 to 364:
Description of, 363. Sickly climate of, 359, 362, 364, 372.
Boats, Preservation of, 74.
Description of, 117.
Passed, 113.
Boobies, 257, 314, 336, 378.
Boot-topping, 19.
Bougainville, 314:
His visit to Tahiti, 72, 76, 101, 314, 395.
Bow island, 56.
Buchan, Mr., Artist, Death of, 64.
Australian, 243, 321.
New Zealand, 221, 222.
Society Islands, 118.
Tahiti, 97.
Voyages in, 119, 121.
Cape Colony, Remarks on, 382.
Cape Pigeons. See Pintado Birds.
Capetown, 376, 383.
Celery, Wild, 141, 154, 166, 190.
Chain Island, 58.
Chart-making, Remarks on, 337.
Clerke, Master's Mate, 76, 390.
Cockles (Tridacna), 284, 295, 306.
Cook, Captain:
Character, xlv.
Death of, xliii.
Early life, xiii.
Survey of Newfoundland, xv.
First voyage, xxi.
Second, xxix.
Third, xxxvii.
Cook, Mrs., xv., xliv.
Damage to ship, 280, 281, 284, 353, 359.
Danger, Ship in, 169, 192, 204, 253, 254, 262, 263, 267, 274, 278, 279, 303, 308, 328, 330.
Dipping Needle, 13, 44.
Dolphin, H.M.S., Voyages of, xvii.
Downs, Return to, 394.
regulations for ships, 351.
Home Fleet, 357.
Dispute with, 362.
Deaths from, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372.
Remarks on, 377.
Egg-birds, 53.
Fleet, Indian, 386.
Flogging, 20, 22, 64, 76, 77, 79, 107, 108, 155, 166, 167, 371.
Fothering the ship, 276, 277.
Fuegian natives, 37.
Funchal, 6.
Good Hope, Cape of, 375.
Gore, Lieutenant, 76, 120, 198, 245, 282, 285, 341.
Green, the Astronomer, 31, 35, 68, 76, 131, 150, 305, 316, 354, 368.
Hicks, Lieutenant, 20, 69, 76, 85, 145, 160, 240, 244, 304, 349, 350, 354, 356, 388, 389.
Horn, Cape, 41:
Longitude of, 45.
Passage round, 48.
visited, 109.
Description of, 110.
Islands, List of, 229.
Journal, Copy of, sent home, 356, 357.
Kangaroos, 280, 281, 287, 291, 294, 318.
King George's Island. See Tahiti.
Krakatoa (Cracatoa), 349.
Lagoon Island, 55.
Language of New Zealand and Tahiti identical, 131, 225.
Le Maire Strait, 34 to 39:
Description of, 42.
Directions for, 42.
Lightning conductors, 354.
Line, Crossing the, 13.
Local attraction, 264.
Lunars, Cook's remarks on, 316.
Lunars, xxii.
Magra, Midshipman, 258, 278.
Molineux, Mr., Master, 67, 107, 285, 287, 290, 298, 300, 385.
Monkhouse, Midshipman, 277, 369.
Monkhouse, Surgeon, 59, 64, 109, 359.
Mories or Temples, 83, 104, 118.
Natal, Coast of, 373.
See Tahiti.
See East Coast of Australia.
See New Zealand.
New Guinea:
Coast of, 330, 334.
Land in, 333.
Weapons, 333.
New South Wales:
See Australia, East Coast.
Remarks on, 317.
Account of, 214.
Admiralty Bay, 213.
Animals, 217.
Attempt to seize a boy, 137.
Banks Peninsula, 197.
Brett, Cape, 163.
Burial, 224.
Camel, Mount, 171, 176, 177.
Campbell, Cape, 194.
Canoes, 221, 222.
Cannibalism, 156, 183, 184, 221.
Chart of, Accuracy of, 215.
Clothing, 219.
Colville, Cape, 158, 161.
Cook's Strait, 181, 186, 193.
Customs of mourning, 188.
Description of, 214.
Dusky Bay, 207.
Egmont, Mount, 180.
Farewell, Cape, 211.
First landing in, 130.
Food, 222.
Hauraki Gulf, 160.
Hawkes' Bay, 137.
Hemp or flax, 217.
Hippas, or Pahs, 147, 152, 153, 156, 164, 167, 169, 186, 192.
Houses, 223.
Iron sand, 156.
Islands, Bay of, 165, 169.
Jackson, Cape, 214.
Kaipara Harbour, 177.
Kairoura Mountain, 193, 196.
Left, 213.
Massacre or Murderers (Murtherers) Bay, 183, 214.
Mercury Bay, 148, 155.
Middle Island, Description of, 210.
Musical Instruments, 224.
Native, Name of, 189, 214.
Natives, Conflicts with, 131, 135, 136, 146, 147, 148, 151, 163, 164, 165, 166, 182, 187, 221.
Description of, 218.
Fearlessness of, 139, 221.
Notes on, 230.
Three captured, 132.
Traditions of, 191.
Traffic with, 134, 137, 141, 143, 145, 149, 151, 159, 160, 182, 192, 195.
North, Cape, 173.
Palliser (Pallisser), Cape, 193, 195.
Pattoo Pattoas, 154.
Places recommended for settling, 218.
Plenty, Bay of, 146.
Portland Island, 134.
Poverty Bay, 130.
Produce of, 216.
Queen Charlotte's Sound, 182, 191.
Religion, 224.
Ruapuke Island, 203.
Runaway, Cape, 145.
Saunders, Cape, 201.
Sighted, 129.
South Cape, 205.
Stephens Island, 188, 212.
Stewart Island, 205.
Tegadoo Bay, 141.
Thames, Frith of, 158, 161.
Three Kings, 174.
Timber, 159, 217.
Tolaga Bay, 142.
Tools, 223.
Traps, 204.
Turnagain, Cape, 130, 195.
Weapons, 154.
Ohetiroa, 120.
Ohwarrhe Harbour, 110.
Onrust, the Dutch dockyard, 354, 356.
Otaha, 112:
Excursion to, 116.
Description of, 117.
Otaheite. See Tahiti.
Oree, King of Huaheine, 109, 110.
Orton, Mr., 258.
Osnaburg Island, 58.
Oysters, 153, 156, 248, 260, 266, 318.
Exploration of, xv.
Explorers of, xvi.
Parkinson, Mr., 368.
Paumotu Archipelago, 55 to 58.
Pepys' Island, 33.
Perry, Mr., Surgeon's Mate, 359.
Pintado Birds, 122.
Port Egmont Hens, 129, 200.
Poverty Bay, Incidents at, 130.
Princes Island, Sunda Strait, 366.
Quiros, 213, 226, 301.
Raiatea. See Ulietea.
Rays (fish), 247, 291, 295.
Repairs effected, 360.
Rio Janeiro:
Arrival at, 18.
Viceroy of, 19 to 22.
Description of, 24.
Roggeween, 227.
Rotte, 340.
Rurutu. See Ohetiroa.
St. Helena, 386.
Savu, 341 to 347.
Scurvy, xvi., xvii:
Conquered, xxviii., xxx., xxxvi., xlvi.
Prevention against, xxiv., 59.
Seals, 128, 203, 217.
Society Islands, Description of, 116.
Solander, Dr., 65, 131, 166, 167, 184, 186, 242, 245, 288, 311, 332, 342.
Sour krout, 59.
Southern Continent, 51, 125, 226, 228.
Stranding of ship, 169, 274 to 276, 279.
Success Bay, 36, 42.
Suicide of a Marine, 54.
Sumatra Strait, 349, 366.
Swallow, H.M.S.: Safety of, 350. Voyage of, xix.
Table Bay, 376 to 381, 383, 384.
Tahaa. See Otaha.
Arreoys Society, 95.
Arrival at, 59.
Breadfruit, 84.
Canoes, 97.
Chastity, Want of, 96.
Climate, 103.
Cloth manufacture, 99.
Clothing of natives, 93.
Cooking, Method of, 79.
Dead, Disposal of, 65, 81.
Description of, 88.
Desertion at, 80, 84,
Dogs as food, 79.
Emblems of peace, 64.
Expedition round, 81.
Fort erected at, 64, 68.
Funeral ceremonies, 102.
Government, 100.
History, Notes on, 105.
Houses, 96.
Images, 83.
Leave island, 87.
Manners and Customs, 94.
Mories (Morai) or temples, 83, 101.
Music, 94.
Natives of:
Description of, 91.
Rules for traffic with, 60.
Oamo or Amo, Chief, 80, 83, 105, 106.
Obariea, Queen, 67, 69, 70, 72, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86, 105.
Owhaa, Chief, 60, 63, 66.
Priests, 102.
Produce of, 89.
Religion, 101.
Sexes, separation at meals, 91.
Tattooing, 93.
Thefts at, 62, 63, 68, 73, 75, 78, 82.
Toobouratomita, Chief, 62, 65, 69, 71, 73, 77, 85.
Tools, 98.
Tootaha, Regent, 62, 67, 69, 70, 71, 74, 77, 85, 106.
Traffic for provisions, 60, 87.
Tupia, Priest. See Tupia.
Weapons, 99.
Wrestling, 71.
Teneriff, Peak of, 8.
Tenimber Islands, 336.
Tern. See Eggbirds.
Thrum Cap Island, 56.
Tierra del Fuego, Expedition into, 38.
Timor, 338.
Tootaha, Regent of Tahiti. See Tahiti.
Transit of:
Mercury, 150.
Venus, 76.
Tropic birds, 53.
Priest of Tahiti, 102, 105, 109, 112, 131, 132, 136, 182, 187, 242, 286, 349, 354.
Death of, 363.
Islands known to, 229.
Knowledge of, 121.
Taken on board, 87.
Usefulness of, 363.
Turtle, 285, 287, 288, 290, 295, 301, 352.
Two Groups Island, 57.
Acting and dances at, 114.
Description of, 116.
Harbour, 111.
Opoony, King of, 115.
Rautoanui Harbour, 114.
Variation, Remarks on, 104.
Venereal Disease, 76.
Walsche, Cape, 331.
Warping, Machine for, 389.