"King George, observing with judicious eyes A retort (in which the humour is a trifle less spontaneous) was speedily penned by Sir William Browne, who specialised on epigrams and left prizes for their encouragement which are still annually awarded: "The King to Oxford sent a troop of horse, "The antechapel, where the statue stood "Thy mighty Scholiast, whose unwearied pains At Cambridge Dr. Caius gives a long list of University Hostels, filled, within his memory, by zealous students, which, when he wrote had become wholly deserted and taken possession of by the townsfolk. "A little garden little Jowett made, "Come brethren of the water, and let us all assemble "Away with boats and rudders, away with boots and scatches [skates], "Wherefore let us intreat our ancient Winter Nurses ["Jack" here simply means a pike, the average price of which at this time would seem to have been twopence. The "Winter Nurses" are the rivers feeding the Fen.] |