
A " B " C " D " E " F " G " H " I " J " K " L " M " N " O " P " Q " R " S " T " U " V " W " Z


Abimelech, 178.

Abishag, 12, 25, 45 et seq., 95.

Abraham, 156.

Absalom, 45.

Abyssinians, 59.

Acts, 167 et seq.

Adam, 73.

Adonijah, 7, 24, 36, 45, 95.

Agur, 51, 54 et seq.

Ahasuerus, 119.

Ahijah, 37.

Ahithophel, 46.

Ahura Mazda, 64, 75 et seq., 185 et seq.

Akbar, 194.

Aladdin, 234.

Alford, 126, 162, 188.

American Jahvists, 42.

Ammon, 31.

AnÂhita, 183.

ArmaÎti, 62 et seq., 70 et seq., 125.

Asmodeus, 186,235.

Asuga, 15.

Augustine, 218.

Avesta, the, 59 et seq.


Baptism, 182 et seq., 187 et seq.

Bar Jesus, 169.

Bathsheba, 5 et seq., 17 et seq., 24, 30, 48, 67, 101, 179 et seq.

Ben Sira, Jesus, 68, 113, 152, 213.

Bernstein, 47.

Bethlehem, Star of, 183.

Bible, the, as a fetish, 44; falsified, 102; spurious sentences in the, 106.

Birth-legends, 201.

Blemish, without, 147.

Boston, 41.

Brooding spirit, 123.

Budde, Professor Karl, 89.

Buddha, 13, 15, 72, 80.

Bunyan, 130.


Carlyle, 209.

Charlemagne, 22.

Cheyne, Professor, 75, 107.

Chezib, 47.

Christ, 118, 137, 165 et seq., 166. See Jesus.

Christian nations, policy of, 57.

Christism, 132.

Cinderella, 96.

Colenso, 37, 45.

Comparative studies, 20.

Cornill, Professor C. H., 89 et seq.

Cross, the, 232.


Darkness and light, 74 et seq.

Darmesteter, 68, 83, 86.

David, lineage of, 4;
in his dotage, 7, 12;
last words uttered by, 8;
son of, 207 et seq.

Davidson, Dr., 132.

Death, in the Solomonic proverbs, 81;
in the Zoroastrian religion, 82.

Deuteronomy, 41 et seq.

Devil, the, 132 et seq., 239.

Didron, M., 125.

Dillon, 54, 55.

Dove, the, 147.


Earth, 73.

Ecclesiastes, 104 et seq.

Ecclesiasticus, 111 et seq.

El-ElyÔn, 152.

Elohim, 2, 26.

Elohism, 74 et seq.

ElyÔn, 141, 153.

Emerson, 228.

English tolerance toward idolatry, 33, 195.

Esau, 137.

Esther, 62.

Eucharist, 170.

Eusebius, 132.

Evil, personality of, 228.

Ewald, 211.


Faizi, the Persian poet, 88.

Fall of man, 237.

Fear-of-the-Lord wisdom, 77 et seq.

First-born, 134 et seq., 139 et seq.

Folly, Dame, 75 et seq., 215.

Fox, George, 136.

Fravashis, 86.

Frederick the Great, 85.

Free agency, 116.

Fritzsche, 112.


Garrison, William Lloyd, 230.

Gibbon, 115, 176.

Gil Blas, 164.

Goethe, 107.

Gospel, the Fourth, 204.


Hadad, 36.

Harischandra, 144.

Harvard University, 41.

Hebrews, Epistle to the, 129 et seq.

Herder, 90, 94.

Hilkiah, 41.

Hillel, 173.

Holy Spirit, 124, 136 et seq., 184, 189, 221.

Hunt, Leigh, 237.


Illegitimacy, 7, 10.

Immortality, belief in, 80.

Infancy, the, 201;
Gospel of the, 151.

Inman, Dr., 83.

Isaiah, 195, 197.


Jahveh, 2, 26, 38.

Jahvism, 32, 54 et seq., 74 et seq., 89, 106 et seq., 111 et seq., 118 et seq., 132, 143, 191, 194 et seq., 201 et seq., 208, 233.

Jedidiah, 1.

Jemshid, 22.

Jeremiah, 42, 135.

Jeroboam, 37.

Jerusalem, 34, 92.

Jesus, 131, 135 et seq., 147, 148, 162;
rebukes the Jahvist superstition, 57;
genealogies of, 150;
the Pauline dehumanization of, 164 et seq.;
the mythological mantle of Solomon fallen on, 176 et seq.;
temptation of, 189;
as a God, 199 et seq.;
Lazarus and, 202 et seq.;
sayings of, 212;
in relation to woman, 214 et seq.;
His study of Ecclesiasticus, 216 et seq.;
teachings of, 222 et seq.;
the realm of evil and, 225;
separation of good and evil by, 228. See Christ.

Job, 51 et seq., 85, 144.

John the Baptizer, 183 et seq.

Josephus, 155, 159, 161.

Josiah, 39.

Judea, the bodily incarnation of a deity, 129.

Justice, king of, 154.


Koheleth, 67, 99, 104 et seq., 237.


Lazarus, 177, 202 et seq.

Lemuel, King, 67.

Light and darkness, 74 et seq.

Lytton, Lord, 236.


Magdalene, Mary, 102, 190, 233.

Mahol, 2.

Martha, 190.

Martineau, Russell, 93, 96.

Mary, 189 et seq.

Maurice, Rev. F. D., 104.

Maya, 13.

McGiffert, Dr., 134.

Melchizedek, 120, 151 et seq.

Mephistopheles, 235.

Miracles, 165 et seq., 176 et seq.

Missionary propagandists, 171.

Most High, 141.

MÜller, Max, 152.


Nathan, 6 et seq.

Necessity, 195.

Neferhotap, 107.

Newman, Professor, 196.

Nicholson, Dr., 222.


Oberammergau, 192, 234.

Omar KhayyÁm, 71, 73, 76, 109, 173, 195, 242.


Paine, Thomas, 43.

ParsÎ religion, 239.

Passion Play, 193.

Passion, the, 147.

Paul, 80, 132 et seq., 166 et seq., 189, 204 et seq.

Peace, Prince of, 120, 160, 185.

Peace, the queen of, 100.

Persia, 62.

Peter, 157.

Petrie, Mr. Flinders, 28.

Pharaoh-Necho, 39.

Pharaoh’s daughter, 28, 30.

Pharisee, Simon the, 216.

Philo, 125.

Pilate, 232.

Polycrates, ring of, 31.

Preacher, the, 105 et seq.

Proverbs, Book of, 59 et seq.

Proverbs, Solomonic, 87.

Psalter of Solomon, 118.


Quakerism, 136.


Read, General Meredith, 115.

Rebekah, 13.

Renan, 92, 106, 121, 204.

Resurrection from death, 128, 174, 184.

Reuben, 47.

Reuss, Edward, 89.

Rezon, 36.

Ring of Solomon, 185.

Ring, legend of the, 99.

Rousseau, 231.


Sacrifices, human, 35, 135.

SÂdi, 115.

Salem, 155 et seq.

Samaritan woman, the, 219.

Satan, 149.

Satans, Solomon and the, 34.

Saviour, the, 200 et seq.

Scarlet Woman, 76.

Schopenhauer, 237.

Selah, 53.

Sermon on the Mount, 213 et seq., 219 et seq.

Seven, Queen of the, 75.

Seven Sages, the, 16 et seq.

Seven, the number, 16 et seq., 61 et seq.

Shakespeare, 118, 175, 216.

Sheba, Queen of, 59 et seq., 121, 164, 234.

Shelah, 47 et seq.

Shelley, 119.

Sheol, 149.

Shiloh, 49.

Shulamith, 92 et seq., 95 et seq., 190.

Shunammite, 19, 25.

Simon, the Pharisee, 216.

Sin, 172, 243.

Sleeping Hero, 121.

Smith, Joseph, the Mormon, 41.

Solomon, mythology of, 1;
his wisdom, 2;
traditions concerning him, 3 et seq.;
judgment of, 14 et seq.;
the Tibetan, 14, 19;
the wives of, 24 et seq., 36;
not a sensualist, 27;
commercial rÉgime established by him, 29;
his idolatry, 30 et seq.;
his intermarriage with foreigners, 27, 30;
his ring, 31, 185, 237;
the Satans and, 34 et seq.;
in the Hexateuch, 41 et seq.;
the Queen of Sheba and, 60 et seq.;
Moslem mythology of, 64;
writings ascribed to him, 65 et seq.;
his idolatry, 77;
his proverbs, 87;
in the Song of Songs, 96 et seq.;
his idolatrous views, 113;
his worldly wisdom and ethics, 113 et seq.;
evoked in The Wisdom of Solomon, 119 et seq.;
in the Epistle to the Hebrews, 138 et seq.;
transfigured into a type of divine and eternal Sonship, 160;
Christ and, 161;
his mythological mantle falls on Jesus, 176 et seq.;
the heir of his Godhead, 194 et seq.;
the second, 200;
the last, 207 et seq.;
his cult, 211;
in European Folklore, 235;
the folk-tale of his staff, 238.

Solomonism, 51 et seq., 111.

Solon, 22.

Soma plant, 157.

Song of Songs, 89 et seq.

Son of David, 120, 188, 207 et seq.

Son of God, 142 et seq., 148.

Son of Man, 72, 142 et seq., 148.

Sophia Solomontos, 119 et seq.

Soul, 85 et seq.

South, Queen of the, 208 et seq.

Spirit of God, development of the, 122 et seq.

Strickland, Agnes, 210.

Sun-worship, 43.

Supper, the Last, 170 et seq., 193.


Talmudic legend, 10, 18, 30.

Tamar, 48, 179.

Temptation of Jesus, 189.

Tennyson, 104.

Theocratic principle, the, 129.

Tirza, 92.

Toleration, religious, 195, 332.

Transfiguration, the, 191.

Tyndall, 105.

Tzedek, 158.


Underworld, the, 82.

Uriah, the Hittite, 9, 30

UsinÁra, King, 146.


Vanity of vanities, 105 et seq.

Vaudeville songs, 91.

VendÎdÂd, 16, 72 et seq.

Vice societies, 94.

Virgin, the, 180 et seq.

VisÁkhÁ, 13,18 et seq.

VÎstÂspa, King, 65.


Wace, 112.

Wandering Jew, 119 et seq., 206.

Will, freedom of the, 116.

Wisdom, personification of, 68 et seq.;
in cosmogony, 69;
Book of, 111 et seq.;
as the Mother, 125.

Wisdom of Solomon, the book, 118 et seq.;
compared with the Epistle to the Hebrews, etc., 133.

Wise Man, 159.

Wise Men, 181 et seq.

Woman, taken in adultery, 218.

Word, the, 126 et seq.

Wrath, the, 224.


Zadok, 159.

Zoroaster, 62, 71, 77, 82, 84, 135, 177, 186 et seq., 195.

Zoroastrian theology, 141, 229.


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