

With the Subjects of their Pictures.

In the following list all the painters (of Foreign Schools) represented in the National Gallery are enumerated. Painters only represented by pictures belonging to, but now removed from, the Gallery are not included. The painters are given in alphabetical order, and are cited by the names by which they are most commonly known. But where such names differ from the proper patronymics, the latter are also given, with references to the former. Similar double references are given in other cases where doubt is likely to arise.

In the case of names with the prefix "de" or "van," the painter should be looked for under the initial letter of his surname: e.g. "Van Dyck" under "Dyck," "Van de Cappelle" under "Cappelle."

Pictures by unknown artists will be found under the schools to which they severally belong: "Dutch," "Florentine," etc.

In the case of painters represented by several pictures, the first reference after each name is to the page in the Handbook where some general account of the painter will be found. The references after each picture are to the official number on its frame, under which number the description of the picture will be found in the preceding catalogue.

Agii, A. Cordelle
Marriage of St. Catherine, 1409
Agnolo, Andrea d'. See Sarto
Virgin and Child, 645
Aldegrever, H.
Young Man (portrait), 1232
Allegri. See Correggio
Allori, Alessandro, p. xix
Portrait of a Lady, 650
Allori, Cristofano
A Lady (portrait), 21
Alunno. See Niccolo da Foligno
Amberger, Christoph
Portrait of a Young Man, 2604
Ambrogio. See Predis
Amerighi. See Caravaggio
Angelico, Fra, p. 329
Adoration of the Magi, 582
The Resurrection, 663
Angelico, School of
The Annunciation, 1406
Angelo di Taddeo Gaddi, p. xix
Coronation of Virgin, 568
Antonello da Messina, p. 343
Crucifixion, 1166
His own Portrait, 1141
St. Jerome, 1418
Salvator Mundi, 673
Aretino. See Spinello
Assisi, Andrea d'. See Ingegno
Avercamp, H. van, p. 633
Winter Scenes, 1346, 1479
Bacchiacca, Il
History of Joseph, 1218, 1219
Bakhuizen, L., p. 204
Coast Scene, 818
Estuary, 1000
Gale, 223
Mouth of Thames, 819
Ships in a Gale, 1442
Baldung, Hans, p. 224
A PietÀ, 1427
A Senator (portrait), 245
Barbarelli. See Giorgione
Barbieri. See Guercino
Barnaba da Modena
Descent of Holy Ghost, 1437
Baroccio, F.
Madonna del Gatto, 29
Bartolommeo, Fra
Virgin and Child, 1694
Basaiti, Marco, p. 244
Madonna of the Meadow, 599
St. Jerome reading, 281
Virgin and Child, 2499
Young Venetian (portrait), 2498
Bassano, Il, p. 182
A Gentleman (portrait), 173
Christ and the Money Changers, 228
The Good Samaritan, 277
Bastiani, Lazzaro, p. 388
Virgin and Child, 1953
See also 750 (p. xx)
Bazzi. See Sodoma
Beccafumi, Domenico
Esther and Ahasuerus, 1430
Beerestraaten, J.
Winter Scene, 1311
Bega, C. P.
A Philosopher, 1481
Bellini, Gentile, p. 584
G. Malatini (portrait), 1213
St. Dominic, 1440
St. Peter Martyr, 808
Bellini, Giovanni, p. 190
Agony in the Garden, 726
Blood of the Redeemer, 1233
Circumcision, 1455
Doge Loredano, 189
Madonna (Pomegranate), 280
Madonna and Child (fresco), 1696
St. Peter Martyr (landscape), 812.
See also 599, 808, 1440 (pp. xix & xx)
—— School of
The Doge Mocenigo, 750
Beltraffio, G. A., p. 375
Madonna and Child, 728
—— (Columbine), 2496
Narcissus, 2673
—— School of
Madonna and Child, 2089
Benozzo. See Gozzoli
Benson, Ambrosius, p. xix
Reading Magdalen, 655
Benvenuti, Giov. Batt. See Ortolano
Benvenuto da Siena, p. 462
Madonna and Child, 2482
—— (with St. Peter and St. Nicholas), 909
Berchem, N., p. 150
Crossing the Ford, 240
Hurdy-Gurdy, 1006
Italian Landscape, 1004
Landscape with Ruin, 820
Ploughing, 1005
Berck-Heyde, G. A., p. 644
Church Interior, 1451
View in Haarlem, 1420
Bertucci, p. 245
Glorification of the Virgin, 282
Incredulity of St. Thomas, 1051
Betto, Bernardino di. See Pinturicchio
Bibiena, F.
Teatro Farnese, Parma, 936
Bigio. See Franciabigio
Bigordi. See Ghirlandajo
Bissolo, Fr., ascribed to
A Lady (portrait), 631
Bles, H., ascribed to
Christ on the Cross, 718
The Magdalen, 719
Boccaccino, B.
Procession to Calvary, 806
Boel, Pieter, p. xxi
Dogs and Game, 1903
Bol, F.
An Astronomer (portrait), 679
Boltraffio. See Beltraffio
Bonfigli, B.
Adoration of Magi, 1843
Bonheur, Rosa
The Horse Fair, 621
Bonifazio (the elder)
Madonna and Child, 1202
Bono da Ferrara
St. Jerome in the Desert, 771
Bonsignori, F.
Venetian Senator (portrait), 736
Bonvicino. See Moretto
Bonvin, F. S.
Village Green in France, 1448
Bordone, Paris, p. 317
Daphnis and Chloe, 637
Lux Mundi, 1845
Portrait of a Lady, 674
Portrait of a Lady, 2097
Borgognone, A., p. 266
A Triptych, 1077
The two St. Catherines, 298
Virgin and Child, 1410
See also 779-780 (p. xx)
—— School of
Family Portraits, 779-780
Bosboom, Johannes
Interior of Haarlem Church, 2712
Bosch, P. van den
Woman scouring Pans, 2551
Both, Jan, p. 147
Goatherds, 957
Italian Landscape, 956
—— 1917
Judgment of Paris, 209
Muleteers, 71
Walls of Rome, 958
Botticelli, Sandro, p. 495
Adoration of Magi, 592
—— (circular), 1033
Madonna and Child (circular), 275
Mars and Venus, 915
Nativity of Christ, 1034
Young Man (portrait), 626
See also 782, 1126 (p. xx)
—— School of
Adoration of Magi, 1124
Florentine Lady and Symbolic Angel, 2082
Madonna and Child, 782
Virgin and Child, etc. (circular), 226
—— 2497
—— with St. John, 1412
See also 916 (p. xx)
Botticini, Francesco, pp. xix, 536n.
Assumption of the Virgin, 1126
Raphael and Tobias, 781
St. Jerome in the Desert, 227
Boucher, F.
Pan and Syrinx, 1090
Boudin, L. E.
Squall from the West, 2758
Trouville Harbour, 2078
Bourdon, Sebastien
Return of the Ark, 64
Bouts, Albrecht, p. xx
Christ Crowned with Thorns, 1083
Bouts, Dierick, pp. xix, 727
Deposition in the Tomb, 664
Madonna and Child Enthroned, 774
Portrait of a Man, 943
Virgin and Child, 2595
Brekelenham, Q., p. 628
Afternoon Nap, 2550
Interior, 1329
Tailor's Shop, 2549
British School. See 1652 (p. xxi)
Bronzino, Angelo, p. 322
Piero de' Medici, 1323
Portrait of a Boy, 649
Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time, 651
See also 650, 670, 704 (pp. xix & xx)
—— School of
Bianca Capello, 2085
Cosimo I., 704
Knight of St. Stephen, 670
Brouwer, Adrian
Boors Drinking, 2569
Browne, Henriette
A Greek Captive, 1969
Brueghel, Jan
Pan and Syrinx, 659
Bruyn, Bartolomaus
Dr. Fuchsius, 2605
Buitenweg, W.
Landscape, 2731
Buonaccorso, NiccolÒ di
Marriage of Virgin, 1109
Buonarroti. See Michael Angelo
Burgundian School
Louis XI., 2612
Philip and Margaret, 2613
Busi, Giovanni. See Cariani
Calame, Alexandre
Lake of Thun, 1786
Calcar, J. S.
Venetian Gentleman and Child, 2597
Caliari. See Veronese, Paolo
Callot, James
Tartarus (drawing), 2757
CampaÑa, Pedro
Christ preaching in the Temple, 1241
Campi, Giulio
A Musician, 2511
Campin, Robert, p. 729
Virgin and Child, 2609
—— with Angels, 2608
—— School of
Christ Appearing, 1086
Death of the Virgin, 658
The Magdalen, 654
Canaletto, p. 163
Eton College, 942
Rotunda at Ranelagh, 1429
Ruins, 135
Canal Reggio, 1058
Ducal Palace, 940
Grand Canal, 2514
Grimani Palace, 941
Piazza S. Marco, 2515
Piazzetta, 939
Procuratie Nuove, 2516
Regatta, 938
San Pietro in Castello, 1059
San Simeone Piccolo, 163
Scuola della CaritÀ, 127
Scuola di San Rocco, 937
Cappelle, Jan van de, p. 448
A Calm, 2587
Coast Scenes, 865, 2586
Dutch Galliot, 2588
River Scenes, 964, 965, and 966
Shipping, 967
Christ at Emmaus, 172
Cariani, p. 582
An Italian Nobleman, 2494
Madonna and Child, 1203
Vierge aux Lauriers, 2495
—— ascribed to
Death of Peter Martyr, 41
Carpaccio, Vittore. See 750
Carracci, Agostino, p. 168
Cephalus and Aurora, 147
Galatea, 148
Carracci, Annibale, p. 68
Bacchus and Silenus, 94
"Domine quo vadis?" 9
Erminia and the Shepherds, 88
Landscape with Figures (lake), 56
—— (Giustiniani), 63
Man with a Beard, 2105
St. John in the Wilderness, 25
Silenus, 93
Temptation of St. Anthony, 198
Carracci, Ludovico
Entombment of Christ, 86
Susannah and the Elders, 28
Carucci. See Pontormo
Casentino. See Landini
Castagno, Andrea del
The Crucifixion, 1138
Catena, p. 218
Portrait of a Young Man, 1121
St. Jerome in his Study, 694
Warrior adoring, 234
Cavallino, B.
Nativity, 1157
Cavazzola. See Morando
Cesare da Sesto, p. 710
Salome, 2485
Virgin and Child, 2504
Champaigne, Philippe de, p. 418
Cardinal J. F. P. de Retz, 2291
Cardinal Richelieu (heads), 798
Cardinal Richelieu (full length), 1449
Chardin, J. B. S., p. 599
La Fontaine, 1664
Still Life, 1258
Charnay, Armand
Parc de Sansac, 2290
Chimenti, J., da Empoli
San Zenobio, 1282
Cima da Conegliano, p. 270
David and Jonathan, 2505
"Ecce Homo!" 1310
Incredulity of St. Thomas, 816
Madonna and Child (goldfinch), 634
Madonna, 300
St. Jerome in the Desert, 1120
Virgin and Child, 2506
Madonna and Child, 565
Cione, Andrea di. See Orcagna
Claude Lorrain, p. 57
Annunciation (or Angel and Hagar), 61
Cave of Adullam, 6
Cephalus and Procris, 2
Classical Landscape, 1018
Death of Procris, 55
Isaac and Rebecca, 12
Landscape ("Study of Trees"), 58
Narcissus and Echo, 19
Seaport: Queen of Sheba, 14
Seaport: St. Ursula, 30
—— Sunset, 5
View in Rome, 1319
Clays, P. J., p. 425
Dutch Shipping, 814, 815
Clouet, F., ascribed to, p. 329
Boy (portrait), 1190
Man (portrait), 660
Codde, Pieter, p. 724
Dutchman with Wife and Son, 2576
Lady with Mirror, 2584
Cologne School. See German
Conca, Sebastiano
Angel with Keys, 1870
Coques, Gonzales, p. 428
Family Group, 821
Five Senses, The, 1114-1118
Lady (portrait), 1011
Cordelle. See Agii
Corneille de Lyons
Antoine de Bourbon, 2610
A Man in Black, 2611
Cornelissen, J., p. 327
Gentleman and Lady, 657
Duke Ulricus, 2209
Corot, J. B. C., p. 698
Bent Tree, 2625
Cows in a Marsh, 2630
Evening on the Lake, 2627
Fisherman's Hut, 2631
Flood, 2629
Marsh of Arleux, 2135
Noon, 2628
Wood Gatherer, 2626
Correggio, p. 69
"Ecce Homo!" 15
Magdalen, 2512
Mercury, Cupid, and Venus, 10
"Vierge au Panier," 23
—— copies after
Agony in the Garden, 76
Groups of Heads, 7, 37
Cosimo, Piero di, p. 360
Death of Procris, 698
Francesco Ferruccio, 895
Cossa, Francesco del
St. Hyacinth, Dominican, 597
Costa, Giovanni
Carrara Mountains, 1493
Costa, Lorenzo
Madonna and Child Enthroned, 629
Portrait of Dr. Fiera, 2083
Cotignola. See Zaganelli
Courbet, Gustave
The Sea, 2767
Cranach, Lucas, p. 254
Portrait of a Man, 1925
Young Lady (portrait), 291
Credi, Lorenzo di, p. 295
Costanza de' Medici, 2490
Virgin adoring, 648
Virgin and Child, 593
Cristus, Petrus, pp. xx, 726
Marco Barbarigo, 696
Portrait of a Man, 2593
Crivelli, Carlo, p. 300
Annunciation, 739
Beato Ferretti, The, 668
Dead Christ, The, 602
Madonna and Child (swallow), 724
—— (large altar-piece), 788
—— (with St. Francis), 807
Madonna in Ecstasy, 906
St. Catherine and Mary Magdalene, 907
Cuyp, A., p. 136
Boy holding Horse, 2548
Cattle and Figures ("The Large Dort"), 961
—— ("The Small Dort"), 962
—— (small), 1289
—— (large: evening), 53
Cattle with Herdsman, 2547
Horseman and Cows, 822
Landscape (Lady and Child), 2546
Man's Portrait, 797
On the Meuse, 823
River Scene, 2545
Ruined Castle, 824
Study of a Horse, 1683
Windmills, 960
Dalmasio. See Lippo
Daubigny, C. F., p. 732
Alders, 2623
Banks of a River, 2622
Garden Wall, 2624
Willows, 2621
David, Gerard, p. 502
Canon and Patron Saints, 1045
Marriage of St. Catherine, 1432
St. Jerome, 2596
David, G., attributed to
Adoration of Magi, 1079
Deposition from the Cross, 1078
David, J. L.
Eliza Bonaparte, 2217
Decker, C. G.
Landscape, 1341
Delacroix, F. V. E.
Attila, 2289
Delaroche, Paul
Lady Jane Grey, 1909
Delen, Dirck van
Renais sance Architecture, 1010
Diana, Benedetto
Christ Blessing, 2725
Diaz de la PeÑa, p. 691
Common: Sunset, 2633
Sunny Days in the Forest, 2058
The Storm, 2632
Dietrich, J. W. E.
Itinerant Musicians, 205
Dolci, Carlo
Virgin and Child, 934
Domenichino, p. 128
Landscape (St. George and Dragon), 75
—— (Tobias and Angel), 48
St. Jerome, 85
Stoning of St. Stephen, 77
Domenico Veneziano. See Veneziano
Dosso Dossi, p. 318
Adoration of Magi, 640
Muse and Court Poet, 1234
Dou, Gerard, p. 193
Painter's own Portrait, 192
Painter's Wife (portrait), 968
Portrait of a Lady, 1415
Poulterer's Shop, 825
Dubbels, H.
Sea-Piece, 1462
Duccio, p. 277
Annunciation, 1139
Christ healing the Blind, 1140
Madonna and Child (triptych), 566
Transfiguration, 1330
Duchatel, FranÇois
Portrait of a Boy, 1810
Ducreux, Joseph
His own Portrait, 2162
Dughet. See Poussin, Gaspard
DuprÉ, Jules
River Scene, 2634
DÜrer, Albrecht
Portrait of his Father, 1938
Dutch School (artists unknown)
An Art Gallery, 1287
Interior of a Stable, 1851
Madame van der Goes, 1652 (see p. xxi)
Old Woman Sewing, 1397
Portrait of a Young Man, 1680
Portrait of a Gentleman, 1700
Duyster, W. C.
Players at Tric-Trac, 1387
Soldiers Quarrelling, 1386
Dyck, Sir Anthony van, p. 130
Charles I. (Blenheim portrait), 1172
Cornelius van der Geest ("Gevartius"), 52
His own Portrait, 877
Marchesa Cattaneo, 2144
Marchese Cattaneo, 2127
Miraculous draught of Fishes, 680
"Portrait of Rubens," 49
Study of Horses, 156
Theodosius and St. Ambrose, 50
For drawings by Van Dyck, see 877 A, B
Dyckmans, J. L.
Blind Beggar, 600
Eeckhout, G. van den
The Wine Contract, 1459
Elsheimer, Adam, p. 486
St. Lawrence, 1014
Tobias and the Angel, 1424
Sts. Cosmas and Damian, 594
Engelbertsz, Cornelis. See 714 p. xx
Ercole da Ferrara. See Grandi
Everdingen, Allart van
Landscape, 1701
Eyck, Jan van, p. 187
Jan Arnolfini and Wife, 186
Man's Portrait, 222
—— (Leal Souvenir), 290
Fabritius, B.
Adoration of Shepherds, 1338
Birth of St. John, 1339
Fantin-Latour, H., p. 689
Apples, 2134
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Edwards, 1952
Roses, 2133
Study of Flowers, 1686
Fava, Giangiacomo. See Macrino d'Alba
Ferrarese School (artist unknown)
A Battle Piece, 1062
Ferrari, Gaudenzio
Christ rising from the Tomb, 1465
Fiammingo, Enrico
Man with a collar, 2104
Filipepi. See Botticelli
Fiorenzo di Lorenzo
Altar-piece, 1103
Virgin and Child, 2483
Flemish School, 15th-16th centuries (artists unknown)
Christ Appearing, 1280
Count and St. Ambrose, 264
Exhumation of St. Hubert, 783
Head of John the Baptist, 1080
Lady with Rosary, 2670
Madonna and Child (book), 265
—— (curtain), 708
Madonna Enthroned, 2606
Man and Wife, 653
Man with Medallion, 2607
Man with a Ring, 2602
Portrait of a Lady, 1433
Portrait of a Man (gold chain), 947
—— (praying), 1081
—— (skull), 1036
Portrait of a Young Man (praying), 1063
Portrait of a Monk, 710
Virgin and Child, with St. Elizabeth, 1089
See also 696, 709, 774, 943, 1017, 1078, 1079, 1083, 1086, 1419, 1433 (pp. xx & xxi)
Florentine School, 15th century (artists unknown)
Amor and Castitas, 1196
Savonarola (portrait), 1301
Virgin and Child, 2508
Young Man in Black, 2084
See also 227, 296, 781, 1199 (pp. xix & xx)
Foligno, NiccolÒ daPortrait of a Lady, 722
Portrait of a Medical Professor, 195
See also Schongauer
Ghirlandajo, Domenico, p. 591
Portrait of a Girl, 1230
Portrait of a Youth, 1299
The young Florentine, 2489
Ghirlandajo, Ridolfo
Girolamo Benevieni, 2491
Procession to Calvary, 1143
Giolfino Niccolo
Giusti Family, 749
Giorgione, p. 230
Adoration of Magi, 1160
Knight in Armour, 269
—— School of
Garden of Love, 930
Unknown Subject, 1173
Venus and Adonis, 1123
See also 1160, No. 636 (p. xix)
Giotto, School of, p. 278
See also 276, 568 (p. xix)
Giovanni da Milano, p. xix
Panels of altar-piece, 579 A
Giovenone, Girolamo
Madonna and Child, 1295
Girolamo dai Libri
Madonna and Child, with St. Anne, 748
Girolamo da Santa Croce, p. 313
A Saint, 633
—— reading, 632
Girolamo da Treviso
Madonna and Child, Enthroned, 623
Gonzalez, Juan G.
Earl of Monmouth, 2527
Gossart. See Mabuse
Goya, Francesco, p. 660
Dr. Peral, 1951
The Bewitched, 1472
The Picnic, 1471
Lady's Portrait, 1473
Goyen, Jan van, p. 166
Landscape, 137
River Scenes, 151, 2580
Scene on the Ice, 2579
Stiff Breeze, 2577
Windmill, 2578
Winter Scene, 1327
Gozzoli, Benozzo, p. 245
Virgin and Child, 283
See also 591 (p. xix)
—— School of
Rape of Helen, 591
Virgin and Child, 2863
Grandi, Ercole di Giulio, p. 531
Conversion of St. Paul, 73
Madonna and Child (altar-piece), 1119
Greco. See Theotocopuli
Greek Portraits: 2nd cent. A.D.
Eleven Portraits, 1260-1270
Greuze, p. 205
Girl (with apple), 1020
—— (with lamb), 1154
—— (looking up), 1019
—— 206
Guardi, Francesco, p. 207
Buildings and Figures, 2517
Courtyard in Venice, 2519
Ducal Palace, 2099
Gondola, 1454
Gothic Archway, 2518
Piazza S. Marco, 210
—— (awnings), 2525
Quay-side, 2520
Ruins, 2521
S. Maria della Salute, 2098
Tower of Mestre, 2524
Treasure-seekers, 2522
View in Venice, 1054
View through Archway, 2523
A PietÀ, 22
Guido Reni, p. 73
Christ and St. John, 191
Coronation of Virgin, 214
"Ecce Homo!" 271
Lot and his Daughters, 193
Magdalen, The, 177
St. Jerome, 11
Susannah and the Elders, 196
Hackaert, Jan
Stag Hunt, 829
Hals, Dirk
An Oyster Supper, 1074
Hals, Frans, p. 490
A Family Group, 2285
Lady with fan, 2529
Man with glove, 2528
Man's Portrait, 1251
Woman's Portrait, 1021
Harpignies, Henri
Flax Trees, Villefranche, 2257
River Scene, 2256
Heda, W. K.
Fruit-piece, 2592
Still Life, 1469
Heem, David de
Fruit and Flowers, 2582
Heimbach, C. W.
Portrait of a Youth, 1243
Helst, Barth. van der, p. 167
Lady's Portrait, 1937
Young Lady's Portrait, 1248
Hemessen, Catharina van
Man's Portrait, 1042
Herrera, Francesco de
Christ disputing, 1676
Heyden, Jan van der, p. 448
Architectural Scene, 992
ChÂteau, 1914
Church, 1915
Landscape, 993
Street in Cologne, 866
Street in a Town, 994
Hobbema, p. 347
Avenue, Middelharnis, 830
Brederode Castle, 831
Cottage in a Wood, 2570
Forest Scenery, 833
Path through a Wood, 2571
Showery Weather, 685
Village, with Watermills, 832
Woody Landscape, 995
Holbein, Hans, p. 613
Christina of Denmark, 2475
The Ambassadors, 1314
See also under 195
Holbein, Sigmund. See 722
Hondecoeter, p. 203
Domestic Poultry, 202
Geese and Ducks, 1013
Study of Foliage, Insects, etc., 1222
Honthorst, G. van
Peasants, 1444
Hooch, Pieter de, p. 416
Dutch House (courtyard) 794
—— (courtyard and porch), 835
—— (interior), 834
Refusing the Glass, 2552
Huchtenburgh, Johan van
Battle Piece, 211
Huysman, Jacob
Isaak Walton, N.P.G., 125
Huysmans, Cornelis
Landscape, 954
Huysum, Jan van, p. 416
Vase with flowers, 796
—— (small), 1001
Ingegno, L'
Madonna and Child, 1220
Virgin and Child, with Saints, 2484
Ingres, J. A. D.
Madame Malibran, 2218
Isabey, EugÈne
Fish Market, Dieppe, 2715
Grandfather's birthday, 2714
Israels, Josef, p. 738
Shipwrecked Mariner, 2732
The Philosopher, 2713
Italian School, 15th cent.
Virgin and Child, 1456
Italian School, 16th cent. (artists unknown)
An Apostle, 272
Portrait of Knight of Malta, 932
See also 1048 (p. xx)
Jacopo Di Cione, p. xxi
Crucifixion, 1468
Janssens, C., p. 626
Aglonius Voon (portrait), 1320
Cornelia Remoens, 1321
Portrait of a Lady, 2530
Jardin, Karel du, p. 431
Figures and Animals, 826
Fording the Stream, 827
Landscape with Cattle, 828
Sheep and Goats, 985
Jordaens, Jacob
Baron de Linter, 1895
Justus of Padua
Coronation of Virgin, 701
Keyser, T. de
Merchant and Clerk, 212
Koninck, P. de, p. 435
View in Holland, 836
View of the Scheldt, 974
La Fargue
Market-place, the Hague, 1918
Lancret, Nicholas
The Four Ages, 101-104
Landini, Jacopo, p. 287
Ascension of St. John, Evangelist, 580
Holy Trinity and Annunciation, 580 A
Lanini, Bernardino
Holy Family, 700
Leal. See Valdes
Le Brun, Madame VigÉe
Her own portrait, 1653
Lely, Sir Peter
Portrait of a Girl, 1016
Le Nain
A Portrait Group, 1425
Leonardo da Vinci
The Virgin of the Rocks, 1093
Lepine, Stanislas
Le Pont de la Tournelle, 2727
Le Sueur, Eustache
Holy Family, 1422
Liberale de Verona, p. 548
Death of Dido, 1336
Virgin and Child, 1134
Libri, Girolamo dai
Madonna, Child, and St. Anne, 748
Licinio, B.
Man's Portrait, 1309
Liesborn, Meister von
Adoration of Magi, 258
Annunciation, 256
Christ on the Cross, 259
Crucifixion, 262
Purification, 257
Sts. Cosmas, Damianus, and Virgin, 261
Three Saints, 260
——, 254
——, 255
Lievens, Jan
Anna Maria van Schurman, 1095
Lingelbach, Jan
Hay Harvest, 837
Lippi, Filippino, p. 257
Angel Adoring, 927
St. Francis in Glory, 598
Virgin and Child, St. Jerome, etc., 293
See also 592, 1033, 1124, 1412 (pp. xix & xx)
Lippi, Fra Filippo, p. 337
Annunciation, 666
Madonna and Child, 589
St. John and six Saints, 667
Vision of St. Bernard, 248
See also No. 586
Lippo di Dalmasii
Madonna and Child, 752
Lochner, Stephen
Three Saints, 705
Lodovico da Parma
Bishop Hugo of Grenoble, 692
Lombard, Lambert
The Deposition, 266
Lombard School (artist unknown)
Dead Christ, 219
Portrait of a Young Man, 1052
Longhi, Pietro, p. 526
Andrea Tron (portrait), 1102
Domestic Group, 1100
Exhibition of Rhinoceros, 1101
Fortune Teller, 1334
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio
Heads of Nuns, 1147
Lorenzetti, Pietro
Legendary Subject, 1113
Lorenzo da San Severino
Marriage of St. Catherine, 249
Lorenzo, Il Monaco, p. 683
Coronation of the Virgin, 1897
St. John Gualberto, 2862
Various Saints, 215, 216
Lotto, Lorenzo, p. 363
Family Group, 1047
Portraits of Ag. and Nic. della Torre, 699
Portrait of Prothonotary-Apostolic Juliano, 1105
Virgin and Child, 2281
Luciani. See Piombo, Seb. del
Lucidel, Nicolas
Young Lady (portrait), 184
Luini, Bernardino
Christ and the Pharisees, 18
Head of Christ, 2088
Lundens, Gerrit
"The Night Watch," 289
Lyons. See Corneille
Lyversberg Passion, Master of the Presentation in the Temple, 706
Mabuse, p. 327
Adoration of the Kings, 2790
Jacqueline de Bourgogne, 2211
Magdalen, 2163
Man and Wife (portraits), 1689
Man's Portrait (small), 946
—— (with rosary), 656
Macchiavelli, Zenobio
Madonna and Child, 586
Macrino d'Albo
Group of Saints, 1200, 1201
Maes, Nicolas, p. 171
A. van Leuwenhoek, 2581
Card Players, The, 1247
Cradle, The, 153
Dutch Housewife, The, 159
Man's Portrait, 1277
Servant, The Idle, 207
Mainardi, Bastiano
Virgin and Child, 2502
MaÎtre de Jean PerrÉal
St. Clement and Donor, 2669
Manni, Giannicola
Annunciation, 1104
Mansueti, Giovanni
The Crucifixion, 1478
Mantegna, Andrea, p. 236
Agony in the Garden, 1417
Samson and Delilah, 1145
Summer and Autumn, 1125
Triumph of Scipio, 902
Virgin and Child, 274
Mantegna, Francesco, p. 318
"Noli me tangere," 639
Resurrection, 1106
The Holy Women at the Sepulchre, 1381
Mantovano. See Rinaldo
Maratti, Carlo
Cardinal Cerri, 174
Marco d' Oggionno
Madonna, 1149
Virgin and Child, etc., 564
Marieschi, Jacopo
Towns and Rivers, 2102, 2103
Marinus van Romerswael
Two Usurers, 944
Maris, Jacob
Drawbridge, 2710
Mother and Child, 2709
Marmion, Simon
Choir of Angels, 1303
St. Bertin, 1302
Martino da Udine. See Pellegrino
Marziale, Marco, p. 419
Circumcision, 803
Madonna and Child Enthroned, 804
Master of the Death of the Virgin
Holy Family, 2603
Matteo di Giovanni, p. 561
Assumption of the Virgin, 1155
"Ecco Homo!" 247
St. Sebastian, 1461
Mauve, Anton
Watering Horses, 2711
Mazo, J. B. Martinez del
Man's Portrait, 1308
Mazzola, Filippo
Virgin and Child, 1416
Mazzola, Francesco. See Parmigiano
Mazzolino da Ferrara, p. 179
Christ Disputing, 1495
Holy Family (St. Francis, etc.), 82
—— (St. Nicolas, etc.), 169
Woman taken in Adultery, 641
Meldolla. See Schiavone
Melone, Altobello
Christ on the way to Emmaus, 753
Melozzo da Forli. See Forli
Memlinc, Hans, p. 349
Duke of Cleves, 2594
Virgin and Child, 709
Virgin and Child, Enthroned, 686
—— ascribed to
St. John and St. Lawrence, 747
Mengs, A. R.
Virgin and Child, 1109 A (1099)
Merian, Matthew, the younger
Portrait of a Man, 1012
Merigi. See Caravaggio
Messina. See Antonello
Metsu, Gabriel, p. 436
Drowsy Landlady, The, 970
Duet, The, 838
Forge, The, 2591
Music Lesson, The, 839
Woman at Window, 2590
Metsys, Quentin, p. 261
Crucifixion, 715
"Salvator Mundi," 295
Meulen, A. F. van der
A Hunting Party, 1447

Michael Angelo, p. 410
Dream of Human Life, 8
Entombment, 790
Madonna, etc., 809
Michel, Georges
Stormy Landscape, 2759
Woodland Scene, 2258
Michele da Verona
Coriolanus, etc., 1214
Miereveld, M. J. van
Portrait of a Lady, 2292
Mieris, Frans van, p. 436
Lady and Parrot, 840
Young Astrologer, 2589
Mieris, Willem van
Fish and Poultry Shop, 841
Milanese School, 15th-16th century
Head of John the Baptist, 1438
Virgin and Child, 1300
Millet, J. F.
The Whisper, 2636
Mocetto, Girolamo
Massacre of the Innocents, 1239, 1240
Modena. See Barnaba
Mola, P. F., p. 146
St. John, 69
The Repose, 160
Molenaer, Jan Miense
Musical Pastime, 1293
Mompers, Joos
Landscape, 1017
Montagna, Bart., p. 419
Madonna and Child (asleep), 1098
—— (with cherry), 802
Morales, Luis de
Virgin and Child, 1229
Morando, Paolo, p. 379
Madonna and Child, 777
St. Roch with the Angel, 735
More, Sir Antonio, p. 524
Portrait of a Man, 1231
—— ascribed to
Portrait of a Man, 1094
Portrait of a Lady, 1860
Moretto, Il, p. 267
Angels, 2090, 2091
Italian Nobleman, 299
Italian Nobleman, 1025
St. Bernardino of Siena, 625
St. Hippolytus, 1165
St. Jerome, 2093
St. Joseph, 2092
Morone, Domenico
Scenes at a Tournament, 1211, 1212
Morone, Francesco
Madonna and Child, 285
Moroni, p. 359
Ecclesiastic (portrait), 1024
Il Cavaliere, 2094
Italian Lady (portrait), 1023
Italian Nobleman (portrait), 1022
—— (Longford picture), 1316
Lawyer (portrait), 742
Tailor (portrait), 697
Mostaert, Jan See 713 (p. xx)
Moucheron, FrÉdÉric de, p. 437
Garden Scene, 842
Landscape, 1352
Murillo, p. 79
Boy Drinking, 1286
Holy Family, 13
Nativity of Virgin, 1257
St. John and the Lamb, 176
Spanish Peasant Boy, 74
For Copies from Murillo, see p. 755
Neeffs, Pieter, p. 468
Church Interiors, 924, 2205
Vespers, 2206

Prevost, Jan, p. xx
Virgin and Child, 713
Pulzone, Scipione
Portrait of a Cardinal, 1048
Quast, Pieter
Cavalier, 2856
Raguineau, A.
Portrait of a Youth, 1848
Raibolini. See Francia
Raphael, p. 567
Ansidei Madonna, 1171
Bridgewater Madonna (copy), 929
Garvagh Madonna, 744
Madonna di San Sisto (tracing), 661
Madonna di Sant' Antonio, p. 749
Madonna of the Tower, 2069
Pope Julius II. (portrait), 27
St. Catherine of Alexandria, 168
Vision of a Knight, 213
Ravesteijn, A. van
Lady's Portrait, 1423
Rembrandt, p. 121
Adoration of the Shepherds, 47
Burgomaster, 1674
Capuchin Friar (portrait), 166
Christ before Pilate, 1400
Christ taken down from the Cross, 43
Diana Bathing, 2538
His own Portrait (young), 672
—— (old), 221
Jew Merchant (portrait), 51
Jewish Rabbi (portrait), 190
Landscape (Tobias and Angel), 72
Man's Portrait (with collar), 850
—— (date 1659), 243
—— (with cap), 2539
Old Lady's Portrait (dated 1634), 775
—— ("Burgomaster's Wife"), 1675
Woman Bathing, 54
Woman's Portrait (dated 1666), 237
Woman taken in Adultery, 45
For copies from Rembrandt, see p. 754 and No. 289
Rembrandt, School of
Christ blessing Little Children, 757
Reni. See Guido
Rhine, School of the, See 1080, 1085 (p. xx)
Ribera. See Spagnoletto
Ricci, Sebastiano, p. 441
Esther and Ahasuerus, 2101
Venus Sleeping, 851
Rigaud, Hyacinthe, p. 459
Cardinal Fleury, 903
Lulli and Musicians, 2081
Rimini, Giovanni Francesco da
Madonna and Child, 2118
Rinaldo Mantovano, p. 320
Capture of Carthagena, etc., 643
Rape of Sabines, etc., 644
Roberti, Ercole de', p. 540
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1411
A Concert, 2486
Israelites gathering Manna, 1217
The Last Supper, 1127
Robusti. See Tintoretto
Rokes, Hendrik. See Sorgh
Romanino, p. 264
Portrait of a Man, 2096
The Nativity, 297
Romano, Giulio, p. 306
Beatific Vision of the Magdalen, 225
Infancy of Jupiter, 624
Romerswael. See Marinus
Rosa, Salvator, p. 153
Hagar, 2107
Landscape and Figures, 1206
Mercury and Woodman (landscape), 84
River Scene, 935
Tobias and Angel (landscape), 811
Rosselli, Cosimo. See No. 227
Rossi, Francesco
Charity, 652
Rottenhammer. See 659 (p. xix)
Rousseau, P. E. ThÉodore, p. 707
River Scene, 2439
Sunset at Auvergne, 2635
Rousseau, Philippe
The Fish Market, 2480
Rubens, p. 111
Apotheosis of William the Silent, 187
Birth of Venus (design for salver), 1195
Brazen Serpent, 59
Chapeau de Poil, 852
Conversion of St. Bavon, 57
Diana and Endymion, 2598
Drawings, 853 a-p
Holy Family, St. George, etc., 67
Horrors of War, 279
Judgment of Paris, 194
Landscape (ChÂteau de Stein), 66
—— (sunset), 157
Peace, 46
Rape of the Sabines, 38
Triumph of Julius CÆsar, 278
Triumph of Silenus, 853
See also 680
Ruysch, Rachel
Flower-pieces, 1445, 1446
Ruysdael, Jacob, p. 309
Bleaching Ground, 44
Broken Tree, 991
Cottage and Haystack, 2565
Cottage on a Hill, 2564
Entrance to the Forest, 2563
Forest Scene, 854
Landscapes with Waterfall, 627, 628, 737
Landscape with Ruins, 746
Landscape with Torrent, 987
Old Oak, 988
Ruined Castle, 2562
Shore at Scheveningen, 1390
Skirts of a Forest, 2566
Stormy Sea-piece, 2567
View near Haarlem, 990, 2561
Waterfall, 855
Watermills, 986, 989
Ruysdael, Salomon, p. 632
Fishing in the River, 1439
Landscape, 1344
Ryckhaert, Martin
Landscape, 1353
Saenredam, Pieter, p. 683
Interior of a Church, 1896
Interior of St. Bavon, 2531
St. Aubin, Augustin de
J. B. Lalli (engraving), 2136
St. Aubin, Gabriel de
Une Parade, 2129
Safleven, Herman
Christ in Peter's Ship, 2062
Salvi. See Sassoferrato
Salviati. See Rossi
San Daniele, Pellegrino da
Madonna and Child, 778
San Severino. See Lorenzo
Santa Croce. See Girolamo
Santi, Giovanni
Madonna and Child, 751
Sanzio. See Raphael
Sarto, Andrea del, p. 352
His own Portrait, 690
Holy Family, 17
Sassetta, Stefano di Giovanni
Heads of Angels, 1842 (p. xxi)
Sassoferrato, p. 203
Madonna and Child, 740
Madonna in Prayer, 200
Savoldo, Giov. Girolamo, p. 462
Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre, 1031
See also 1377
Schalcken, Godfried, p. 202
Candle Light, 999
Duet, 998
Lesbia and the Sparrow, 199
Scouring the Kettle, 997
Scheffer, Ary, p. 566
St. Augustine and St. Monica, 1170
Mrs. R. Hollond (portrait), 1169
Schiavone, Andrea
Jupiter and Semele, 1476
Schiavone, Gregorio, p. 312
Madonna and Child, 904
Madonna Enthroned, 630
Schongauer, Martin, after
See also 658 (p. xix)
Schorel, Jan van, p. 372
Portrait of a Lady, 721
The "Repose," 720
Segna di Buonaventura
A Crucifixion, 567
Sellaio, Jacopo del, p. 712
Venus and Cupids, 916
Virgin and Child, 2492
Siberechts, Jan
The Water Lane, 2130
Sienese School (artists unknown)
Marriage of the Virgin, 1317
Virgin Enthroned, 1108
Signorelli, Luca, p. 541
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1776
Circumcision, 1128
Holy Family, 2488
Nativity, 1133
Triumph of Chastity, 910
Virgin crowned by angels, 1847
Snyders, Frans
Fruit-piece, 1252
Snyers, Pieter
Still Life, 1401
Sodoma, Il, p. 556
"Ecce Homo!" 1337
Madonna and Child, 1144
Solario, Andrea da, p. 377
Giro. Cr. Longono (portrait), 734
Venetian Senator (portrait), 923
Solario, Antonio da
Holy Family, 2503
Sorgh, Hendrick, p. 507
Boors at Cards, 1055
Two Figures drinking, 1056
Spagna, Lo, p. 493
Agony in the Garden, 1032
—— ascribed to
Agony in the Garden, 1812
"Ecce Homo!" 691
Spagnoletto, p. 220
Dead Christ, 235
Shepherd with Lamb, 244
Spanish School
Adoration of Magi, p. 751
Peasant and Child, 2526
Spinello, Aretino, p. 288
Rebel Angels (fresco fragments), 1216
Two Apostles, 276
See also 581, 1468 (pp. xix, xxi)
Steen, Jan, p. 445
Grace before meat, 2558
Interior, 1378
Merry-makers, 2557
Music Master, 856
Oyster Feast, 2559
Pedlar, 2556
Skittle Players, 2560
Terrace Scene, 1421
Woman Asleep, 2555
Steenwyck, Hendrick, p. 547
An Interior, 1132
Church Interiors, 1443, 2204
Steenwyck, Herman
Study of Still Life, 1256
Stephan, Master. See Lochner
Storck, Abraham
View on the Maas, 146
Tacconi, Francesco
Virgin Enthroned, 286
Teniers, David, the elder, p. 476
Conversation, 950
Playing at Bowls, 951
Rocky Landscape, 949
Teniers, the younger, p. 172
Backgammon, 242
Boors Regaling, 158
Card Players, 2600
ChÂteau at Perck, 817
Country Scene, 861
Dives in Hell, 863
Four Seasons, 857-860
Money Changers, 155
Music Party, 154
Old Woman peeling Pears, 805
Old Woman reading, 2601
Surprise, 862
Toper, 953
Village FÊte, 952
Visit to the Doctor, 2599
Terburg, Gerard, p. 447
Guitar Lesson, 864
Man's Portrait, 1399
Peace of MÜnster, 896
Theotocopuli, Domenico, p. 533
Christ in the Temple, 1457
St. Jerome, 1122
Tiepolo, Giov. Battista, p. 577
Deposition, 1333
Designs for Altar-pieces, 1192, 1193
Marriage of Barbarossa, 2100
Virgin and Child, 2513
Tintoretto, p. 84
Christ washing Disciples' Feet, 1130
St. George and the Dragon, 16
The Milky Way, 1313
Tisio. See Garofalo
Titian, p. 63
Bacchus and Ariadne, 35
Holy Family (landscape), 4
Madonna and Child, St. Catherine, etc., 635
"Noli me Tangere," 270
Portrait of Ariosto, 1944
Venus and Adonis, 34
See also 636 (p. xix)
—— School of
Concert, 3
Rape of Ganymede, 32
Tribute Money, 224
Treviso. See Girolamo
Troy, J. F. de
"La Main Chaude," 2216
Tura, Cosimo, p. 399
Madonna and Child, 772
St. Jerome in the Desert, 773
The Virgin Mary, 905
Tuscan School. See 1842 (p. xxi)
Ubertini. See Bacchiacca
Uccello, Paolo
Battle of Sant' Egidio, 583
Ugolino da Siena, p. 576
Betrayal of Christ, 1188
Procession to Calvary, 1189
Umbrian School (artists unknown)
Griselda, 912-914
Madonna and Child, 702
Marcus Curtius, 1304
Portrait of Raphael (?), 2510
St. Catherine, 646
St. Ursula, 647
See also 585 (p. xix)
Unknown. (See under Dutch, Ferrarese, Flemish, Florentine, German, Greek, Italian, Milanese, Sienese, Tuscan, Umbrian, Venetian, and Veronese)
Valdes, Leal, Juan de
Assumption of Virgin, 1291
Vallin, Jacques Antoine
Dr. Forlenze (portrait), 2288
Vannucci, Pietro. See Perugino
Varotari. See Padovanino
Vecellio. See Titian
Velazquez, p. 196
Admiral Pulido Pareja, 1315
Christ at the Column, 1148
Christ in the House of Martha, 1375
Dead Warrior ("El Orlando Muerto"), 741
Philip IV. (portrait bust), 745
—— (portrait; full length), 1129
Venus and Cupid, 2057
Wild Boar Hunt, 197
For copies from Velazquez, see p. 752
See also 1376, 1434 (p. xxi)
—— ascribed to
Betrothal, 1434
Duel in the Prado (sketch), 1376
Velde, Adrian van de, p. 449
Bay Horse, 983
Farm Cottage, 867
Ford, 868
Forest Scene, 982
Frost Scene, 869
Landscape, 1348
Landscape and Cattle, 984
The Little Farm, 2572
Velde, Jan van de
Still Life, 1255
Velde, Willem van de, the younger, p. 169
Calm at Sea, 149, 2573
Calm at Sea (Sir R. Peel's), 874
Coast Scene, 871
Coast of Scheveningen, 873
Dutch Ships of War, 980
Gale, 876
Gale at Sea, 150
Light Breeze, 875
River Scene, 978
Sea Piece, 977
Shipping, 979
—— in a Calm, 870
—— off the Coast, 872
Storm at Sea, 981
Windy Day, 2573
Venetian School (artists unknown)
Adoration of the Shepherds, 1377
Landscape with Nymphs, 1695
Portrait of a Lady, 595
Portraits of Senators, 1489, 1490
See also 1121 (p. xx)
Veneziano, Bartolommeo, p. 249
Portrait of a Lady, 2507
Portrait of Ludovico Martinengo, 287
Veneziano, Domenico, p. 395
Heads of Saints, 766
Madonna and Child, 1215
Venusti, Marcello, p. 578
Christ and the Traders, 1194
Virgin and Child, etc., 1227
Vermeer, Jan, p. 636
Young Lady at the Virginals, 1383
A Lady at the Virginals, 2568
See also 1699 (p. xxi)
—— attributed to
A Family Group, 2764
The Lesson, 1699
Vermeulen, Andries
Scene on the Ice, 1850
Vernet, Claude Joseph, p. 222
Castle of Sant' Angelo, 236
Mediterranean Seaport, 1393
Vernet, Horace
Napoleon I. (portrait), 1285
Veronese, Paolo, p. 95
Adoration of the Magi, 268
Consecration of St. Nicholas, 26
Family of Darius, 294
Happy Union, 1326
Magdalen and her Jewels, 931
Rape of Europa, 97
Respect, 1325
Scorn, 1324
Unfaithfulness, 1318
Vision of St. Helena, 1041
Veronese, Paolo, after
See also 97 (p. xix)
Veronese School (artist unknown)
The Clemency of Trajan, 1135, 1136
Verrocchio, Andrea
Virgin Adoring, 296
Victoors, Jan
Village Cobbler, 1312
Vinci. See Leonardo
Vivarini, Alvise, p. 682
Madonna and Child, 1872
Man in Black, 2095
Portrait of a Youth, 2509
Venetian Gentleman, 2672
Vivarini, Antonio, p. 396
Sts. Francis and Mark, 1284
Sts. Peter and Jerome, 768
Vivarini, Bartolommeo
Virgin and Child, 284
Vliet, Willem van der
Portrait of a Jesuit, 1168
Walscappelle, Jacob
Flowers, Insects, etc., 1002
Weenix, Jan, the younger
Dead Game, 238
Weenix, Jan Baptist
Hunting Scene, 1096
Weier, J.
Battle Scene, 1470
Werden, Meister van
Four Saints, 250
—— 251
Mass of St. Hubert, 253
Werff, Adrian van der
His own portrait, 1660
Wet, Jan de
Landscape, 1342
< br/> Weyden, Roger van der, p. 332
"Ecce Homo!" 712
Mater Dolorosa, 711
Portrait of a Lady, 1433
See also 654, 664
Wils, Jan
Rocky Landscape, 1007
Witte, Emanuel, de
Church Interior, 1053
Wouwerman, J.
Landscape, 1345
Wouwerman, Philips, p. 453
Battle Piece, 976
Bohemians, 2282
Gathering Faggots, 881
Interior of Stable, 879
Landscape, 882
"Pretty Milkmaid," 878
Sandbank, 973
Sea Shore, 880
Shoeing a Horse, 2554
Stag Hunt, 975
The Bohemians, 2282
Vedettes on the Watch, 1060
Wynants, Jan, p. 454
Landscape (crippled beggar), 883
—— (sand dunes), 884
—— (woman on donkey), 971
—— (sportsman and dog), 972
Sandy Lane, 2533
Woman driving Sheep, 2532
Ysenbrandt, Adrian
St. Mary Magdalen,2585
St. Sebastian, 1092
Zais, Giuseppe, p. 607
River Scene, 1297
Rural Landscape, 1296
Zampieri. See Domenichino
Zoppo, Marco
Deposition in the Tomb, 590
Gate of Tower, 2086
Pastoral Landscape, 2087
Zurbaran, Francisco, p. 216
Adoration of the Shepherds, 232
Franciscan Monk, 230
St. Margaret, 1930


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