d class="tdr">692 < td class="tdc">" >B. "



In this Index all the pictures (of Foreign Schools) belonging to the National Gallery are enumerated in the order of the numbers given to them on the frames and in the Official Catalogues.

Following the title and painter of each picture, there has been in previous editions of the Handbook a reference to the room in the Gallery in which the picture was hung; but as the Gallery is now, and will for some time be, under extensive rearrangement (see above, p. xxv), these references are for the present omitted.

Several pictures belonging to the National Gallery have, however, been removed on loan to other institutions (under a Treasury Minute, 1861, and the "National Gallery Loan Act," 1883). These pictures are distinguished in the Index by their titles being printed in italics; whilst the name of the institution, or (in the case of provincial galleries) the name of the town in which they are now to be seen is stated in the fourth column.

In the next two columns, the manner and date of each picture's acquisition are given. The names are those of the persons from whom the pictures were purchased, or by whom they were given or bequeathed.

In the last column, the prices paid for all the purchased pictures are given. Except where otherwise specified, the funds out of which pictures were purchased have been provided by Parliamentary Grants. The Trustees have at their disposal other funds derived from the Clarke, Lewis, Mackrell, Temple West, and Walker bequests. (The Wheeler bequest is available for the purchase of English pictures only.) The letter C., L., M., or W. before the price in the last column denotes that the funds were derived from one or other of those bequests.

The dates of the appointment of successive Keepers or Directors are also given at their proper places in the Index, so that the curious reader may discover the use made by these officers of the funds at their disposal. It should, however, be remembered that up to 1855 the responsibility for purchases rested rather with the Trustees and the Treasury than with the Keeper.

The following is a summary of the cost of the pictures (both British[265] and Foreign) purchased up to the end of 1906:—

Purchased out of Parliamentary Grants.
Pictures— £ s. d.
38 (Angerstein Collection) 57,000 0 0
31 (Lombardi-Baldi ") 7,035 0 0
33 (Beaucousin ") 9,205 3 0
77 (Peel ") 75,000 0 0
405 (Smaller Purchases) 332,073 8 5
2 (Blenheim Collection) 87,500 0 0
3 (Longford ") 25,000 0 0
4 (Lord Northbrook) 8,000 0 0
2 (Saumarez Rembrandts) 14,050 0 0
2 (Lord Northampton) 10,000 0 0
2 (Genoa Vandycks) 25,000 0 0
1 (Lord Talbot de Malahide) 25,000 0 0
601 pictures at a cost of £ 683,863 11 5
Purchased out of Private Bequests, Etc.
Pictures— £ s. d.
38 Clarke Fund 11,929 8 2
29 Lewis " 8,666 9 0
21 Walker " 10,097 17 6
11 Wheeler " 2,940 0 0
Grant from Lewis Fund towards purchase of No. 1247 151 10 0
Gifts for Longford Pictures 30,000 0 0
" " Rembrandts 1,000 0 0
Titian's Ariosto 21,000 0 0
1 Velasquez' Venus 45,000 0 0
100 pictures at a cost of £ 130,785 5 2

It will be seen from this table that 701 pictures in all have been purchased at a total cost of £814,648: 16: 7, an average of £1162 per picture.

A. Mr. Angerstein's Collection (38 pictures) was purchased in one lot for £57,000.

(1) Nos. 9, 35, and 62 were purchased together for £9000.

(2) Nos. 10 and 15 were purchased together for £11,500.

(3) Nos. 13 and 59 were purchased together for £7350.

(4) The KrÜger Collection (64 pictures) was purchased in 1854 by, and on the responsibility of, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Gladstone), for £2800. Seventeen of them were originally hung in the Gallery; 10 were sent to Dublin; and the remaining 37 were sold at Christie's in 1857, and realised £249: 8s., or £6: 14s. each. Of the 17 originally hung in the Gallery, all but 4 were weeded out in 1862, the rejected pictures being divided between Dublin and the Science and Art Department.

(5) Nos. 280, 285, and 286, together with five others deposited in the National Gallery of Ireland, and two which were sold at Christie's for £130: 9s., were purchased from the Baron Galvagna, Venice, for £2189: 16: 10.

(6) The Lombardi-Baldi Collection (Florence), 31 pictures, was purchased in one lot for £7035.

(7) The Beaucousin Collection of 46 pictures (13 of which were not kept for the Gallery) was purchased at Paris in one lot for £9205: 3: 1.

(8) The Peel Collection of 77 pictures and 18 drawings was purchased in one lot for £75,000.

Raphael National Gallery P. Rev. T. Egerton 1847 1,050
214 Coronation of Virgin Guido Reni " B. W. Wells "
215 Saints { Lorenzo " G. W. 1848
216 " { Monaco " G. Coningham "
218 Adoration of Magi B. Peruzzi " G. E. Higginson 1849
219 Dead Christ Lombard School " G. Sir W. C. Trevelyan "
[268] Landscape with Figures G. Poussin National Gallery G. Philip Pusey 1849
[268] " " " G. " "
221 His own Portrait Rembrandt " P. Visct. 1851 £430 10
222 A Man's Portrait Jan van Eyck " P. Midleton " 365
223 A Gale Bakhuizen " B. C. L. Bredel "
224 The Tribute Money Sch. of Titian " P. Marshal Soult 1852 2,604
225 Vision of the Magdalen Giulio Romano " G. Ld. Overstone "
226 Virgin and Child Sch. of Botticelli " P. J. H. Brown 1855 331 13
227 S. Jerome Botticini " P. Conte Ricasoli " 114 17
228 Christ and the Money-changers Il Bassano " G. P. L. Hinds 1853
230 A Franciscan Monk Zurbaran " P. King Louis " 265
232 Adoration of the Shepherds " " P. Philippe " 2,050
234 Warrior adoring Infant Christ Catena " P. S. Woodburn " 525
235 Dead Christ Spagnoletto " G. D. Barclay "
236 Castle of St. Angelo C. J. Vernet " G. Lady Simpkinson "
237 A Woman's Portrait Rembrandt " B. Lord 1854
238 Dead Game Jan Weenix, jr. " B. Colborne "
239 Moonlight Scene A. van der Neer " B. " "
240 Crossing the Ford Berchem " B. " "
242 Game of Backgammon D. Teniers (jr.) " B. " "
243 An Old Man Rembrandt " B. " "
244 Shepherd with Lamb Spagnoletto " B. " "
245 A Senator Hans Baldung " P. M. de " 145 7
246 Madonna and Child Pacchia " P. Bammeville " 92 8
247 "Ecce Homo!" M. di Giovanni " P. " " 55 13
248 Vision of S. Bernard Filippo Lippi " P. " " 400
249 Marriage of S. Catherine of Siena Lorenzo di S. Severino " P. " " 393 15
250 Four Saints Meister v. " P. Herr Kr?ger " (4)
251 " Werden " P. Minden " "
252 Conversion of S. Hubert " " P. " " "
253 Mass of S. Hubert " " P. " " "
254 Three Saints Meister v. " P. " " "
255 " Liesborn " P. " " "
256 The Annunciation " " P. " " "
257 The Purification " " P. " " "
258 Adoration of Magi " " P. " " "
259 Christ on the Cross " " P. " " "
260 Three Saints " " P. " " "
261 " " " P. " " "
262 The Crucifixion Sch. of " " P. " " "
263 Coronation of the Virgin The younger " Dublin P. " " "
264 Penitent and Saint Flemish School National Gallery P. " " "
265 Virgin and Child " " P. " " "
266 The Deposition from the Cross Lambert Lombard St. Hugo of Grenoble Ludovico da Parma " B. Moore "
693 St. Catherine Pinturicchio " B. " "
694 St. Jerome in Study Catena " P. Manfrini " 1,047 16 2
695 Madonna and Child Previtali " P. Gallery, "
696 Marco Barbarigo Petrus Cristus " P. Venice "
697 Portrait of a Tailor Moroni " P. Sig. F. Frizzoni de Salis 1862 320
698 The Death of Procris Piero di Cosimo " P. Sig. F. Lombardi " 171 6 3
699 Agostino and Niccolo Della Torre Lorenzo Lotto " P. Sig. G. Morelli " 320
700 The Holy Family Lanini " P. G. H. Phillips 1863 1,200
701 Coronation of the Virgin Justus of Padua " G. Queen Victoria "
702 Madonna and Child Umbrian School " G. " "
703 " Pinturicchio " G. " "
704 Portrait of Cosmo I. Bronzino Sch. " G. " "
705 Three Saints Asc. to Stephan Lochner " G. " "
706 The Presentation Master of the Lyversberg Passion " G. " "
707 St. Peter and St. Dorothy Cologne School National Gallery G. Queen Victoria 1863
708 Madonna and Child Flemish School " G. " "
709 " Memlinc " G. " "
710 A Monk Flemish School " G. " "
711 Mater Dolorosa R. Weyden " G. " "
712 "Ecce Homo!" " " G. " "
713 Madonna and Child Jan Prevost " G. " "
714 Mother and Child B. van Orley " G. " "
715 The Crucifixion Quentin Metsys " G. " "
716 St. Christopher J. Patinir " G. " "
717 St. John in Patmos " " G. " "
718 The Crucifixion Asc. to H. Bles " G. " "
719 The Magdalen " " G. " "
720 A "Repose" Schorel " G. " "
721 Portrait of a Lady " " G. " "
722 Portrait of a Lady German School " G. " "
723 (See note below)[270]

724 Madonna della Rondine Crivelli " P. Conte L. de Sanctis 1862 £2,182 11 5
726 Christ's Agony Gio. Bellini " P. Rev. W. 1863 630
727 The Trinity Pesellino " P. Davenport " 2,100
728 Madonna and Child Beltraffio " P. Bromley " 462
729 Adoration of Kings Foppa " P. " " 127 1
732 Canal Scene A. van der Neer " P. Lord Shaftesbury 1864 800
734 A Milanese Lawyer Andrea Solario " P. Sig. G. Baslini 1863 636 3 9
735 St. Roch and the Angel Paolo Morando " P. Dr. C. Bernasconi 1864 880
736 A Venetian Senator Bonsignori " P. " "
737 Waterfall J. Ruysdael " B. J. M. "
738 Incident in a Battle C. P. Tschaggeny Oldham B. Oppenheim "
739 The Annunciation Crivelli National Gallery G. Lord Taunton "
740 Madonna and Child Sassoferrato " P. Sig. Jenne, Venice " 380
741 A Dead Warrior Asc. to Velazquez " P. Pourtal?s Coll., Paris 1865 1,549 4 6
742 Portrait of a Lawyer Moroni " P. " " 528 8 6
744 "Garvagh Madonna" Raphael " P. Lord Garvagh " 9,000
745 Philip IV. of Spain Velazquez " P. M. Emm. " 1,200
746 Landscape, with Ruin P. " " 800
1034 The Nativity " " P. " " 1,500
1035 Portrait of a Man Francia Bigio " P. " " 500
1036 A Man's Portrait Flemish School " P. " " L. 350
1041 St. Helena P. Veronese " P. Novar Collection " 3,465
1042 A Man's Portrait C. Van Hemessen " P. J. C. Wallace " L. 60
1045 A Canon and his Patron Saints Gerard David " B. W. B. White "
1047 A Family Group Lorenzo Lotto " B. The Misses Solly 1879
1048 Portrait of a Cardinal S. Pulzone " P. W. C. Spence 1878 225
1049 The Crucifixion Westphalian " G. E. Shipperdson 1847
1050 A Sea-piece Bakhuizen Stockport B. The Misses Solly 1879
1051 Our Lord, St. Thomas, and St. Anthony Bertucci National Gallery B. " "
1052 Portrait of a Young Man Lombard School " B. " "
1053 Interior of a Church De Witte " B. " "
1054 View in Venice Guardi " B. J. Henderson "
1055 Village Card Party Sorgh " B. " "
1056 "A Kiss in the Cup " " " B. " "
1057 A River Scene C. J. Vernet Bootle B. " "
1058 On the Canal Reggio, Venice Canaletto National Gallery B. " "
1059 San Pietro in Castello, Venice " " B. " "
1060 Two Vedettes P. Wouwerman " B. " "
1061 Explosion at Delft Van der Poel " B. " "
1062 A Battle-Piece Ferrarese Sch. " P. W. B. White " 79 16
1063 A Man's Portrait Flemish School " P. J. H. Anderdon " 63
1074 An Oyster Supper Dirk Hals " P. E. C. Hill " 80
1075 The Virgin & Child Perugino " P. Baron de la Penna " 3,200
1077 An Altar-Piece Borgognone " P. Sig. G. Baslini " 1,200
1078 The Deposition Asc. to G. David " B. Mrs. J. H. Green 1880
1079 The Adoration Asc. to G. David " B. " "
1080 The Head of St. John the Baptist Flemish School " B. " "
1081 Man Praying Early Flemish " B. " " (1)
1082 The Visit of the Virgin to St. Elizabeth J. Patinir " B. " "
1083 Christ crowned with Thorns A. Bouts " B. " "
1084 Flight into Egypt J. Patinir " B. " "
1085 Virgin and Child Geertgen " B. " "
1086 Christ appearing to the Virgin Sch. of R. Campin " B. " "
1087 Mocking of Christ German School " B. " "
1088 The Crucifixion German School " B. " "
1089 Virgin and Child Early Flemish " B. " "
1090 Pan and Syrinx Boucher " G. Mrs. R. Hollond "
1092 St. Sebastian Zaganelli " P. Sig. F. Sacchi " 60
1093 Vierge aux Rochers L. da Vinci National Gallery P. Lord Suffolk 1880 £9,000
1094 Portrait of a Man Asc. to Sir A. More " G. British Museum "
1095 Anna Maria Schurmann Jan Lievens " G. " "
1096 A Hunting Scene J. B. Weenix " G. " "
1098 Virgin and Child B. Montagna " P. Sig. G. Baslini 1881 200
1099 Virgin and Child A. R. Mengs " B. Miss Kearsley "
1100 Scene in a Play P. Longhi " P. Sig. G. Baslini " 50
1101 Menagerie " " " " 50
1102 The Chevalier Andrea Tron " " P. Sig. M class="tdc">" 320
1296 Rural Landscape G. Zais " P. " " 100
1297 River Scene " " P. " " 100
1298 River Scene J. Patinir " P. Florence " 2,000
1299 Portrait of Youth D. Ghirlandajo " P. " "
1300 Virgin and Child Milanese School " P. Beaucousin Coll. 1860 (7)
1301 Savonarola Florentine " G. Dr. W. Radford 1890
1302 St. Bartin Simon Marmion " P. Beaucousin Coll. 1860 (7)
1303 Choir of Angels " " P. " " "
1304 Marcus Curtius Umbrian School " P. " " "
1305 Portraits G. Donck Greenock P. S. Richards 1890 £166
1308 Portrait Mazo Martinez National Gallery G. Crompton Roberts "
1309 " B. Licinio " P. Perkins Sale " 288 15
1310 "Ecce Homo!" Cima da Conegliano " P. " " 535 10
1311 Winter Scene Beerstraaten " P. Colnaghi " 75
1312 Village Cobbler Jan Victors " P. " " 73
1313 The Milky Way Tintoretto " P. Lord Darnley " 2,500[273]
1314 The Ambassadors Holbein National Gallery P. & G. Longford Castle 1890 ?55,000[274]
1315 Ad. Pulido-Pareja Velazquez " " " "
1316 Italian Nobleman Moroni " " " "
1317 Marriage of Virgin Sienese School " P. Mr. A. Borgen " C. 70
1318 Unfaithfulness P. Veronese " P. Lord Darnley " [275]
1319 View in Rome Claude " P. Count d'Agli? " 175
1320 Aglonius Voon C. Janssens " G. Mrs. Z. Troughton 1891
1321 Cornelia Remoens " " G. " "
1323 Piero de' Medici An. Bronzino " B. Sir W. Drake "
1324 Scorn P. Veronese " P. Lord Darnley " 2500[3]
1325 Respect " " G. " "
1326 Happy Union " " P. " " [276]
1327 Winter Scene Jan van Goyen " P. Colnaghi " L. 335
1329 Interior Brekelenkam " P. Buttery " W. 90
1330 Transfiguration Duccio " G. R. H. Wilson "
1331 Virgin and Child B. Fungai " G. W. Connal, junior "
1332 First Earl of Berkeley G. Netscher " G. Lord Savile "
1333 Deposition Tiepolo " P. C. Bentinck " C. 157 10
1334 Fortune-teller P. Longhi " P. " " C. 105
1335 Madonna French School " P. Miss Sorel " C. 50
1336 Death of Dido Liberale " P. Habich, Cassel " 2,807
1337 "Ecce Homo!" Sodoma " P. " "
1338 Adoration of Shepherds B. Fabritius " P. " "
1339 Birth of St. John " " P. " "
1340 Landscape R. Roghman Greenock P. " "
1341 " C. Decker National Gallery P. " "
1342 " J. de Wet " P. " "
1343 Amsterdam Musketeers Dutch School Chester P. " "
1344 Landscape S. Ruysdael National Gallery P. " "
1345 " J. Wouwerman " P. " "
1346 Winter Scene H. Avercamp " P. " "
1347 Farmyard I. van Ostade " P. " "
1348 Landscape A. van de Velde " P. " "
2509 A Youth Alv. Vivarini " B. " "
2510 Raphael (?) Umbrian School " B. " "
2511 A Musician Giulio Campi " B. " "
2512 The Magdalen Correggio " B. " "
2513 Virgin and Child Tiepolo " B. " "
2514 Grand Canal Canaletto " B. " "
2515 Piazza S. Marco " " B. " "
2516 Procuratie " " B. " "
2517 Buildings Guardi " B. " "
2518 Archway " " B. " "
2519 Courtyard " " B. " "
2520 Quay-side " " B. " "
2521 Rains " " B. " "
2522 Treasure-seekers " " B. " "
2523 Archway " " B. " "
2524 Tower of Mestre " " B. " "
2525 Piazza S. Marco " " B. " "
2526 Peasant and Child Spanish " B. " "
2527 Earl of Monmouth J. G. Gonzalez " B. " "
2528 Man with Glove Frans Hals " B. " "
2529 Lady with Fan " " B. " "
2530 A Lady C. Janssens " B. " "
2531 St. Bavon, Haarlem P. Saenredam National Gallery B. George Salting 1910
2532 Woman and Sheep Jan Wynants " B. " "
2533 Sandy Lane " " B. " "
2534 River Scene A. van der Neer " B. " "
2535 Judith E. van der Neer " B. " "
2536 Moonlight A. van der Neer " B. " "
2537 Landscape " " B. " "
2538 Diana Bathing Rembrandt " B. " "
2539 Man with Cap " " B. " "
2540 The Hurdy-Gurdy A. van Ostade " B. " "
2541 The Cobbler " " B. " "
2542 Courtship " " B. " "
2543 Man with Jug " " B. " "
2544 The Cart I. van Ostade " B. " "
2545 River Scene A. Cuyp " B. " "
2546 Lady and Child " " B. " "
2547 Cattle " " B. " "
2548 Grey Horse " " B. " "
2549 Tailor's Shop Q. Brekelenham " B. " "
2550 Afternoon Nap " " B. " "
2551 Scouring Pans P. van der Bosch " B. " "
2552 Refusing the Glass P. de Hooch " B. " "
2553 A Lady's Toilet J. Ochtervelt " B. " "
2554 Saddling a Horse P. Wouwerman " B. " "
2555 Woman Asleep Jan Steen " B. " "
2556 The Pedlar " " B. " "
2557 Merry-Makers " " B. " "
2558 Grace before Meat " " B. " "
2559 Oyster Feast " " B. " "
2560 Skittle Players " " B. " "
2561 View near Haarlem J. Ruysdael " B. " " A POPULAR HANDBOOK TO THE NATIONAL GALLERY. Including Notes collected from the Works of Mr. Ruskin. By Sir Edward T. Cook. Revised and rearranged throughout. In two vols. Crown 8vo. Thin paper. Leather binding.

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[265] Pictures bought out of the Chantrey Bequest are not included. For these see Vol. II.

[266] The number of this picture has now been given to the foregoing, which has only recently been exhibited.

[267] This picture does not appear in the Official Catalogue; nor can I find any trace, in the Director's Annual Reports, of what was done with it. Its number has now been given to the foregoing picture, which has only recently been exhibited.

[268] The donor was informed when he offered these two pictures that they were too large, in view of the limited wall-space then at the disposal of the Gallery, to be placed in the rooms to which the public were admitted. The pictures were presented on those terms, and for many years were not numbered or incorporated in the Official Catalogue. They are now Nos. 2723, 2724.

[269] No. 622 appears to have been missed in the official numbering.

[270] No. 723 appears to have been missed in the official numbering.

[271] The central portion of this triptych was bought in 1874 for £525. The two side panels were bought in 1878, at the sale of Mr. Barker's pictures, for £33:12s., and were added to the central compartment under the same number (909).

[272] £1224 from public Funds, £151:10s. from Lewis Fund.

[273] 1313 and 1318 were purchased together for £2500.

[274] £25,000 from a Parliamentary Grant; £30,000 from private gifts (see p. xv.)

[275] 1313 and 1318 were purchased together for £2500.

[276] 1324 and 1326 were purchased together for £2500.

[277] Under the terms of Sir C. Eastlake's will these pictures were offered to the National Gallery at the prices which he paid for them.

[278] This sum was made up as follows:—Special Grant from the Treasury, £12,500; from the Annual Grant for 1898-99, £1550; gifts by Mr. Alfred de Rothschild and Mr. Heseltine, £500 each.

[279] £9000 from the Parliamentary grant; the remainder subscribed by Mr. W. W. Astor, Mr. A. Beit, Lord Burton, Lord Iveagh, Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, and Lady Wantage.

[280] To this sum Messrs. Colnaghi contributed £1000.

[281] Presented by the National Art-Collections Fund with the aid of a grant from the Government of £10,000.

[282] The National Gallery funds provided £15,000; the Treasury made a special grant of £15,000; and the National Art-Collections Fund contributed £10,000.

Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious spelling & typos corrected.

Removed first MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd., LONDON. from the books on art section as it is redundant.

P. xix through xxi is a list of updates. Author mostly used "see also" notation in the INDEX LIST OF PAINTERS for the old reference. Added same notation to missed index entries. Added similar "See also" references to the NUMERICAL CATALOGUE. Also updated INDEX LIST OF PICTURES where the author missed.

Moved "Portrait of a Young Man, 1052" from "Milanese School" to "Lombard School (artist unknown)" in INDEX LIST OF PAINTERS to agree with NUMERICAL CATALOGUE & INDEX LIST OF PICTURES.

Moved "Adoration of the Magi, 582" from "Angelico, School of" to "Angelico, Fra, p. 329" in INDEX LIST OF PAINTERS to agree with NUMERICAL CATALOGUE & INDEX LIST OF PICTURES.

Added "Judgment of Paris, 209" to "Poelenburgh, Cornelis van" in INDEX LIST OF PAINTERS to agree with NUMERICAL CATALOGUE and INDEX LIST OF PICTURES.

Moved "Scene on the Ice, 1850" from "Meulen A. F. van der" to "Vermeulen, Andries" in INDEX LIST OF PAINTERS to agree with NUMERICAL CATALOGUE and INDEX LIST OF PICTURES.

Moved "Interior of a Stable, 1851" from "Meulen A. F. van der" to "Dutch School (artists unknown)" in INDEX LIST OF PAINTERS to agree with NUMERICAL CATALOGUE and INDEX LIST OF PICTURES.


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