Colophon Availability


This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at

Scans of this work are available from the Internet Archive (Volume I, copy 1, 2, 3, 4; Volume II, copy 1, 2).

A new cover design has been prepared by the transcriber, who claims no copyright on this design.

Related Library of Congress catalog page: 16489728.

Related Open Library catalog page (for work): OL8522799W.

Related WorldCat catalog page: 2604099.


Revision History

  • 2012-08-31 started.

External References

The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction
8, 345 Erinys Erinyes
14 forms of the same word from words once interchangeable
16 in ‘demon.’ Persian div, demon.
17 [Not in source] , but the origin of these names is doubtful.
19 seducer coverer
38, 187, 248, 342, 221, 297, 316 [Not in source] .
62 sacrifice king
62 [Not in source] was a name almost synonymous with human sacrifice. It
85, 127, 315 [Deleted]
87, 106, 136, 254, N.A., 282, 340, 52, 52, 56, 58, 110, 113, 183 [Not in source]
101 thereform therefrom
107, 468, 471 Viracvcha Viracocha
159 makes makest
187 strong against God of doubtful meaning
188 [Not in source] , according to Aben Ezra (Preface to Esther),
188 the Goat Ashima
202 , .
208 n’etait n’Était
208 convert couvert
208 legÈre lÉgÈre
242 aerial aËrial
270 acknowleged acknowledged
274 eteranal eternal
347, 70, 239 though through
351 Egytians Egyptians
353 Anthrophological Anthropological
356, 428
363 InguanidÆ IguanidÆ
377 idlesse idlenesse
391 Yamati-no-oroti Yamati-no-orochi
35 Englise English
66 [Not in source]
89 [Not in source] , whose name is written ‘good Eve’ in a Conventry verse, 1494
168 anwers answers
173 der de
208 sucessively successively
236 BhÀvagÀt-Gita BhÀgavÀt-Gita
254 elaboboration elaboration
263 AnrÔmainyus AnrÔ-mainyus
273 cencertos concertos
280 knowlege knowledge
293 godesses goddesses
294 accompaning accompanying
315 1792 1692
318 similiar similar
323 Magaret Margaret
337 magican magician
340 Jerusalen Jerusalem
361 And it was from this uncanny fellow that the protestants of France, hunted by the like of him, acquired the name—Huguenots—now risen to honour. Upon this uncanny fellow fell the spectral mantle of Hugo Capet; elsewhere as is probable, worn by nocturnal protestant assemblies—Huguenots.
362 Caspar’s Rodolph’s
412 substitue substitute
443 aminal animal
445 sinners sins
457 —— Angel
465 LukshmÍ LakshmÍ
468 of off
469 Scandra Scanda
471 VisvÂmitra ViswÁmitra

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