A Abimelech, . Abishag, , , et seq., . Abraham, . Absalom, . Abyssinians, . Acts, et seq. Adam, . Adonijah, , , , , . Agur, , et seq. Ahasuerus, . Ahijah, . Ahithophel, . Ahura Mazda, , et seq., et seq. Akbar, . Aladdin, . Alford, , , . American Jahvists, . Ammon, . AnÂhita, . ArmaÎti, et seq., et seq., . Asmodeus, ,235. Asuga, . Augustine, . Avesta, the, et seq. B Baptism, et seq., et seq. Bar Jesus, . Bathsheba, et seq., et seq., , , , , , et seq. Ben Sira, Jesus, , , , . Bernstein, . Bethlehem, Star of, . Bible, the, as a fetish, ; falsified, ; spurious sentences in the, . Birth-legends, . Blemish, without, . Boston, . Brooding spirit, . Budde, Professor Karl, . Buddha, , , , . Bunyan, . C Carlyle, . Charlemagne, . Cheyne, Professor, , . Chezib, . Christ, , , et seq., . See Jesus. Christian nations, policy of, . Christism, . Cinderella, . Colenso, , . Comparative studies, . Cornill, Professor C. H., et seq. Cross, the, . D Darkness and light, et seq. Darmesteter, , , . David, lineage of, ; in his dotage, , ; last words uttered by, ; son of, et seq. Davidson, Dr., . Death, in the Solomonic proverbs, ; in the Zoroastrian religion, . Deuteronomy, et seq. Devil, the, et seq., . Didron, M., . Dillon, , . Dove, the, . E Earth, . Ecclesiastes, et seq. Ecclesiasticus, et seq. El-ElyÔn, . Elohim, , . Elohism, et seq. ElyÔn, , . Emerson, . English tolerance toward idolatry, , . Esau, . Esther, . Eucharist, . Eusebius, . Evil, personality of, . Ewald, . F Faizi, the Persian poet, . Fall of man, . Fear-of-the-Lord wisdom, et seq. First-born, et seq., et seq. Folly, Dame, et seq., . Fox, George, . Fravashis, . Frederick the Great, . Free agency, . Fritzsche, . G Garrison, William Lloyd, . Gibbon, , . Gil Blas, . Goethe, . Gospel, the Fourth, . H Hadad, . Harischandra, . Harvard University, . Hebrews, Epistle to the, et seq. Herder, , . Hilkiah, . Hillel, . Holy Spirit, , et seq., , , . Hunt, Leigh, . I Illegitimacy, , . Immortality, belief in, . Infancy, the, ; Gospel of the, . Inman, Dr., . Isaiah, , . J Jahveh, , , . Jahvism, , et seq., et seq., , et seq., et seq., et seq., , , , et seq., et seq., , . Jedidiah, . Jemshid, . Jeremiah, , . Jeroboam, . Jerusalem, , . Jesus, , et seq., , , ; rebukes the Jahvist superstition, ; genealogies of, ; the Pauline dehumanization of, et seq.; the mythological mantle of Solomon fallen on, et seq.; temptation of, ; as a God, et seq.; Lazarus and, et seq.; sayings of, ; in relation to woman, et seq.; His study of Ecclesiasticus, et seq.; teachings of, et seq.; the realm of evil and, ; separation of good and evil by, . See Christ. Job, et seq., , . John the Baptizer, et seq. Josephus, , , . Josiah, . Judea, the bodily incarnation of a deity, . Justice, king of, . L Lazarus, , et seq. Lemuel, King, . Light and darkness, et seq. Lytton, Lord, . M Magdalene, Mary, , , . Mahol, . Martha, . Martineau, Russell, , . Mary, et seq. Maurice, Rev. F. D., . Maya, . McGiffert, Dr., . Melchizedek, , et seq. Mephistopheles, . Miracles, et seq., et seq. Missionary propagandists, . Most High, . MÜller, Max, . N Nathan, et seq. Necessity, . Neferhotap, . Newman, Professor, . Nicholson, Dr., . O Oberammergau, , . Omar KhayyÁm, , , , , , , . P Paine, Thomas, . ParsÎ religion, . Passion Play, . Passion, the, . Paul, , et seq., et seq., , et seq. Peace, Prince of, , , . Peace, the queen of, . Persia, . Peter, . Petrie, Mr. Flinders, . Pharaoh-Necho, . Pharaoh’s daughter, , . Pharisee, Simon the, . Philo, . Pilate, . Polycrates, ring of, . Preacher, the, et seq. Proverbs, Book of, et seq. Proverbs, Solomonic, . Psalter of Solomon, . R Read, General Meredith, . Rebekah, . Renan, , , , . Resurrection from death, , , . Reuben, . Reuss, Edward, . Rezon, . Ring of Solomon, . Ring, legend of the, . Rousseau, . S Sacrifices, human, , . SÂdi, . Salem, et seq. Samaritan woman, the, . Satan, . Satans, Solomon and the, . Saviour, the, et seq. Scarlet Woman, . Schopenhauer, . Selah, . Sermon on the Mount, et seq., et seq. Seven, Queen of the, . Seven Sages, the, et seq. Seven, the number, et seq., et seq. Shakespeare, , , . Sheba, Queen of, et seq., , , . Shelah, et seq. Shelley, . Sheol, . Shiloh, . Shulamith, et seq., et seq., . Shunammite, , . Simon, the Pharisee, . Sin, , . Sleeping Hero, . Smith, Joseph, the Mormon, . Solomon, mythology of, ; his wisdom, ; traditions concerning him, et seq.; judgment of, et seq.; the Tibetan, , ; the wives of, et seq., ; not a sensualist, ; commercial rÉgime established by him, ; his idolatry, et seq.; his intermarriage with foreigners, , ; his ring, , , ; the Satans and, et seq.; in the Hexateuch, et seq.; the Queen of Sheba and, et seq.; Moslem mythology of, ; writings ascribed to him, et seq.; his idolatry, ; his proverbs, ; in the Song of Songs, et seq.; his idolatrous views, ; his worldly wisdom and ethics, et seq.; evoked in The Wisdom of Solomon, et seq.; in the Epistle to the Hebrews, et seq.; transfigured into a type of divine and eternal Sonship, ; Christ and, ; his mythological mantle falls on Jesus, et seq.; the heir of his Godhead, et seq.; the second, ; the last, et seq.; his cult, ; in European Folklore, ; the folk-tale of his staff, . Solomonism, et seq., . Solon, . Soma plant, . Song of Songs, et seq. Son of David, , , et seq. Son of God, et seq., . Son of Man, , et seq., . Sophia Solomontos, et seq. Soul, et seq. South, Queen of the, et seq. Spirit of God, development of the, et seq. Strickland, Agnes, . Sun-worship, . Supper, the Last, et seq., . T Talmudic legend, , , . Tamar, , . Temptation of Jesus, . Tennyson, . Theocratic principle, the, . Tirza, . Toleration, religious, , 332. Transfiguration, the, . Tyndall, . Tzedek, . U Underworld, the, . Uriah, the Hittite, , UsinÁra, King, . V Vanity of vanities, et seq. Vaudeville songs, . VendÎdÂd, , et seq. Vice societies, . Virgin, the, et seq. VisÁkhÁ, ,18 et seq. VÎstÂspa, King, . W Wace, . Wandering Jew, et seq., . Will, freedom of the, . Wisdom, personification of, et seq.; in cosmogony, ; Book of, et seq.; as the Mother, . Wisdom of Solomon, the book, et seq.; compared with the Epistle to the Hebrews, etc., . Wise Man, . Wise Men, et seq. Woman, taken in adultery, . Word, the, et seq. Wrath, the, . Z Zadok, . Zoroaster, , , , , , , , et seq., . Zoroastrian theology, , . |